Starfeild Factions
Screenshots by Prima Games

Every Faction Quest in Starfield

Which faction will you join first?

With an expansive game world to explore, numerous star systems, and a wide selection of factions to enlist with, Starfield offers countless playthrough possibilities. In all, you’ll find four key factions, if we’re not counting Constellation, including Crimson Fleet, UC Vanguard, Freestar Rangers, and Ryujin Industries. They each fit a different style and purpose in the world. At the end of the day, you’ll likely only opt for one per playthrough, so knowing what quests they include makes sense. Here is every faction quest in Starfield.

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All Faction Quests in Starfield

Which of the four main factions in Starfield will you join first? Personally, I started with the Freestar Rangers, then Crimson Fleet, and finally UC Vanguard and Ryujin Industries. Each of them has a slew of unique quests, many of them rather enticing and exciting, to complete for sweet rewards.

UC Vanguard

Starfield UC Vanguard Recruits
Screenshot by Prima Games

The UC Vanguard is the good-alignment faction. A military force based out of New Atlantis, the UC Vanguard dispatches patrols and squads to deal with threats to the United Colonies, including Spacers, Crimson Fleet, and Terrormorphs.

Supra Et UltraQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: 275 XP / 4800 Credits
Grunt WorkQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: UC Vanguard Spacesuit, US Vanguard Space Helmet, UC Vanguard Pilot Pack / 250 XP / 4800 Credits
Delivering DevilsQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: 250 XP / 9300 Credits
EyewitnessQuest Giver: Hadrian
Rewards: 350 XP / 12000 Credits
Friends Like TheseQuest Giver: Abello
Rewards: 350 XP / 12000 Credits
The Devils You KnowQuest Giver: Macintyre
Rewards: 150 XP / 3000 Credits
War RelicsQuest Giver: Vae Victis
Rewards: 250 XP / 9300 Credits
Hostile IntelligenceQuest Giver: Hadrian
Rewards: 350 XP / 15600 Credits
A Legacy ForgedQuest Giver: Hadrian
Rewards: 350 XP / 15600 Credits

Alongside the main quests, UC Vanguard offers a few optional quests:

Preventative ActionQuest Giver: Vae Victis
Reward: 125 XP
Search and SeizureQuest Giver: Serheant Yumi
Rewards: 200 XP
Two Tales Two CitiesQuest Giver: Sergeant Yumi
Rewards: 200 XP
Vanguard: Bug HuntQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: 150 XP
Apex PredatorQuest Giver: Percival
Rewards: 150 XP
Vanguard: Safer SkiesQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: 125 XP

Freestar Rangers

Think of the Freestar Rangers as Walker Texas Rangers but in space. They’re a lawful organization that aims to bring justice to the wild frontier that is Freestar Collective space. They wield rifles and revolvers, wear brown leather jackets, and dispatch justice as they see fit.

Job Gone WrongQuest Giver: Sam Coe
Rewards: 150 XP / 3800 Credits
DeputizedQuest Giver: Sam Coe
Rewards: 250 XP / 5000 Credits
Where Hope is BuiltQuest Giver: Emma Wilcox
Rewards: 250 XP / 5000 Credits
Shadows In NeonQuest Giver: Nia Kalu
Rewards: 250 XP / 5000 Credits
Surgical StrikeQuest Giver: Daniel Blake
Rewards: 350 XP / 5000 Credits
On The RunQuest Giver: Daniel Blake
Rewards: 350 XP / 5000 Credits
First to Fight, First to DieQuest Giver: Alex Shadid
Rewards: 250 XP / 9600 Credits
The Hammer FallsRewards: Star Eagle Ship / 150 XP / 12400 Credits

As for optional side quests for the Freestar Rangers, they have but one:

One Riot, One RangerQuest Giver: Freestar Rangers Mission Board
Rewards: 75 XP

Ryujin Industries

For those players who enjoy more clandestine playstyles, Ryujin Industries is a big-time corporation that doesn’t shy away from corporate espionage and stealth missions. All it takes is a job application before you’re on your way to a career as a lucrative operative.

Back to the GrindQuest Giver: Ryujin Application Terminal
Rewards: 250 XP / 4000 Credits
One Step AheadQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: 100 XP / 1000 Credits
A New NarrativeQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: 110 XP / 2500 Credits
Access is KeyQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: 100 XP / 2500 Credits
Sowing DiscordQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: 250 XP / 10000 Credits
Accidents HappenQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: 100 XP / 2500 Credits
Maintaining the EdgeQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: 100 XP / 2500 Credits
Top SecretsQuest Giver: Imogene
Rewards: Ember / 250 XP / 10000 Credits
Background ChecksRewards: 250 XP / 9000 Credits
Guilty PartiesQuest Giver: Dalton
Rewards: 250 XP / 4800 Credits
The Key IngredientQuest Giver: Dalton
Rewards: 250 XP / 4800 Credits
SabotageQuest Giver: Masako
Rewards: Operative Helmet, Operative Suit, Med Pack, CQB-X / 350 XP / 8400 Credits
Executive LevelRewards: 350 XP / 13500 Credits

Ryujin Industries does offer a small handful of optional quests to complete:

Managing AssetsQuest Giver: Masako
Rewards: 100 XP
The Power of PersuasionQuest Giver: Masako
Rewards: 100 XP
Balancing the BooksQuest Giver: Rafiq Hamza
Rewards: 100 XP

Crimson Fleet

The Crimson Fleet is a notorious bunch of pirates that care little for the rest of the Settled Systems. They intend to loot, steal, and kill their way to glory and riches, and you can become part of their arguably angsty clique of thieves and murderers.

Deep CoverQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: 250 XP / 4800 Credits
Rook Meets KingQuest Giver: Commander Tuala
Rewards: Pirate Swashbuckler Gear / 250 XP / 5000 Credits
Echoes of the PastQuest Giver: Delgado
Rewards: Keelhauler / UC Prison Shuttle / 350 XP / 20000 Credits
Breaking the BankQuest Giver: Commander Ikande
Rewards: 350 XP
The Best There IsQuest Giver: Naeva
Rewards: 250 XP / 9600 Credits
Absolute PowerQuest Giver: Commander Ikande
Rewards: 350 XP / 12400 Credits
Eye of the StormQuest Giver: Naeva
Rewards: Revenant / 350 XP / 8400 Credits
Legacy’s EndQuest Giver: Commander Ikande
Rewards: 350 XP / 250000 Credits

Like all other factions to this point, Crimson Fleet offers a few optional quests:

Burden of ProofQuest Giver: Lieutenant Toft
Rewards: 50 XP
Doctor’s OrdersQuest Giver: Samina Mizra
Rewards: 100 XP
Reclaiming the PastQuest Giver: Bog
Rewards: 75 XP

If you’re keen on tackling every quest you can find in Starfield, look no further than the best side quests that you’ve most likely missed.

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