Should You Pick Fidelity or Performance Mode in Spider-Man 2? – Answered

Swing into New York in style, no matter what graphics option you pick.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a visual showcase on the PlayStation 5, and there are two distinct ways that you can showcase this: its available Graphics Modes. When you first start the game, you’re given the option to select either Performance Mode or Fidelity Mode, but is there one that can take the crown of Superior?

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Which Graphics Mode Should You Pick In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2? Explained

No matter which option you select, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is an impressive-looking game. However, if you’re looking to showcase the true power of your 4K display and want everything cranked up to the maximum, you’re going to want to select Fidelity. While you may sacrifice half of the frame count, since it is locked at 30 FPS, you may find that this particular mode is your preferred way to play.

However, if you want to push your PlayStation 5 to its limit, you’ll want to use the Performance Mode option. While you may not get the true 4K experience, the 60 FPS could be a complete game changer for some. The absolute fluidity of the animation and the overall feeling of swinging through the revamped city shines here, so players hoping to see this city pop should pick Performance.

So, it’s a personal preference. Since I’m playing on a rather large 4K display, I’m jumping into the Fidelity option. You can easily swap between the two in the options menu, so play around with the different options available and see which one vibes the best for you. There are no losers here since Spider-Man 2 keeps us all winning.

Are you jumping into this game without much knowledge about the previous games? Be sure to check out our Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 section below to get your hands on plenty of helpful tips and tricks that can help you keep your gadgets feeling fresh with upgrades, and find out more about the world that you’ll soon find yourself living in.

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Image of Shaun Cichacki
Shaun Cichacki
As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.