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How to Complete Polysemy Mission in Destiny 2

Here's how to complete the Polysemy mission in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish.

The new Season of the Wish brings new content to Destiny 2, which includes new story missions to get you back on the journey. In this guide, we will go through one of the initial missions of the season, called Polysemy, and guide you on how to complete it.

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Polysemy Mission Walkthrough – Destiny 2: Season of the Wish

To complete the Polysemy mission of Season of the Wish in Destiny 2, you must visit Riven’s Lair and retrieve the Egg for Riven. However, on your way, you will come across Goblin and other enemies, who will stop you on your way. You will have to go through them and complete the following objectives to finish this quest:

  • Step on three plates to escape the Trapped Room.
  • Destroy four nodes to free the Ogre.
  • Activate the portal by stepping on three plates.
  • Retrieve the Egg.

The mission is found in the Wing of the Defiant in the War Table. The recommended Power Level to take on this mission is 1600, which will require you to have the best of the best items equipped on you. If you are unsure that you can complete the mission on your own, you can also invite two of your other players with you on this mission. It will make it easier to go through the difficult enemies and the puzzles coming your way.

Below is a complete walkthrough of the mission with the solutions to the puzzles that you will have to solve:

Enter Riven’s Lair

Your mission will start after you enter Riven’s Lair. You will be greeted by a giant monster coming out of a large portal. Go up the stairs and take a left to go towards the portal. The portal to the far left will activate. Go through it and follow the path.

Take the second portal at the end of the pathway. It will take you to a room filled with Goblin and other mercenaries.

Open the Portal

You will now be trapped inside the room with Goblin enemies. To get out of the room, you need to step on three plates to activate the portal while defeating the enemies in the area.

These are placed on the ground with a white glow coming from them. You will easily spot them in the area on the platforms inside the room. Stand on all three of them to activate the portal.

Destroy the Nodes

You will now reach an open area with a bunch of Goblin enemies coming at you. Defeat them and go towards the Ogre trapped inside the Vex trap.

To release the Ogre, you must shoot at the four nodes above the trap. For that, you need to use the Arc Cranium you get as a drop after killing the Arc-Charged Minotaur. Focus on destroying the nodes while also dodging enemy attacks.

As you destroy all the nodes, it will automatically eliminate all the other enemies in the area. It will also release the Ogre from the trap. You now need to defeat the Raging Ogre and its Wardens. After defeating them, use the portal to get to the next area.

Activate the Portal Again

You will now reach a similar to the one where you had to step on the plates to open the portal. Repeat the same process from before and step on all of the plates in the area. These will be on the platforms inside the room.

Follow the marker to the portal and get out of the room.

Defeat the Aspirational Construct Boss

The next area will have the boss, Aspirational Construct, defending the Egg that you are here to get. It will have two giant shields protecting it from the front and back. Normal weapons will do no damage against it, so you need to get Arc Cranium from the Arc-Charged Minotaur enemy that will spawn next to the boss.

Use the Arc Cranium and aim it at the boss’ shield. You need to break its shield before you do any damage against it. After breaking the shield, take him out with your Super Ability or use any weapon with high damage.

After it has been defeated, all the other enemies will vanish from the area, and it will unlock the room with the Egg you are here to retrieve. Interact with the Egg to transmat it to Riven and complete the Polysemy mission in Destiny 2.

That is all you need to know on how to complete the Polysemy mission in Destiny 2. The new Season of the Wish brings new content into the game, like weapons, The Witcher emblem, cosmetics, and much more. You can check all about the new season by clicking on the game tag below. Also, be sure to check out the Best DLC list by our friends over at Gameskinny!

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Image of Umair Niazi
Umair Niazi
Umair is a Contributing Writer at Prima Games, who has been in the industry for 3+ years. His immense love for games fueled his interest in game development, which he is currently studying. When he's not working or studying, you will find him sweating in a Counter-Strike lobby or trying to defeat Isshin Ashina in Sekiro. Curse you old man!!!