The BioWare Store was shut down over a year ago but now it’s back with a few key starter items from Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and even Anthem. The previous store was shut down given that it was largely supplied by ThinkGeek, a company that fell on hard times that required closing. Now it’s back and while not as rife with goodies as the previous store was, it’s a good start with more items coming later.
For anyone that knows me, they know I am a massive BioWare fan. With over 30 playthroughs of the Mass Effect trilogy and 20 playthroughs of the Dragon Age franchise, my love for this studio is still strong despite recent setbacks. I also own every collectible, book, comic, replica, and even a full Commander Shepard armor set. With that being said, it should be of no surprise to anyone that I purchased a ton of the items in-store immediately, despite literally not needing any of it.
Anyway, here is the grand opening reveal:
Breaking news: The BioWare Gear store is back! The long elevator ride is over. Come visit the one stop shop for all your @masseffect, @anthemgame, and @dragonage collectibles!
— BioWare (@bioware) July 20, 2020
Between this and the recent Mass Effect trilogy art book that is now available for pre-order, the team over at BioWare is apparently over being subtle about a remaster being on the way. The rumor has been prevalent for quite some time now that a trilogy remaster was on the way, including our own sources at the studio, but yet; no official announcement.
From water bottles to new apparel, the shop only has a few items from each franchise but is expected to grow immensely, especially with Dragon Age 4 in active development and a new Mass Effect on the table as well in a few years. Hopefully they will open up their partnerships once more with collectible companies because the previous store offered incredible collectible statues and other items as well.
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What do you think? Is this BioWare not so subtly confirming remaster news or is everyone looking too deeply into something that is not that serious? Sound off with your thoughts, hopes, and dreams over on Twitter @PrimaGames, we’d love to hear what you think!
Published: Jul 20, 2020 9:25 PM UTC