When news that Mixer was shutting down in favor of Facebook Gaming, many of the big former Twitch stars like Ninja and Shroud were once more in the media spotlight as to what their next move would be. With huge payouts to jump from Twitch to Mixer, the “will they, won’t they” regarding Twitch was a hot topic. While Ninja did update his Twitch channel following the news, it looks like YouTube Gaming might be his new home.
With a new video, we know that Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is on YouTube Gaming officially but before there is too much hype, this isn’t solidified as an exclusive deal quite yet. What that means is that while Ninja can takeover YouTube Gaming like he did with Twitch and Mixer, that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily limited to stream only there. He’s a free agent as of the time this article was written, whether or not that stays the case remains to be seen.
Currently, Ninja is just streaming “for fun” over on YouTube (which should always be the point anyway) and reports state that he hasn’t made the decision to go exclusive once more after cashing in on the multi-million dollar deal with Microsoft and Mixer.
With his test stream now live on YouTube Gaming, it looks like this could be a good home for him. That being said, Ninja is about as established as established gets, racking in millions due to the empire he has built through the years. He’s in a rare position where there wouldn’t be a huge hit should he remain a free agent, meaning no matter where he goes he’s going to make bank: exclusive deal or not.
Related: Twitch Apologizes After Being Called Out For Promoting Porn On Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevin’s Dormant Channel
If he really wanted to shock fans, however, he would move to Twitch, especially given past discourse with the recently perma-banned DrDisrepsect, another streamer known for controversy and his very public callouts of his fellow influencer. Our own sources tell Prima Games that Ninja is currently in talks with Twitch and YouTube Gaming to see what is offered, though it seems that Facebook Gaming isn’t of interest at this time for him personally.
- Ninja Pushes Back Against Alinity and Twitch After Dr. Disrespect Tweet Goes Viral
- Ninja Leaves Twitch For Mixer Exclusively
- Mixer Is Being Shut Down By Microsoft to Partner With Facebook Gaming As Ninja Possibly Goes Back to Twitch
Where do you think Ninja should go next? Do you think he should go YouTube Gaming or return to his roots with Twitch? Sound off with your thoughts over on Twitter @PrimaGames!
Published: Jul 8, 2020 06:53 pm