While you’re forced to start with the Rush mode in Gigantic, you can unlock an entirely different mode with more in-depth mechanics. Here’s how to unlock Clash in Gigantic: Rampage Edition.
How to Access Clash in Gigantic: Rampage Edition
To unlock Clash in Gigantic, you must first reach account level 9. This can be done purely through playing, as I got there in around two and a half to three hours. Once you hit level 9, you’ll be prompted with a tutorial teaching you the basics of Clash. Going through this tutorial will grant you a free account level, boosting you to level 10. Being level 10 unlocks the Clash game mode for play. You’ll still have access to Rush as you’ve been playing it for the first few hours, but can now queue for either.
What is the Clash Gamemode?

Clash is very similar to Rush in terms of the basic premise. Two teams of five spawn and land in the arena, trying to score enough points to start a Rampage, assaulting the enemy’s Guardian. Once you have a Rampage going, you deal as much damage as you can to their Guardian in hopes of killing it and winning the match. However, some fundamental differences help shake things up.
For starters, claiming zones is no longer something that needs to be done manually. Each team can spawn creatures on each zone that can provide various bonuses or buffs. The creature could heal any teammates that walk nearby, they could provide vision for your team to help anticipate assaults, could build walls to funnel enemies into chokepoints, and a few other buffs. These creatures also automatically collect power, but can be killed to open an opportunity for the enemy team to steal power.
Additionally, Rampages work very differently compared to Rush. Instead of a single health bar, Guardians have several smaller health bars that need to be melted away. Once you destroy a health bar, that Rampage automatically ends and you move back to collecting power. The first team to destroy all three health bars on a Guardian wins the match.
If you’re looking for more info on other games, check out our coverage of the upcoming Palworld Arena mode.
Published: Apr 11, 2024 12:37 pm