Apex Legends Season 17 has just announced, and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for all the new changes it’s going to bring with it. A new legend, new points of interest, a weapon mastery system. There’s no shortage of things to do. But what maps will be in rotation in Apex Legends for Season 17? Here’s your question answered.
What is the Map Rotation in Apex Legends Season 17
Everyone has a favorite map, and a map they just can’t stand. For season 17, many veterans will be pleased to see what we’ll be working with.
The rotation for the first half of Season 17: Arsenal in Apex Legends is:
- World’s Edge
- Kings Canyon
- Olympus
I’m beyond thrilled, as these are my favorite maps. But it’s unsurprising to see World’s Edge take center stage. Along with a new legend, Season 17: Arsenal has brought with it a series of changes to this classic map. Fragment East and West has seen major changes, and we’ll have a whole new point of interest called Monument, which offers both a bunker ground floor and a sniper’s nest on its upper level. Harvester and the Vault have also seen adjustments, and the infamous Streamer building has found an all-new location.
But what’s most exciting is seeing how Ballistic will work on these new maps. Will the Assault class Legend bring a new momentum to the game, or will this old dog be sent back to the pound?
Related: All of Ballistics’ Abilities in Apex Legends, Listed.
As for what maps we’ll see during the second half of the season, it’s likely that either Storm Point or Broken Moon will return. Personally, I’m rooting for Broken Moon.
For more information on everything that’s coming to Apex Legends in Season 17, from the weapon mastery system to adjustments in maps, check out our article here: All Changes Coming to Apex Legends Season 17: Arsenal, Listed.
Published: May 1, 2023 5:39 PM UTC