Bungie has officially announced Destiny 2 New Light, a free to play version of the game for those who are interested in the vast and expansive world of Destiny. In this guide, we are going to give you a quick rundown of what Destiny 2 content is free to play and what is not. Let’s get started.
What Destiny 2 Content Is Free to Play with New Light?
New Light is a specially made version of Destiny 2 designed for players who are interested in Destiny but are afraid to hop in due to the massive amount of lore and story in the series. It is completely free to play and will take players through an abridged version of the story thus far up to Shadowkeep, which is the most current expansion that was released in Fall 2019.
Destiny 2 New Light is available on all platforms and will support crossplay between console families and PC. Players will have full access to all three Year 1 campaigns (the game is currently in Year 3), which will include all the content for the Red War campaign that came with the base game and the Curse of Osiris and Warmind DLCs. Players who would like to continue the story will then be able to purchase the Year 2 content for $25 and the Year 3 content for $35. The next major expansion is Beyond Light and it will launch in September 2020, so you should have plenty of time to hop in and catch up on all of the lore before it releases.
Related: Destiny 2: In the Face of Darkness Quest Guide
Destiny 2 New Light will also give players free to play access to every planet and destination in the game, although you won’t be able to do everything those areas have to offer. Additionally, players will be able to play Crucible, Gambit, and complete Strikes and Year 1 raids for free. New Light also offers limited access to some content from the Year 2 Annual Pass and will allow players to collect Year 1 exotics and participate in all seasonal in-game events. So, as you can see, there is plenty of stuff to keep you busy and help you catch up on everything that the world of Destiny has to offer.
Bungie recently announced that it has no plans to make a Destiny 3 in the near future, and has committed to three new expansions that will run until 2022. Further, the Season of Arrivals is now live and will serve as a prequel to the Beyond Light expansion.
There is a lot of stuff to do in Destiny 2 and it can be a little bit overwhelming for even the most experienced players. Below you’ll find some of our recent guides that should help you out with the new update.
- How to Get Twisted Energy in Destiny 2
- Destiny 2: Beyond Light Stasis – Everything You Need Know
- How to Get Exotic Cipher in Destiny 2
Are you going to give New Light a try? Be sure to let us know on Twitter or Facebook.
Published: Jun 10, 2020 9:06 PM UTC