Palworld is a blast to play with friends, but trying to find them at first can be a chore in and of itself. How can you go about seeing your friends on the map in this wild multiplayer experience?
How To See Friends on Palworld Map

If keeping an eye on a troublemaker is all part of your plan, knowing where other players are is rather important. While the game doesn’t tell you much about Guilds, they’re a major factor in keeping track of where players are hiding at the moment, since it gives you their exact location at any time.

By opening the menu with either ESC on your Keyboard or Start/Options on a controller, you can navigate to the Guild tab. This is located to the right of the Paldeck, or left of options. Once inside of this menu, you can change the Guild name, and see which players are online and active during your session. No matter if you’re running a standard dedicated server or are paying to rent one, this is a great option to see if people are pulling their fair share of the weight on your session.
To join another player’s guild, approach them and press the corresponding button on your screen to join. The Guild Master will see your request and can either approve or deny it, but after the Guild has been put together, player indicators will now be available on your map, no matter where you are. This is great, especially for those that find an exciting new Pal like Daedream and want to share in the moment with everyone else.
Be sure to check out our Palworld section below to learn more about how Egg Spawns work and see what other types of madcap adventures await you in this hilarious new survival/crafting world.
Published: Jan 22, 2024 8:58 PM UTC