Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have a lush array of Pokemon scattered across the fields and mountains of its diverse Paldea region, but it’s legendary Pokemon aren’t so easy to find. Luckily, we’re here to help: here’s every legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and how to get them.
All Legendary Locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet feature six legendary Pokemon in its base game: the two box legendaries, Koraidon and Miraidon, and the legendary quartet—four legendary Pokemon hidden away within shrines. As a Pokemon master, you’ll likely want to catch ’em all, but doing so is no easy task. And it goes without saying, you won’t be able to obtain them until the end of the game.
Koraidon / Miraidon
Yes, you obtain Koraidon and Miraidon at the beginning of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but it won’t yet fight alongside you. What you may not realize is that there’s a second Koraidon / Miraidon in the game that will. You can add it to your team, but you won’t be able to catch it until after you completely finish the game’s story.
Depending on what version you buy, you’ll be able to encounter either Koraidon or Miraidon deep within Area Zero. Go to the fourth Research Station then head downward, toward the lab where you fought Professor Turo or Sada. You should see it as you descend, as it’s on a long, elevated path beside the lab.
The secondary Koraidon / Miraidon you encounter will be the same as the ridable one you obtain at the beginning of the game: Koraidon for Pokemon Scarlet and Miraidon for Pokemon Violet. If you want the opposite box legendary, you can trade this second Koraidon / Miraidon and still retain your ridable legendary from the beginning of the game.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Legendary Quartet Locations
It’s likely that you’ve seen some ominous black stakes scattered across Paldea. Pull them, and they’ll open up a few shrines where some particularly powerful Pokemon will pop out. These Pokemon are Scarlet and Violet’s legendary quartet, and they’re associated with a dark curse.
But if you don’t speak to your history professor, it’s possible you won’t learn the precise locations of where the legendary quartet’s shrines are. Fortunately, Prima Games has you covered.
Wo Chien is in the purple Grasswither Shrine located in South Province Area One. Fly to the lighthouse and then head East, past the ruins. Its shrine will be embedded in the rock wall, separating you from the large plateau that separates South Province Area One from South Province Area Five.
To open the purple shrine and get Wo-Chien, you need to pull the eight purple stakes across Paldea. After all the purple stakes have been pulled, you’ll find Wo-Chien standing in front of the door of it’s shrine.
Wo-Chien Purple Stake Locations
The purple stakes are all scattered along the cliffs of the southwest portion of Paldea’s map, and they’re probably some of the first you’ll come across as they reach into the starting areas of the game:
- South Province Area Four (atop the cliffs with a small pond / stream directly south of Los Platos).
- South Province Area Five (on the cliffs directly northeast of Los Platos).
- South Province Area One (on the cliff right beside the sluice gate that bridges South Province Areas One and Three).
- South Province Area Five (Atop the tallest cliff point in the Area east of Los Platos).
- South Province Area Five (near a small pond on the cliffs above the purple shrine and overlooking the South Paldean Sea).
- South Province Area Three (on the cliffs just ahead and west of the Pokemon Center).
- East Province Area One (on the green cliff jutting into South Province Area Three, just a little north of the South Province Area Three’s Watchtower).
- On a cliff just outside Artazon beside the Artazon (West) Pokemon Center.
Chien Pao
Chien Pao is held in the yellow Icerend Shrine, and it can be found in West Province Area One, close to where the cliffs meet the sea. You’ll have to do some climbing to reach it, as its shrine is tucked away on a small rock shelf. Don’t give up if you don’t see it immediately, just keep exploring the shelves that face toward the sea, close to the tunnel that cuts through this section of the mountain.
To open the yellow shrine and get Chien Pao, you need to pull the eight yellow stakes across Paldea. After all the yellow stakes have been pulled, you’ll find Chien Pao standing in front of the door of it’s shrine.
Chien Pao Yellow Stake Locations
Most of the yellow stakes in Paldea can be found among the cliffs in the southwest region, with a few scattered closer to the western center of the map:
- West Province Area One (by the West Paldean Sea).
- West Province Area One (on a Pokeball-shaped landmark).
- West Province Area One (near the Pokemon Center south of Asado Desert).
- Beside a tree atop west Cascaraffa.
- South Province Area Two (west of the Pokemon League, just outside the Great Crater).
- South Province Area Six (northeast of Alfornada).
- South Province Area Six (east of Alfornada).
