One of the strongest decks in the Genetic Apex meta in Pokemon TCG Pocket features water-type Pokemon because of the broken Misty card. What better way to capitalize on a Misty card than one of the most popular and strongest Kanto Pokemon, Blastoise. Here’s the best Blastoise deck along with all the card alternatives for free-to-play players and how to play it perfectly in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Blastoise Full Decklist in Pokemon TCG Pocket
2x Squirtle | 2x Articuno ex | 1x Greninja | 2x X Speed |
2x Wartortle | 1x Froakie | 2x Professor’s Research | 1x Potion |
2x Blastoise ex | 1x Frogadier | 2x Poké Ball | 2x Misty |
There are two Blastoise cards: the non-ex and ex version. You only want to use the ex version because it has way more power, and your goal is to hit an enemy with Hydro Bazooka twice on the opponent’s ex Pokemon or get lucky with a Misty coin flip to use the improved version of Hydro Bazooka doing 160 damage that needs five energy cards.
Articuno ex will be there to soak up the early game and threaten the enemy if ever you don’t get the right cards. Froakie, Frogadier, and Greninja are good backups and are easier to get than most cards if you get lucky. Greninja gives you the ability to do 20 damage to any Pokemon per turn, which has great synergy with your main cast.
Articuno ex can soften all the other Pokemon using Blizzard, and Greninja can help finish them off. Blastoise’s Hydro Bazooka lacks a little power without the five energy cards, so Greninja helps you fill the void. It is hard to get it to evolve, especially since this deck has several Pokemons. This is more “free-to-play” friendly, and there are several alternatives to partner up with a Blastoise ex.
You can swap the whole evolution line of Greninja for a Staryu and Starmie ex. You can replace Articuno ex with the same Pokemon. You can also play two whole sets of Blastoise ex and Greninja alone if you’d prefer.
You can even mix in Sabrina cards if you are lacking some of the Pokemon. The most important cards here are Blastoise ex and Misty.
Related: Best Gengar Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket
Blastoise Deck Playstyle Guide in Pokemon TCG Pocket

The playstyle for the deck revolves around delaying as much as possible until Blastoise is ready. Blastoise can survive multiple strong hits excluding a Charizard’s Crimson Storm. This makes the Blastoise card on par with all the Pokemon exes but… you have the bonus of doing 160 damage when you get five energy cards.
This puts commonly played ex’s at one-shot range such as Pikachu ex, Zapdos ex, Mewtwo ex, and more. This is what sets Blastoise apart from the rest and all it takes is a long fight or a lucky Misty coin flip. You want to play at a curve, meaning if you place an energy on Squirtle, you’ll attack on the same turn. When you evolve Squirtle to Wartortle on the next turn, you also put an energy card to use Wartortle’s skill.
Do this until you get a Blastoise, and add another energy card for a Hydro Bazooka. Now, you’ll only occasionally get all the evolve cards at the start, so an alternative start is to have Articuno and start putting energy cards on Articuno until you can do Blizzards.
If you feel the opponent has more than a one-turn advantage on you, you can sacrifice Articuno ex and start to put energy cards on your Blastoise, Wartortle, or Squirtle, hoping to get to five energy cards for a massive Hydro Bazooka.
X Speed helps you reach Articuno’s retreat threshold so you can save two points. X Speed also helps you swap out a Squirtle or Wartortle for free if they need to dodge a strong attack.
Potions are there for when you play Squirtle on a curve and keep evolving it. It’ll surely get damaged so Potions will help them stay healthy so Blastoise isn’t in a one-shot range.
Overall, this deck is going to be easy to build, and there are many alternatives. Its best version might just be to partner Blastoise with Starmie ex just because of how powerful a Starmie ex is in Genetic Apex. Some might even remove Blastoise and just use Articuno ex and Starmie ex. All water-type decks are very flexible because they all revolve around using Misty.
Published: Nov 14, 2024 12:31 AM UTC