It’s safe to say that back in the CS:GO days, a significant amount of players enjoyed a lot of different War Games, like Arms Race, Flying Scoutsman, Retakes, Stab Stab Zap, Trigger Discipline, Boom! Headshot!, Hunters-Gatherers, and Heavy Assault Suit. Unfortunately, War Games have not made their way to CS2 on the release date, and many players are wondering when they will be able to play War Games in CS2. Let’s see what’s known about the return of War Games to CS2.
When Will War Games be Available in CS2?
At the time of writing this article, Valve has not made any statements regarding the return of War Games to CS2. The community is eager to have fun in these game modes, but patience is advised until further notice. My guess is that Valve is prioritizing the competitive aspect of CS2 so that it can be brought up to a tournament-ready level.
It appears that the capability for custom servers is already in CS2, though. In the meantime, players may be able to play on custom maps with special rulesets until official War Games playlists are added back to the game.
Why Were War Games Removed from CS2?
There is no official answer to why War Games were removed from CS2, but the writings are on the wall. A lot of other stuff we had in CSGO is yet to be added and will probably be gradually implemented in CS2. If my assumption from the above paragraph is correct, we’ll wait for a while until competitive CS2 is fully polished. We will update this article as soon as Valve provides an official statement regarding these game modes that are currently lost.
In the meantime, you can try playing custom maps in CS2 or on community servers in CS2.
Published: Oct 2, 2023 5:06 PM UTC