Just like in The Missing Jewel, the Quiz Professor has three questions for you to answer in The Fabled Aurora in Detective Pikachu Returns. The second one asks you to hunt down a Pokemon with a blocky body and impressive jaws that will shock you if you touch it. Here’s where to find the mystery Pokemon in Detective Pikachu 2.
“What Pokemon Has a Blocky Body, Impressive Jaws, and Will Shock You if You Touch It?” Answer in Detective Pikachu 2
My mind automatically went to the Nacli evolution line from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s Gen 9, as they’re as blocky as you can get. Literally, they look like they’ve jumped straight out of a game of Minecraft. That’s wrong, though, because they’re not Electric-type, as the quiz question implies. The answer is actually the Gen 7 Bug/Electric-type Pokemon, Charjabug.
You already answered the Quiz Professor’s first question about Rowlet, so if your memory is good, you’ll know where Charjabug is at. But if not, don’t worry – I’ll let you know below.

How to Find Charjabug in Detective Pikachu Return – Exact Location
To find Charjabug, head left from the Quiz Professor’s location and then go straight down the dirt hill to where the Leavanny is standing. From here, go left again and continue on until you see the Rowlet you had to find for the answer to the first question.
Look to the left of the Rowlet perched on a rock, and you’ll spot the Charjabug on the ground. Interact with it and Tim will comment that this is the blocky Pokemon you’re looking for. Once the dialogue ends, return to the Quiz Professor and tell her that the answer is Charjabug to wrap up question two. One more to go!

The Quiz Professor’s third and final question in The Fabled Aurora tasks you with hunting down a Pokemon that is “soft and fluffy all over” – here’s where to find it in Detective Pikachu 2.
Published: Oct 6, 2023 6:20 AM UTC