If you flew high enough in Lethal Company with the Jet Pack and/or mods, you have probably witnessed an Easter Egg: the skybox of Lethal Company is a real-life city. What is the name of this city, and where was this skybox picture taken exactly? Find out below.
Lethal Company City Skybox Easter Egg Mystery Solution
The Lethal Company city skybox Easter Egg mystery has been solved thanks to its dedicated community members, of which some would undoubtedly be great GeoGuesser players. The exact location where the 360-degree image was taken, as well as the online source for the file have been pinpointed. Through the power of Google Street View, I deliver the image comparison to you:

Lethal Company developer Zeekerss has used a high-resolution asset from PolyHaven as the skybox for all current levels in Lethal Company. Based on the description on the website, it’s an image of Cedar Bridge, located on Campbell Road in Sandton, Gauteng, made by Greg Zaal. An interesting fact of the matter is that this piece of art is “CC0”, or in other words, “no copyrights reserved,” or “public domain,” meaning that anyone can use the asset, even for commercial purposes, even you, if you make your own video game, and want to pay an homage to Zeekerss.
- Google Maps Street View link or the scenery shown above.
- Coordinates for the location: 26°01’10.0″S 28°00’00.0″E.
- PolyHaven Cedar Bridge asset link (made by Greg Zaal).
Where is Sandton, the City in Lethal Company’s Skybox?
Gauteng, the province in which Sandton is located, is one of the nine provinces of South Africa. While being the smallest province geographically, it holds around a quarter of South Africa’s population. The province’s motto is “Unity in Diversity.” One of South Africa’s capital cities (yes, they have multiple capital cities), Johannesburg, is pretty close to the location in Sandton where this skybox picture was taken. It’s just half an hour’s drive from the airport in Johannesburg, so if anyone reading is a dedicated Lethal Company fan, you’ll know how to get there now.
If you are up for more mysteries in Lethal Company, try to find the secret submarine.
Published: Dec 30, 2023 4:05 PM UTC