If you need to EV train your Pokemon in HP, use the below lists to find which Pokemon give HP EVs when defeated in Scarlet and Violet.
Where is the Best Place to EV Train HP in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

The best place to EV train for HP in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (without gaining a lot of levels at the same time) is Casseroya Lake. The following Pokemon can be found in Casseroya Lake that give HP EVs:
Pokemon Name | Number of HP EVs Given Normally | Number of HP EVs Given With Power Weight |
Dondozo | 3 | 11 |
Azumarill | 3 | 11 |
Swalot | 2 | 10 |
Vaporeon | 2 | 10 |
Slowpoke | 1 | 9 |

If you want to EV train HP while also leveling up your team, fly to the Zero Gate and make an Ultra Curry-and-Rice-Style Sandwich. Make sure you have the following ingredients to make the sandwich:
- Rice (1)
- Jalapeño (1)
- Tomato (1)
- Curry Powder (1)
- Mayonnaise (1)

The Ultra Curry-and-Rice-Style Sandwich will give you Encounter Power: Normal Level 2. Once you have it, go into Area Zero and take the teleporter to Research Station No. 3. Exit the research station and hang a left, then keep going until you see a large tree beside a rock formation. The rock formation leads to a cave where Chansey can appear, and with even more frequency when you have Encounter Power: Normal active.
Chansey gives 2 HP EVs (or 10 if your Pokemon is holding a Power Weight) and a lot of experience points when defeated. Any Pokemon in your party that’s already EV trained should hold a Lucky Egg to increase the experience they receive even further.
Chansey, as well as Happiny and Blissey, can also be found in the Savanna Biome at Blueberry Academy. However, many other Normal-type Pokemon make their home there as well, including Doduo, Dodrio, Smeargle, Deerling, and Sawsbuck. Because of this, the Encounter Power: Normal method of drawing out Chansey won’t be as effective here.
Where to Get the Power Weight Item (and What it Does)

You can buy the Power Weight item from any of the Delibird Presents stores across Paldea. There are three in Mesagoza, one in Levincia, and one in Cascarrafa. Each Power Weight costs 10,000 Poke Dollars.
The Power Weight increases the Pokemon’s HP EVs earned by 8, even if the EVs they received from defeating or catching a Pokemon aren’t already HP EVs. It’s highly recommended to equip this item onto all of your Pokemon that you want to EV train in HP to hasten the process, unless you intend to give a certain Pokemon only 4 HP EVs.
All Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet That Give HP EVs
Have you strayed a bit far from your EV training spot and are starting to see different Pokemon? Or do you see an outbreak and want to know if you can EV train off it? Use Ctrl/Cmd + F to see if they give HP EVs. If the Pokemon isn’t on this list, check if it gives Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed EVs instead. If it doesn’t appear on any of these lists, that means it gives more than one stat in EVs and generally isn’t ideal for EV training with.
The following tables do not include Pokemon that give EVs of multiple stats, nor do they include Pokemon that give HP EVs but aren’t found in the wild, such as Scarlet and Violet’s starter Pokemon and legendary Pokemon. Pokemon that appear only as special Tera Type Pokemon in the wild also aren’t listed, since you can’t OHKO them and are thus not practical for EV training.
List of Pokemon that Give 3 HP EVs
Pokemon Name | Type 1 | Type 2 |
Blissey | Normal | – |
Azumarill | Water | Fairy |
Wigglytuff | Normal | Fairy |
Slaking | Normal | – |
Farigiraf | Normal | Psychic |
Dondozo | Water | – |
Scream Tail | Fairy | Psychic |
List of Pokemon that Give 2 HP EVs
Pokemon Name | Type 1 | Type 2 |
Oinkologne | Normal | – |
Bellibolt | Electric | – |
Greedent | Normal | – |
Chansey | Normal | – |
Marill | Water | Fairy |
Quagsire | Water | Ground |
Clodsire | Poison | Ground |
Jigglypuff | Normal | Fairy |
Hariyama | Fighting | – |
| ||
Swalot | Poison | – |
Drifblim | Ghost | Flying |
Whiscash | Water | Ground |
Vaporeon | Water | – |
Dudunsparce | Normal | – |
Amoonguss | Grass | Poison |
Gogoat | Grass | – |
Skuntank | Poison | Dark |
Tropius | Grass | Flying |
Gastrodon | Water | Ground |
Alomomola | Water | – |
Glalie | Ice | – |
Cetitan | Ice | – |
Noctowl | Normal | Flying |
Snorlax | Normal | – |
Clefairy | Fairy | – |
Lanturn | Water | Electric |
Lapras | Water | Ice |
List of Pokemon that Give 1 HP EV
Pokemon Name | Type 1 | Type 2 |
Lechonk | Normal | – |
Tadbulb | Electric | – |
Skwovet | Normal | – |
Happiny | Normal | – |
Azurill | Normal | Fairy |
Wooper (Johtonian) | Water | Ground |
Wooper (Paldean) | Poison | Ground |
Igglybuff | Normal | Fairy |
Slakoth | Normal | – |
| ||
Bounsweet | Grass | – |
Shroomish | Grass | – |
Makuhita | Fighting | – |
Phanpy | Ground | – |
Gulpin | Poison | – |
Drifloon | Ghost | Flying |
Barboach | Water | Ground |
Dunsparce | Normal | – |
Grimer (Kantonian) | Poison | – |
Grimer (Alolan) | Poison | Dark |
| ||
Foongus | Grass | Poison |
Ditto | Normal | – |
Skiddo | Grass | – |
Slowpoke (Kantonian) | Water | Psychic |
Slowpoke (Galarian) | Psychic | – |
Shellos | Water | – |
Snorunt | Ice | – |
Cetoddle | Ice | – |
Hoothoot | Normal | Flying |
Munchlax | Normal | – |
Ducklett | Water | Flying |
Chinchou | Water | Electric |
Tepig | Fire | – |
Rowlet | Grass | Flying |
If you’re looking for a primer on EV training in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, check out our guide to learn about the process and how many EVs you should give to your Pokemon.
Published: Dec 29, 2023 3:05 AM UTC