How to Get Hardwood in Mirthwood
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How to Get Hardwood in Mirthwood

It's like regular wood, but harder.

Wood is not as plentiful as you’d imagine in Mirthwood. Hardwood, however, is even more difficult to find. Not only is it extremely rare anywhere other than your farm, but you also need special tools to collect it. If you’ve been chopping down trees all over the game but still haven’t found any Hardwood, I’ve got you covered in this Mirthwood guide.

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Where Do You Get Hardwood in Mirthwood?

Despite what its name may imply, Mirthwood is actually not an easy place to find wood. Hardwood, in particular, is quite difficult to get your hands on if you don’t have an Iron Axe, at least. You can collect Hardwood by chopping down the large, circular tree stumps with an Iron Axe. You can collect even more Hardwood by chopping the fallen tree trunks with a Steel Axe.

Mirthwood Hardwood
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Stumps and fallen tree trunks, however, are not common anywhere outside your farm. Thankfully, the resources on your farm respawn every 2-3 in-game days, so you can recut your stumps and fallen logs for an endless supply of Hardwood that way.

Mirthwood Hardwood Log
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How to Upgrade Your Axe in Mirthwood

You cannot collect Hardwood with just any old axe. You need an Iron Axe, at the very least. This means you will have to upgrade the Copper Axe you start the game with before you can even think about collecting any Hardwood.

Upgrading your Copper Axe to the Iron Axe requires 10x Iron Bars, 1x Copper Axe, and 1x Iron Tool Kit (which can be purchased from the Blacksmith for $750).

Mirthwood Iron Axe
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Crafting Iron Bars requires the Furnace, which can be crafted with 40x Stone.

You will then need an Anvil to craft the tool itself. An Anvil requires 15x Stone and 2x Iron Bars.

Crafting tools is no easy feat, but it is the only way to be able to farm more valuable materials in the game, so it is essential that you upgrade as soon as you can. On the plus side, the Steel Axe can also be used to break some ore veins as well, so it can allow you to collect more than just wood from trees!

How to Use Hardwood in Mirthwood

The most valuable recipes you will need Hardwood for are the Small Barn and the Hardwood Bow. The Small Barn requires 50x Stone, 100x Hardwood, 500x Wood, and 1x Barn Drawing. Crafting it takes a lot of resources, but allows you to house 4x large animals and also gives them a happiness boost.

Mirthwood Small Barn
Screenshot by Prima Games

The Hardwood Bow increases the damage output of your long-range shots and is essential for hunting things like Rabbits and Deer that would otherwise run away. Bows are also very handy in combat, so it’s not just hunting that the Hardwood Bow will improve. You can craft the Hardwood Bow using 50x Hardwood and 5x Iron Bars.

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