Pokemon Scarlet and Violet promo image of two player characters riding Miraidon and Koraidon.

What is Title Power in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? – Answered

A mark in excellence.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have some systems that aren’t explained super well to new players. If you’ve been around the block before, then titles and marks aren’t something new to you, but “Title Power” might be. So, what is Title Power in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? Well, we have the answer for you below.

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What is Title Power in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? – Answered

Title Power is a buff given to you when eating certain sandwiches using Herba Mystica as a condiment ingredient. Title Power increases your chances of finding a Pokemon with a mark.

What is a Mark?

A mark is a special seal given to a Pokemon for various reasons; alongside it comes a unique title that can be seen when you use the Pokemon in battle. So, for instance, if you happen to catch the Charizard in the special seven-star Tera Raid event, you’ll notice it is called “Charizard the Unrivaled” because it has a special mark only that Charizard has.

Some of these marks are obtained from catching Pokemon under certain conditions, while others involve raising the pocket monsters’ friendship. You’re not guaranteed to find a mark on every Pokemon, which is why using “Title Power” is crucial if you want a unique title for your Pokemon.

All Marks in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Here is a list of all the marks in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and the titles they’ll give:

MarkTitleMethod of Obtaining
Mightiest Markthe UnrivaledAttached on Pokemon caught in 7-Star Tera Raids.
Gourmand Markthe GourmetMake a sandwhich with a Pokemon or purchase a food item in a shop.
Partner Markthe Reliable PartnerWalk around with a Pokemon that has a Friendship level of 200 or higher.
Rare Markthe RecluseExtremely small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Titan Markthe Former TitanOn Pokemon that were formerly Titans.
Uncommon Markthe SociableSmall chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Rowdy Markthe RowdyVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Dawn Markthe Early RiserFound on Pokemon caught in the morning.
Dusk Markthe DozyFound on Pokemon caught in the evening.
Sleepy-time Markthe SleepyFound on Pokemon caught at night.
Lunchtime Markthe PeckishFound on Pokemon caught in the middle of the day.
Cloudy markthe Cloud WatcherFound on Pokemon caught in overcast weather.
Rainy Markthe SoddenFound on Pokemon caught in rainy weather.
Stormy Markthe ThunderstruckFound on Pokemon caught in stormy weather.
Sandstorm Markthe SandsweptFound on Pokemon caught in a sandstorm.
Blizzard Markthe Shivering.Found on Pokemon caught in a snowstorm.
Snowy Markthe Snow FrolickerFound on Pokemon caught while it’s snowing.
Zoned-Out Markthe DaydreamerVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Absent-Minded Markthe SpaceyVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Upbeat Markthe ChipperVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Scowling Markthe SternVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Peeved Markthe GrumpyVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Destiny Markthe Chosen OneFound on wild Pokemon on the day set as your birthday.
Itemfinder Markthe Treasure HunterRandomly given to a Pokemon after it finds an item in Let’s Go mode.
Jumbo Markthe GreatGiven to a Pokemon with max size value by an NPC in Mesagoza.
Mini Markthe TeenyGiven to a Pokemon with minimum size value by an NPC in Mesagoza.
Alpha Markthe Former AlphaOn Pokemon that were previously an Alpha in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
Humble Markthe HumbleVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Teary Markthe Teary-EyedVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Kindly Markthe KindheartedVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Jittery Markthe AnxiousVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Excited Markthe GiddyVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Charismatic Markthe RadiantVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Calmness Markthe SereneVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Intense Markthe FeistyVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Joyful Markthe JoyfulVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Angry Markthe FuriousVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Smiley Markthe BeamingVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Intellectual Markthe ScholarVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Ferocious Markthe RampagingVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Crafty Markthe OpportunistVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Flustered Markthe Easily FlusteredVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Pumped-Up Markthe DrivenVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Zero Energy Markthe ApatheticVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Prideful Markthe ArrogantVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Unsure Markthe ReluctantVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Thorny Markthe PompousVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Vigor Markthe LivelyVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.
Slump Markthe Worn-OutVery small chance of being found on any Pokemon.

Title Power Sandwich Recipes

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet screenshot of a Title Power Level 3 Sandwich.
Screenshot by Prima Games

Title Power sandwiches use Herba Mystica in their ingredients, meaning, they won’t be easy to craft. You’ll need to first collect Herba Mystica as a reward from 5- and 6-Star Tera Raids. Once you have enough, you can then use them to craft the following recipe. Note that this recipe is also one of the recipes you’ll want to use to make Sparkling Power Level 3 sandwiches:

  • Select two Herba Mystica of any flavor.
  • Select one of each of the following ingredients:
    • Green Pepper.
    • Hamburger.
    • Onion.
    • Tomato.
  • Select two portions of one of the following ingredients, specific to which type of Pokemon you’re hunting for:
BugCherry Tomato
DarkSmoked Fillet
ElectricYellow Pepper
FireRed Pepper
GhostRed Onion
IceKlawf Stick
PoisonGreen Bell Pepper

First discovered by Twitter user Silent DestroySR, this sandwich recipe will not only give you Title Power Level 3, but also Sparkling Power Level 3 and Encounter Power Level 3. This makes it the ultimate sandwich for finding special Pokemon, whether it be equipped with Marks or appearing in an alternate Shiny form.

How to Get the Mark Charm in The Indigo Disk DLC

If you have access to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC, you can obtain the Mark Charm to increase your odds of finding Marks on Pokemon. To get the Mark Charm, you’ll have to complete the Blueberry Pokedex, registering all 240 Pokemon appearing in The Indigo Disk. Once you’ve accomplished this, you can head on over to Director Cyrano at the Blueberry Academy’s entrance. Simply speak to him, and Cyrano will hand you the Mark Charm after taking a peak at your completed Pokedex.

Much like how the Shiny Charm increases Shiny odds, the Mark Charm will triple your odds of finding a Pokemon with a Mark. Odds for finding a Mark on a Pokemon vary from 1/25 to 1/1000 depending on the Mark in question, but most Marks have about a 1/100 chance of appearing. The Mark Charm, tripling these odds, makes it extremely likely that you’ll start finding Marks on many Pokemon.

How to Give Your Pokemon a Title

Pokemon with Marks won’t automatically have their unique Title appear when thrown out in battle. Instead, you’ll have to assign a Pokemon’s Mark for them. To do this, place the Pokemon with a Mark in your party, then select it to Check Summary. Tab over to the third page in the Pokemon’s Summary, and if it has a Mark or Ribbon, you can press the A button to pull up a list of Marks and Ribbons that Pokemon has. Select the Mark with the Title you want your Pokemon to have in battle, and it will assign that Title to your Pokemon. Now when you throw that Pokemon out into battle, it should have its Title appear next to its name.

And that’s everything you need to know about Title Power and how to get it. For more tips, tricks, and guides, check out Prima Games. Here’s where to catch Flutter Mane in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

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