- In a cave north of Alfornada.
Ting-Lu is in the green Groundblight Shrine found in Socarrat Trail. Find the Southern Path then cross the river immediately parallel to it. Head towards the rocky plateau, going toward its center. There will be a beaten path that will lead to Ting-Lu’s shrine.
To open the green shrine and get Ting-Lu, you need to pull the eight green stakes across Paldea. After all the green stakes have been pulled, you’ll find Ting-Lu standing in front of the door of it’s shrine.
Ting-Lu Green Stake Locations
The green stake locations primarily surround Casseroya Lake in the northwest of Paldea:
- West Province Area Two (Inside the cavernous area among the northeast cliffs beside Asado Desert).
- West Province Area Two (near the river and footbridge separating the province from Casseroya Lake).
- On the southeast end of the Casseroya Lake Islet.
- On the tall rock formation in Casseroya Lake south of the Islet.
- Southwest Casseroya Lake (on the cliff past the river just north of Porto Marinada).
- Northwest Casseroya Lake (on the rocks beside some ruins near southwest Socarrat Trail).
- Northeast Casseroya Lake (on the side of Glaseado Mountain, closer to Socarrat Trail).
- West Province Area Three (atop the waterfall on Glaseado Mountain that creates the stream separating the province from Casseroya Lake).
Chi-Yu is in the blue Firescourge Shrine at the top of Fury Falls in North Province Area Two. fly to the Pokemon Center then climb the falls to the very top. There will be a cave that you can enter that will be crawling with Houndoom and Houndour.
To open the blue shrine and get Chi-Yu, you need to pull the eight blue stakes across Paldea. After all the blue stakes have been pulled, you’ll find Chi-Yu floating in front of the door of it’s shrine.
Chi-Yu Blue Stake Locations
The blue stakes can be found clustered around the northeast outside of Glaseado Mountain:
- Atop the cliff towering right beside the Levincia Lighthouse.
- North Province Area One (on the cliffs northeast of the Tagtree Thicket).
- North Province Area One (atop the tallest rock formation northeast of the Pokemon Center).
- North Province Area One (on the green path above the beach tucked behind north Glaseado Mountain).
- North Province Area Two (up the eastern cliff right beside the Pokemon Center).
- Atop Fury Falls, above the cave to the blue shrine.
- North Province Area Two (in the ruins southeast of Fury Falls).
- Southeast Glaseado Mountain (beside a tree way up above the crescent-shaped pond in Poison Crew’s Base).
All Legendary Locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask DLC
With the inclusion of the Kitakami region in The Teal Mask DLC, four new legendary Pokemon have been introduced to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You’ll frequently encounter these four legendary Pokemon throughout The Teal Mask’s story, but you won’t be able to catch them until you finish up the DLC.

Ogerpon is the first legendary Pokemon you’ll catch in The Teal Mask. You’ll have the opportunity to catch Ogerpon as a part of The Teal Mask’s story during its conclusion. Follow the quest markers, and you’ll eventually end up in front of Ogerpon’s cave, the Dreaded Den, on Oni Mountain.
Ogerpon will be eager to go with you, but it won’t go passively—you’ll still need to prove your worth and put up a fight. You’ll need to survive a battle of attrition and reduce Ogerpon’s HP four times as it cycles through its various masks. At the end of the battle, you’ll have a guaranteed chance of catching it, much like in a Tera Raid den.
After the conclusion of The Teal Mask’s story, you can find Okidogi hanging out where you first fought it in the northwestern-most part of Paradise Barrens. Fly to the Paradise Barrens waypoint, then head just a little to the north, outside of the pillar-like rock formations.
After the conclusion of The Teal Mask’s story, you can find Munkidori somberly looking over the water where you first fought it in the southwestern-most part of the Kitakami map. Fly over to Wisteria Pond, and you should see it right away on the inland divot of the pond.
After the conclusion of The Teal Mask’s story, you can find Fezandipiti floating on the cliff face where you first fought it on eastern Oni mountain near Fallen Horn. Fly to Fallen Horn, and hop on Koraidon / Miraidon. Glide ahead a little and climb up the tall rock formation directly in front of you. From there, you should have a clear shot of the cliff where Fezandipiti is hanging out in front of a cave entrance to Chilling Waterhead. It’s a bit of an alcove with a waterfall beside it and a tall rock formation that holds a single tree in front.
