Fire Emblem: Three Houses may have done away with the weapon triangle, but there’s arguably still a combat hierarchy at play here. The Crests that everyone makes a big deal about? They’re ace. Most of your prodigal students at the Garreg Mach academy will possess a Crest, and you’re told pretty early on that these things are pretty damn important. Crests are what give various major players in the story enhanced powers, and they’re a big deal not only when you’re trying to kick butt on the battlefield but also in the wider world of Fodlan. Let our Fire Emblem Three Houses crests guide help you identify who bears which crest, and what they can do.
Fire Emblem Three Houses Crests Guide
While not every character that you can control in Fire Emblem Three Houses. However, the ones who do have Crests have had them passed down through blood lineage. There are some paralogues concerned with how nobles inherit Crests, and the general gist of it is that they’re incredibly special and valuable: special and valuable enough for some people to take up arms against others because of them. There’s no need to be overly concerned with that though if you’re just wanting to find out what the Crests of your favorite students do. Our full list is as follows.
Crest of Blaiddyd — borne by Dimitri
This crest occasionally doubles a unit’s ATK and weapon uses for combat arts. It’s inherited through the Faerghus royal family. The associated weapon of this Crest is Areadbhar.
Crest of Charon — borne by Lysithea and Catherine
This crest occasionally raises a unit’s Mt when using combat arts. The associated weapon of this Crest is Thunderbrand.
Crest of Daphnel — borne by Ingrid
This crest can raise the Mt of a unit when using combat arts. The associated weapon of this crest is Luin.
Crest of Dominic — borne by Annette
This crest can conserve uses of attack magic. The associated weapon of this crest is Crusher.
Crest of Fraldarius — borne by Felix and Rodrigue
This crest can raise Mt when using a weapon. The associated weapons of this crest are the Aegis Shield and the Sword of Moralta.
Crest of Gautier — borne by Sylvain
This crest can raise one’s Mt when using combat arts. The associated weapon of this crest is the Lance of Ruin.
Crest of Gloucester — borne by Lysithea and Lorenz
This crest can raise one’s Mt during magic attacks. The associated weapons of this crest are Thyrsus and the Axe of Ukonvasara.
Crest of Goneril — borne by Hilda
This crest can allow combat arts to prevent enemy counterattacks. The associated weapon of this crest is Freikugel.
Crest of Lamine — borne by Mercedes and Jeritza
This crest can conserve uses of recovery magic. The associated weapons of this crest are Rafail Gem and Tathlum Bow.
Crest of Riegan — borne by Claude
This crest can restore HP equal to 30% of the damage dealt by a unit when using combat arts. The associated weapons of this crest are Failnaught and the Sword of Begalta.
Crest of Cethleann — borne by Flayn and Linhardt
This crest can raise one’s Mt when using recovery magic. The associated weapon of this crest is the Caduceus Staff.
Crest of Cichol — borne by Seteth and Ferdinand
This crest can allow the user’s combat arts to prevent enemy counterattacks. The associated weapons of this crest are the Spear of Assal and the Ochain Shield.
Crest of Indech — borne by Bernadetta and Hanneman
This crest will let weapon attacks of the user to strike twice occasionally. The associated weapon of this crest is The Inexhaustible.
Crest of the Goddess — borne by Nemesis and Byleth
This crest will have a chance to restore the HP of a user equal to 30% of the damage that they dealt. It can also raise Mt and prevent counterattacks. The associated weapon of this crest is the Sword of the Creator.
Crest of Seiros — borne by Rhea, Jeralt and Edelgard
This crest will sometimes raise the Mt of a unit when using combat arts. The associated weapons of this crest are the Sword of Seiros, the Seiros Shield, and Aymr.
Hopefully our Fire Emblem Three Houses crests guide has given you some clarity about the different noble Crests and what their uses can be on the battlefield. There’s a fair amount of overlap among your young students when it comes to some of the combat buffs available here, but every little edge in battle is going to count especially if you’re playing on some of the harder difficulties.
Published: Aug 21, 2019 04:01 am