All OST Chips in Armored Core 6 (AC6)

All in.

During your time with Armored Core 6, you’ll need to assemble and reassemble your mech. Constantly swapping between new weapons, parts, and OST chips. OST chips can drastically change the way you play the game depending on which ones you purchase. Here are all of the OST chips in Armored Core 6.

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All OST CHips in AC6 Listed

Below, you will find all of the OST chips in Armored Core 6 broken down into their respective categories.

Image via Prima Games
OST Chip NameDescriptionChip Type
Boost KickUnlocks Boost KickSystem Unlock
Weapon BayUnlocks the ability to use Arm weapons on Shoulders.System Unlock
Weight ControlManually Purge weapons off of the Mech to reduce weight.System Unlock
Manual AimingTurn off Hard Lock-On. Only for experienced users.System Unlock
Quick TurnTurn quickly in the direction you need to.System Unlock
Assault ArmorCreates a pulse explosion centered on the AC, canceling out incoming enemy fire.Core Expansion
Pulse ProtectionCreates a pulse barrier in a fixed position, providing cover from enemy fire until the barrier reaches its durabilityCore Expansion
Pulse ArmorCreates a pulse barrier that trails the AC, dramatically increasing defensive performance until it exceeds its durabilityCore Expansion
Terminal ArmorWhen AC hits 0 Health, revive one time.Core Expansion
Kinetic Weapons – Fire Control TuningKinetic Damage +3%Attack Control
Explosive Weapons – Fuse Control TuningExplosive Damage +3%Attack Control
Energy Weapons – Output Control TuningEnergy Damage +3%Attack Control
Melee Weapons – Drive Control TuningMelee Damage +3%Attack Control
Direct Hit Modifier – Damage TuningDirect Hit Damage +5%Attack Control
Access Speed – OptimizationInteract Speed +50%Attack Control
ACS- Dynamic Deflection Control Tuning Damage Mitigation +3%Damage Control
Repair Kits- OptimizationIncrease healing done by Repair kitsDamage Control

Related: How to Get Stun Needle Launcher (VE-60SNA) in Armored Core 6 (AC6)

How to Obtain OST Chips

You can obtain more OST chips by completing Arena. You’ll unlock new challenges as you finish each chapter of the Armored Core 6. Each tier of challenges will reward more and more OST chips when completed. Keep up with your Arena challenges to get these crucial buffs to your mech.

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Image of Jesse Vitelli
Jesse Vitelli
Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.