All Legendary Locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Indigo Disk DLC
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk DLC is Part Two of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero expansion, and it brings with it one brand new legendary Pokemon, four new paradox legendaries, and 26 legendary Pokemon returning from previous games. That makes a grand total of 31 legendary Pokemon you can find and catch in The Indigo Disk.

Terapogos is the mascot legendary for The Indigo Disk, and you’ll automatically encounter it towards the end of the DLC’s main storyline. The location of Terapogos is deep in Area Zero, and the path to it is extremely linear. After you’ve found and battled it, you’ll have a guaranteed chance of catching it.
Paradox Legendary Locations
While Walking Wake and Iron Leaves were previously available in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet through a special Tera Raid event, The Indigo Disk introduces four new paradox legendries that you can catch in the wild, all of which are version exclusives:
- Raging Bolt: exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet.
- Gouging Fire: exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet.
- Iron Crown: exclusive to Pokemon Violet.
- Iron Boulder: exclusive to Pokemon Violet.
In the Indigo Disk, Walking Wake and Iron Leaves remain event-exclusive Pokemon. The only way you can catch these two Pokemon is by participating in their Tera Raid Battles, which seem to occur every so often as special events. Despite being unobtainable through regular means, Walking Wake and Iron Leaves have their own entries in the Blueberry Pokedex. However, they will not count towards your completion of the Pokedex, meaning you do not need to register them in order to claim Pokedex completion rewards.
To unlock the paradox legendaries and have them spawn in the wild, you’ll need to talk to Perrin and register at least 200 Pokemon in the Blueberry Academy’s Pokedex. After registering 200 Pokedex entries, Perrin will show you photos of the two paradox legendaries you can find in your version of the game, indicating their locations.
All of Indigo Disk’s paradox legendaries will be hanging out in Area Zero once you’ve spawned them:
Iron Crown
From the entrance to Area Zero, move directly ahead and jump over the railing on the cliff and start gliding down. Immediately turn around to face the cliff after you jump and glide down into the alcove in the wall right under the cliff. You’ll find Iron Crown a little ways in, standing not too far from the alcove’s entrance.
Iron Boulder
In Area Zero, transfer or glide down to Research Base #3. Hop on down the cliff so that you’re on the ground at the bottom of the giant stone slab formation leaning against the cliff of Research Base #3. Move behind the giant stone slab, and Iron Boulder will be standing directly underneath the Research Base.
Gouging Fire
From Area Zero’s entrance, you can see four waterfalls around the perimeter of the crater. Gouging Fire will be standing atop the center waterfall directly ahead of Area Zero’s entrance. You’ll be able to reach this location a lot faster if you’ve unlocked the ability to fly. Once you reach the top of the waterfall, you’ll see Gouging Fire standing right next to the large satellite dish.
Raging Bolt
From Area Zero’s entrance, you can see four waterfalls around the perimeter of the crater. Raging Bolt will be at the base of the right-most waterfall from Area Zero’s entrance. Glide down to the bottom of the waterfall, and you’ll find Raging Bolt standing front and center.
Returning Legendary Locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Indigo Disk

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Indigo Disk DLC features 25 legendary Pokemon returning from previous games. You’ll unlock the ability to find returning legendaries in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s The Indigo Disk DLC after completing the DLC’s main storyline.
You’ll have to approach an NPC named Snacksworth standing beside the Blueberry Academy Entrance, and he’ll hand you a random snack associated with a specific legendary Pokemon for every 10 BBQs you complete. Below, you’ll find a list of each catchable legendary Pokemon in the Indigo Disk and their locations:
- Articuno: Glaseado Mountain, east of Montenevera.
- Zapdos: South Province: Area One, atop the lighthouse outside Levincia.
- Moltres: Asado Desert, mid-north atop one of the large rock structures.
- Raikou: West Province: Area One, on the cliff edge of the small lake at the end of the river.
- Entei: East Province: Area Three, on the cliff farthest east.
- Suicune: Casseroya Lake, on the small western-most island in the lake.
- Lugia: North Paldean Sea, in the waters just north of an island above North Province: Area One.
- Ho-Oh: South Province: Area Four, on the southern cliffs directly to the east of Alfornada.
- Latios: South Province: Area Four, on the beach between Alfornada and Cabo Poco.
- Latias: North Province: Area Two, beside the water of a small lake just north of the river.
