DICE, the developer of the Battlefield franchise, is well known for its Easter eggs in Battlefield 3. This was especially true with DLC. With Battlefield 4‘s first expansion, China Rising, being released to Premium members on December 3rd, the YouTube community went to work trying to dig up all its secrets. Thanks to YouTube commentator RageRageGaming, Prima Games has video footage showcasing one of the first Easter eggs.
Although we’re not exactly sure what it is, we can show you exactly where to find it. First, load into the Dragon Pass map on Conquest Large. We’re sure you can find it in other game modes; that’s just the one we used. Grab one of the helicopters and head towards the C objective. You can find the Easter egg approximately 169 meters to the south east of the flag, on top of a large cliff.
Let us know in the comments, what Easter eggs have you found in Battlefield 4?
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Published: Dec 5, 2013 02:00 pm