Warframe’s Nightwave offers a lot of challenges that you’ll need to complete to snag some sweet rewards. Many of these challenges are fairly straightforward, such as needing to kill 150 enemies with Toxin damage, while others can be far more complex or obscure for parts of the game that you haven’t completed yet. One challenge has tripped some people up, though I can help. Here’s how to collect Vome or Fass Residue in Warframe.
Where to Find Vome or Fass Residue in Warframe
Vome and Fass Residue are found in different locations across the Cambion Drift, the open world located on the planet Deimos. To access it, you will need to complete the Heart of Deimos quest. Once you’ve completed the quest, you want to head into the Cambion Drift. Then, check to see if Vome or Fass is out currently. Vome is the gigantic blue worm on one side of the map, while Fass is the orange worm on the opposite side. Whoever is currently out, you can find the opposite residue on the map (i.e. If Fass is out, Vome’s residue is spread across Deimos’ surface.)
To find this residue, you want to hunt for the large zones on the map featuring a glowing mist for their residue’s color. As the example shown above shows, Vome is colored blue while Fass is colored orange to share each worm’s color. Inside will be small globs of their residue, which can be shot to award that residue. If you’re doing the Nightwave challenge, simply find 15 of these located across the surface and return to the Necralisk to complete the challenge. You may have to head back to the Necralisk and back into the Cambion Drift to reset residue spawns.
What is Vome and Fass Residue Used for in Warframe?
If you want to make use of these residues, both of them are used as bait for fishing. They can also be used as part of recipes for mutagens, should you be looking to create a few vile creatures. On the fishing side of things, Fass Residue will lure out Glutinox, Ostimyr, and Vitreospina. Vome Residue, on the other hand, is used in luring out Chondricord and Duroid. You’ll need all five of these fish as you progress through Deimos, so getting plenty of residue now will help you in the long run.
Related: How to Get Biotic Filters in Warframe
While we’re on the topic of fish catching, check out our guide on how you can catch a Mawfish in Warframe.
Published: May 25, 2023 7:29 PM UTC