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Where to Find Namielle in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW)

Some fish are too big to flush.

If you’re making your way through Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’s content, you’re familiar with the changes that Master Rank difficulty brings to the fold. Along with new moves and significantly increased health and damage for familiar foes, brand new monsters (and Elder Dragons) are sprinkled throughout.

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Where to Find Namielle in Monster Hunter World

Namielle won’t appear until you’ve reached a certain Assigned Quest as part of Iceborne’s main story: A Light From the Abyss. It’s quite late in the Master Rank Assigned Quests, which you can see below (courtesy of Fextralife):

MR RequirementQuest TitleObjective
1Baptism by IceHunt a Beotodus
2Banbaro BlockadeHunt a Banbaro
3Ready to StrikeHunt a Viper Tobi-Kadachi
4No Time for NapsHunt a Nightshade Paolumu
4Play Both EndsHunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei
6Blizzard BlitzHunt a Barioth
7Ever-present ShadowHunt a Nargacuga
7The Scorching BladeHunt a Glavenus
9Absolute PowerHunt a Tigrex
9A Smashing Cross CounterHunt a Brachydios
11A Tale of Ice and FireRepel Velkhana
12When the Mist Taketh YouHunt a Shrieking Legiana
13The Thunderous Troublemaker!Hunt a Fulgur Anjanath
14The Disintegrating BladeHunt an Acidic Glavenus
14Bad Friends, Great EnemiesHunt an Ebony Odogaron
16The Defense of SelianaRepel Velkhana
17The Iceborne WyvernSlay Velkhana
18The Second ComingHunt a Seething Bazelgeuse
19Under the Veil of DeathSlay Blackveil Vaal Hazak
20A Light From the AbyssSlay Namielle

As you can probably tell, you’ll have your work cut out for you before you can take down the watery Elder Dragon, Namielle. The fight itself isn’t too hard, particularly if you use poison or blast weapons (and plenty of patience). Waterblight can be an issue, so bring plenty of Nulberries to ward off stamina drain, as well as your trusty Baby Blanket… err, Temporal Mantle.

Watch out for her puddles, which she can remotely detonate. When she’s powered up with lightning, I typically keep my distance and let patience win out rather than tempting fate with a one-shot KO.

If you’re wondering why your friends are all playing Monster Hunter World again, we have just the article for you to catch you up to speed!

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Image of David Morgan
David Morgan
David is a pediatric asthma researcher at Cincinnati Children's Hospital by day, and Prima Freelancer by night. He always finds time for the games he loves, and then some more to tell you all about them.