Hyper Light Breaker
Image via Heart Machine

How To Get Golden Rations in Hyper Light Breaker

Or Gold Rations, as I keep calling them.

Golden Rations are one of many resources players will collect in Hyper Light Breaker to progress through the Overgrowth and grow their Breaker. Hyper Light Breaker is a bit light in terms of explaining in-game mechanics and resource acquisition, which can be a bit frustrating for new players. We have you covered and here is everything you need to know about Golden Rations and how to get them in Hyper Light Breaker.

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Acquiring Golden Rations in Hyper Light Breaker

Based on what I have played so far, there are two ways to acquire Golden Rations in Hyper Light Breaker.

At the End of a Cycle

Whether you finish a cycle by beating the bosses including the Abyss King or using up all 4 of your REZS, you will be greeted by Pherus Bit at the Teleporter once you respawn at The Cursed Outpost to start a new cycle.

Pherus Bit will grade your performance throughout the cycle, and reward you with Golden Rations in the “End of the Cycle” report.

If you’re dying a lot, which you likely will during the early hours, it’s not all bad since you’re actively progressing towards unlocking more Golden Rations.

Golden Rations Farming Strategy

During a regular run through the Overgrowth, you can skip fighting the bosses, and most of the enemies and head straight to the Telepad Exit.

Here, you’ll have to fight a few enemies which aren’t that difficult and can be safely extracted once the extraction process is completed. This way you won’t lose a REZ (since you aren’t dying), and you can continue doing this to add to your overall Golden Ration progress so when you do complete a cycle you can earn more than one Golden Ration.

Overgrowth Exploration

The Golden Ration can also be found in different stashes and treasure chests in the Overgrowth. It’s a very rare resource, but you can get lucky and find it multiple times during the same run. You are likely to find these near Prisms, or inside Underground Labs.

What Are Golden Rations Used for in Hyper Light Breaker?

Golden Rations are rare for a reason and offer the biggest incremental upgrades to players in Hyper Light Breaker. You can use these for the following:

  • Increase affinity with different vendors in The Cursed Outpost to unlock new features. Approach any vendor and “gift” them a Golden Ration to increase your affinity level, and choose which feature you want to unlock.
  • Golden Rations are also used to unlock new upgrades in the EXE tree which can be accessed by interacting with Pherus Bit at The Cursed Outpost. This is also how you unlock the Medkit, which is an essential part of your kit.

That’s all you have to know about Golden Rations, and why you need them in Hyper Light Breaker. If you found a way to acquire these through a different method, let us know in the comments below, and we’ll add it to the guide.

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Image of Ali Hashmi
Ali Hashmi
Ali has been writing about video games for the past six years and is always on the lookout for the next indie game to obsess over and recommend to everyone in sight. When he isn't spending an unhealthy amount of time in Slay the Spire, he's probably trying out yet another retro-shooter or playing Dark Souls for the 50th time.