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Emissary Guide Set 13 Teamfight Tactics | Into the Arcane

Nami is basically a free Invoker buff!

Some might find the Emissary trait from Teamfight Tactics’ Set 13 confusing because it sometimes doesn’t activate. That’s because there’s a unique mechanic involved with Emissary. Even if you figure out how to make it work, it’ll still be hard to “make it work” and win rounds or the game. Here’s everything you need to know about the Emissary trait and how to play it in Teamfight Tactics’ Set 13 Into the Arcane.

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Complete Emissary Guide to Teamfight Tactics Set 13 | Into the Arcane

The Emissary trait might be one of the most powerful and underrated traits in Set 13. Before diving into why, here are the mechanics of the Emissary trait:

Emissary Trait

Number of Unique EmissariesEffect
1Gain that Emissary’s bonus
4Gain all bonuses. Emissaries gain 200 HP and 20% Attack Speed.

Emissary Bonuses

Emissary UnitTeam Bonus
AmbessaAllies gain 2 Armor and Magic Resist for each opponent defeated. (6/7)
GarenOn Combat Start, Garen and allies to his left and right gain 20% of his max Health.
NamiAllies’ attacks grant 2 bonus Mana.
TristanaAllies gain 6% Attack Speed per star level.

The Emissary trait is only active when there are exactly one or four Emissaries on the board. The keyword here is “exactly.” If you have two Emissaries, the Emissary bonuses won’t work, and you’ll essentially have two units with only one subtrait.

Now, if you have one Emissary, it is like giving your whole team an easy boost because you literally only need to field one Emissary to get the bonus. A single Tristana will give your whole team 6% attack speed per star level. That’s almost like a whole Pumping Up augment on one unit.

Because of this, the Emissary trait is so powerful that everyone needs at least one on their team.

How to Build an Emissary Team in Set 13 Teamfight Tactics

For the single Emissary unit teams, you want Ambessa along with Conquerors or generally a team that needs a good frontline bruiser. Ambessa gives all allies bonus armor and magic resistance, which is basically a free “Sentinel” trait buff. If you have defeated all opponents, you get the most out of it.

Garen is mostly for teams that focus on just a few big tanks. Some examples would be a hybrid Conqueror team that uses Rell and another Sentinel, like Illaoi, as two main tanks. There are also two tank comps for some Academy team lineups. However, Conquerors are more popular since it is easy to complete and you can easily get the War Chest reward from it and immediately switch out of those Conqueror units.

Nami is essentially good for all team comps, similar to Ambessa. She gives everyone sort of a mini Spear of Shojin buff to all units. Any attack speed buffs from augments or anything else would supplement this buff and turn your aid your team in causing mayhem on the board.

Tristana is also good overall because of the attack speed buff. Since she is also an Artilerist, it works well to build around the subtrait or Snipers too.

If you decide to go for all four, you’ll need to invest a little more because you will keep some Emissary units on your bench until you get all four of them. You want to have some temporary units, but you should build around other subtraits first, like Watcher, Sorcerer, or Artillerist, which are basically other secondary traits from the main Emissary units.

A full Emissary team is strong, but only if it has the right units and items. The real struggle is actually not losing too much HP before getting all four Emissaries. It’ll take some practice because you’ll be switching units frequently.

If you are looking to pull for the exclusive Arcane Jinx Unbound, now will be the only time to get her. Make sure to level up those battle passes. You might get lucky and get her without spending a dime!

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Image of Enzo Zalamea
Enzo Zalamea
Enzo is a staff writer at Prima Games. He began writing news, guides, and listicles related to games back in 2019. In 2024, he started writing at Prima Games covering the best new games and updates regardless of the genre. You can find him playing the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Path of Exile, Teamfight Tactics, and popular competitive shooters like Valorant, Apex Legends, and CS2. Enzo received his Bachelor's degree in Marketing Management in De La Salle University and multiple SEO certifications from the University of California, Davis.