Assassin’s Creed Syndicate London Stories – Queen Victoria Memories

Once you complete the main story, help Queen Victoria save London!
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

Once you complete all nine of the main story Sequences and effectively beat Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, you gain access to the London Stories featuring Queen Victoria. To start these memories, venture to the “V” icon on the map. 

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Operation: Dynamite Boat

  • Suggested Level: 10 

Grapple over to Fleming, who is standing in the shipyard and speak with him. Drive the police carriage out of the restricted zone and recruit any nearby Rooks if you’re looking for assistance during this memory. Head over to Fleming’s new location by the docks as you engage a number of enemies that arrive via boat in 30 seconds. For best positioning, climb up the crane to the south. 

When the enemies become visible, use an Air Assassination to take one of them down. This completes the optional challenge associated with this portion of the memory. Finish off the remaining enemies, then speak with Fleming again. 

Chase down the Templar leader, but don’t get too close once he steps inside the warehouse. He ignites dynamite as he moves through here, which can be difficult to avoid if you’re too close. Once he has ignited three crates of dynamite, close in and tackle him. Kidnap the enemy and bring him back to Fleming. Place him inside the nearby carriage to complete the memory. 

Operation: Locomotive

  • Suggested Level: 10

Head into Buckingham Palace to speak with the Queen and begin this memory. Take a carriage and head to the next waypoint, which is the Westminster police station. When you arrive, move to the north side and enter through an open window near the roof. Head into the cell and engage in a battle against the Templar leader. Don’t worry about the nearby policemen.

Make your way to the next waypoint, which is the location of the bomb on the moving train. You only have a little more than two minutes to diffuse the bomb, so head out the window and up to the roof, then use the Rope Launcher to grapple over to the train. 

When you get to the train, move along the rooftops of the cars to reach the front of the train. You don’t have a lot of time, so don’t dwell on the enemies too much. If they’re in your way, take them out, otherwise leave them. Detach the second and third cars on the train so that the engine and explosives are separated from the rest of the cars in order to complete the memory. 

Operation: Drive for Lives

  • Suggested Level: 10 

Follow the map to the next waypoint where you’ll find the Templar leader inside a carriage. Hop in your own carriage (grab any nearby carriage) and follow the Templar’s carriage. You can’t get too close while you’re tailing the enemy, but if you get too far or lose sight of him you may also fail the mission. Stay close enough to keep him in sight and continue to follow him. 

When the other carriage heads into the station, exit your carriage. Wait for the Templar to exit his carriage and move away, then hijack his former carriage. Unfortunately the explosives were ignited before you could make a clean escape. You have to be careful as you drive away because you must reach the next waypoint within 80 seconds to complete the optional objective, but every time you bump into anything, the explosive meter drops. If the explosives go off, you fail the mission.

If more Templars attack in route to your destination, use your gun to fend them off to avoid disturbing your precious cargo. When you arrive at your destination, get out of the carriage and escape to a safe distance to complete the memory.

Operation: Westminster

  • Suggested Level: 10 

You are now tasked with stopping the Templars from blowing up the Houses of Parliament. Leave the Palace and take a carriage to the next waypoint, which is the House of Parliament. Enter Parliament through the doorway in the southwest corner, then head to the waypoint, which is the location of Fleming. 

It’s time to be the hero again and walk up behind the Templar who is strapped with explosives. You need to kidnap him, then move through the crowd to the east. Head right at the next intersection, let him go and then quickly run away. He’ll detonate his explosives, but won’t kill anyone.

You need to repeat this process with the remaining Templar bombers (marked on your map). This time around you now have an optional challenge to make at least one bomber blow himself up, while not harming anyone else. Essentially, do the same thing you just did, which is to sneak up behind the bombers, move them to a safe area, let them go and make a run for it. 

Once you’ve taken out at least one more bomber this way, the optional challenge is complete and you can assassinate the remaining bombers any way you see fit. Kill all of the bombers, then speak with Fleming again. Chase the Templar who runs away. He circles around and takes Fleming hostage, but you don’t have a lot of time (just over two minutes in total). 

Take out your gun and aim at the Templar’s head. As soon as he picks his head out from behind Fleming, take the shot. Don’t delay or you won’t have time to diffuse the bombs. Pick the door to the room at the end of the hall and quickly diffuse the bomb in the corner. Leave the room and head right down the hallway and into the courtyard. Continue into the first door on the right to find another bomb in the far right corner.

Once the first two bombs are taken care of, grapple up to the rooftop, then drop down on the west side of the balcony and head into the building through the balcony entrance to find another bomb under the stairs. Diffuse the bomb, then quickly head out the door and make your way north to reach Big Ben. Grapple up to the location of the bomb on the southeast corner and diffuse it. Drop back down to the ground and speak with Disraeli to complete the memory.

For more London Stories, visit Prima’s Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Walkthrough and Guide.

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Image of Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.