Fidough in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

How to Get Fidough in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Cutest Pokemon yet.

If you don’t think that Fidough is one of the cutest Pokemon to exist, you’re wrong. How could you think otherwise? It literally looks like a bread bun. If you do agree and you’re wanting to find out where to catch the Gen 9 Fairy-type, here’s everything that you need to know about how to get Fidough in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

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Fidough Location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Since you’re itching to add the canine to your team in the Paldea region, you’re in luck because you can find it early on. After you leave home and progress the story past the lighthouse, you’ll start heading toward Los Platos, a small town in South Province (Area One).

Fidough location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Look in the grass outside of Los Platos.
(Credit: The Pokemon Company / Game Freak)

Just before you reach the town entrance, you should start to see Fidough spawning in the grass around you. There’s also an abundance of them once you leave Los Platos through the north exit so take your pick.

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If you have progressed past this point and made your way to South Province (Area Two) already, the Fairy-type dog also spawns around the olive fields outside of Cortondo, the town where Katy the Bug Gym Leader resides. You’ll also find some other cute ‘mon here too like Eevee, Mareep, and Smoliv.

Other Fidough Location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
You can also find them outside of Cortendo.
(Credit: The Pokemon Company / Game Freak)

How to Evolve Fidough into Dachsbun in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Once you’ve caught yourself a Fidough, you can either keep it in its cute bun form forever by giving it an Everstone to hold, or you can evolve it into its even cuter form: Dachsbun. Yes, it is a pun on the dachshund dog breed and bread. So freaking cute.

Fidough evolves into Dachsbun automatically once it reaches level 26 so there’s no messing around with evolution items or anything like that. Have fun with your new pup!

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Image of Meg Bethany Koepp
Meg Bethany Koepp
Managing Editor at Prima Games
Meg was Managing Editor at Prima Games until April 2024.