- Kyogre: North Paldean Sea, among the rock cluster in the sea northwest of Casseroya Lake.
- Groudon: Alfornada Cavern, inside the carvern on one of the upper ridges.
- Rayquaza: Great Crater of Paldea, high atop a ridge north of South Province: Area Three.
- Cobalion: North Province: Area Two, beside the Fury Falls waterfall.
- Terrakion: West Province: Area One, beside the Great Crater of Paldea southeast of Cascarrafa.
- Virizion: Tagtree Thicket, northeastern edge of the thicket.
- Reshiram: East Province: Area One, along the small narrow river just south of Zapapico.
- Zekrom: South Province: Area Five, on the large desert cliff just south of Artazon.
- Kyurem: Dalizapa Passage.
- Solgaleo: Pokemon League.
- Lunala: Casseroya Lake, on the cliff by the sea southwest of the lake and just above the river separating the lake from the West Province.
- Necrozma: Socarrat Trail, on the cliffs just above north Casseroya Lake.
- Kubfu: North Province: Area Two, next to the sign for Fury Falls in the Tagtree Thicket.
- Spectrier: Glaseado Mountain, in the ruins directly north of the Great Crater of Paldea and just west of Dalizapa Passage.
- Glastrier: Glaseado Mountain, on the mountain south of Glaseado Gym.
Meloetta is the only returning legendary / mythical Pokemon in The Indigo Disk that you don’t need a snack for. You can find and catch Meloetta almost immediately after you’re let loose in the Blueberry Academy’s Terarium, but you’ll need to use a rather obscure trick to force it to appear:
Fly to the Coastal Outdoor Classroom in the Coastal Biome and head just a little northwest to a breezy location across the river by the Torchlit Labyrinth. You should see gusts of wind and some leaves spinning around in the breeze.

When you’re in the proper location, start spinning your character with the left joystick until your character starts spinning around like a ballerina and keep spinning for more than 10 seconds. Now pull out your camera, using the D-Pad, and switch to the sepia filter by pressing right on the D-Pad. Look around with the camera and you should see Meloetta in the grass somewhere. Once you locate it, you should be able to approach and catch it in the wild.
Pecharunt is a new mythical Pokemon that was added to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet through The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Epilogue: Mochi Mayhem. You’ll automatically encounter Pecharunt by simply playing through the Mochi Mayhem epilogue, which will have you chasing Pecharunt around Kitakami until reaching its final location at the Loyalty Plaza. Once you’ve finally caught up with Pecharunt, you’ll engage in a battle, and upon its defeat, you’ll have a guaranteed chance of catching this legendary / mythical Pokemon.
To start the Mochi Mayhem epilogue, you’ll need to first complete the Indigo Disk’s main story and claim the Mythical Pecha Berry as a Mystery Gift in the Poke Portal. Once you have the Mythical Pecha Berry in your bag, head over to the item shop in Kitakami’s Mossui Town and interact with the round purple stuffed toy on the counter. After a brief cutscene, you’ll officially begin the epilogue.
Legendary Pokemon You Can Transfer to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
There are a whole slew of legendary Pokemon that can’t be obtained naturally in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but they can be transferred over from other games via Pokemon Home. Below, we’ve listed out every mythical and legendary Pokemon you can transfer to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Mewtwo.
- Mew.
- Galarian Articuno.
- Galarian Zapdos.
- Galarian Moltres.
- Regirock.
- Regice.
- Registeel.
- Regieleki.
- Regidrago.
- Regigigas.
- Jirachi.
- Deoxys.
- Arceus.
- Dialga.
- Dialga Origin Form.
- Palkia.
- Palkia Origin Form.
- Giratina.
- Uxie.
- Mespirit.
- Azelf.
- Heatran.
- Phione.
- Manaphy.
- Cresselia.
- Darkrai.
- Shaymin.
- Tornadus.
- Thundurus.
- Landorus.
- Enamorus.
- Keldeo.
- Volcanion.
- Hoopa.
- Diancie.
- Magearna.
- Cosmog.
- Cosmoem.
- Zacian.
- Zamazenta.
- Eternatus.
- Kubfu.
- Calyrex.
- Zarude.
That’s all of the legendary Pokemon you can get in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Being legendary and all, they’re infamous for not wanting to stay in Pokeballs, so you should probably next read up on which one you should use the Master Ball on.
Published: Feb 1, 2024 7:14 PM UTC