Battlefield 4 is known for its in-depth assignments and massive Easter egg hunts. While players were quick to unlock the Phantom Prospect assignment several months ago, the Phantom Trainee has proved more difficult until recently. Thanks to the hard work of several people on Reddit, we now know the password to unlock the Phantom Trainee assignment, with the reward of the Phantom camouflage upon its completion.
Before You Begin
In order to unlock the Phantom Trainee, you must first complete the Phantom Prospect. Don’t worry, if you haven’t already done so, check out the article we linked above and you’ll be done in a few short minutes.
Step 1
After logging into Battlelog, find your Battlefield 4 profile. Click on the Leaderboards tab at the top and wait for the page to load. Scroll to the bottom of the Leaderboards page, looking on the left hand side for a small skull. Click on that skull to load a page filled with code.
Step 2
When all of the code has loaded, enter epic dream worlds as the password and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Once you receive a message that it was successful, close the page full of code at the top right of the screen. Don’t close the entire webpage itself, just the code.
Step 3
Head over to the Assignments tab of your Battlelog profile. Scroll down to the Gold Assignments and you will see that the Phantom Trainee is now unlocked. The next time you load up Battlefield 4, there will be a message letting you know that the second phase of the program has begun.
That’s all there is to it, except for the 200 kills with pistols, 20 kills in a jet and two shotgun ribbons in a single round. Well, what are you waiting for? Go unlock that Phantom camouflage.
Published: Apr 10, 2014 7:30 PM UTC