screenshot of Ash Ketchum holding a Beast Ball in the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime

How to Get Beast Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

That's all you'll need to catch a giant bodybuilding mutant red fly.

Among the many Poke Balls you can collect and use in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, one in particular stands out the most: Beast Balls. There are a few Beast Balls available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, so here’s what they do and how you get them.

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What Are Beast Balls in Pokemon?

Beast Balls are a special kind of Poke Ball introduced in Pokemon Sun and Moon, made specifically to capture the game’s legendary Ultra Beasts. Ultra Beasts don’t behave like regular Pokemon, so regular Poke Balls don’t work on these creatures from beyond the rift (with the sole exception of the Master Ball). So researchers from the Aether Foundation developed the Beast Ball variation completely dedicated to these Pokemon.

Ultra Beasts aren’t in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but their special Beast Balls are, and you can use them against regular Pokemon if you’re so inclined. Although, Beast Balls will almost always fail when used against regular Pokemon.

A regular Poke Ball has a catch modifier of x1; a Beast Ball has a catch modifier of x0.1 when used against a normal Pokemon and x5 when used against an Ultra Beast, meaning a Beast Ball is about 10 times worse than a regular Poke Ball in most situations.

So what’s the point of the Beast Ball in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? There’s only one situation where you might want to use one: catching Pokemon in Tera Raid Battles.

At the end of a Tera Raid Battle, you’ll have the opportunity to catch the Pokemon you defeated with a 100% guaranteed catch rate regardless of the Poke Ball’s modifiers. This allows you to use whichever Pokeball you’d like and not have to worry about failing the catch. The Beast Ball won’t do anything special here, but if you like the aesthetic of it, this would be your chance to use it.

How to Get Beast Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

You can get one Beast Ball by catching all of the 400 different Pokemon in Paldea, thus completing the Paldean Pokedex, and then speaking to Professor Jacq in the Academy in Mesagoza. The main reward for this feat is the Shiny Charm, but this exquisite ball is also welcome.

Beast Ball reward in the paldean Pokedex in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Screenshot by Prima Games

If you’re looking for more Beast Balls, you’ll need luck (and patience) on your side. They’re obtainable as a potential reward from the Academy Ace Tournament unlocked in the post-game, but there’s only a small chance you will get a Beast Ball as a random reward, so you’ll likely have to try quite a few times. At least you can also make some easy money from the tournament.

Aside from that, there are no other ways to obtain a Beast Ball in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s base game. But it’s not as we need them, as Ultra Beasts are not available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. They might introduce them at a later date, such as in 7-star Tera Raids, but as for now, Ultra Beasts aren’t in the game at all, and we don’t expect to see them any time soon.

How to Get Beast Balls from the Item Printer in The Indigo Disk DLC

While you’re quite limited in your access to Beast Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s base game, if you have the Indigo Disk DLC, you can potentially get a steady supply of them from the Item Printer in the League Club Room.

You’ll have to first unlock access to the Item Printer through the PC by contributing 200 BP to the Blueberry Academy Science Club. But once you have the printer, you can waltz up to it, dump several Pokemon materials into it, pay a small BP toll, and the printer will give you a random assortment of items.

To get rare Poke Balls like the Beast Ball from the Item Printer, you’ll want to unlock the Poke Lotto feature by upgrading the printer twice. Complete 25 prints, and you’ll be able to contribute 200 BP for the first upgrade. Complete another 80 prints, and you can contribute 500 BP for the second upgrade, unlocking the Poke Lotto.

With this second upgrade, there is a 1% chance you’ll activate the Poke Ball Lotto, which will give you the opportunity to print a random assortment of rare Poke Balls. You’ll still need to contribute materials and BP to print the Poke Balls, but you have a small chance here (~1.75% – 0.75%) for some very rare Poke Balls, including Beast Balls and even Master Balls if you’re so lucky.

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Image of Patrick Souza
Patrick Souza
Patrick has been working for Prima since 2022 and joined as a Staff Writer in 2023. He's been interested in gaming journalism since college, and that was the path he took once he had his degree in hands. Diligently ignores his ever-growing backlog to keep raiding in Final Fantasy XIV, exploring in Genshin Impact or replaying some of his favorite RPGs from time to time. Loves tackling hard challenges in games, but his cats are still the hardest bosses he could ask for.