Finding dung or any other variation of it is pretty common in a lot of survival games, and that’s no different in Towers of Aghasba. If you want to make your mark as a Shimu architect though, you’re going to have to get your hands dirty once in a while. Dung isn’t a hard resource to find in Towers of Aghasba, and it’s a necessary item for some quests. So here’s the easiest way to find dung in Tower of Aghasba.
Find Dung in Towers of Aghasba
To acquire Dung in Towers of Aghasba, feed a friendly animal, and it will drop Dung after consuming it.
Feeding animals is pretty simple, but you’ll need to know the diet of different animals. First, use the Shimuscope acquired from Pawel to study any animal. As an example, we’ll study the Plumpet for this guide.

Once fully observed, Plumpet will be added to the Shimudex, and you can observe it again to reveal its diet.

From here, we can tell that Plumpet likes Berries and Roots. Both of these can be easily found in the starting area by simply harvesting bushes, and stumps.

Open your inventory next and throw one of these food items near the Plumpet.

The Plumpet will approach the food item and consume it.

Once consumed, the animal will drop Dung along with other possible items, like seeds.

Currently, though, the game is a bit buggy when it comes to dropping food and how animals approach it. If the dropped item isn’t on a flat surface, chances are that it’ll continue being in motion, and won’t be visible to the creature. It’s also possible that the food simply isn’t within range of an animal, which is why it isn’t noticing it. Finally, if a creature is engaged in combat, it won’t be attracted to the food item.
Once you have obtained enough Dung, it can be used in crafting and to complete the “Sowing the Seed” quest given by Sprite.

Apart from Dung, you’ll also need Resin early on in Towers of Aghasba, which can be a bit tricky to collect.
Published: Nov 20, 2024 12:21 pm