Nothing helps a game retain its player base like an active team that consistently both provides in-game updates and takes on player feedback to lead to future improvement. After all, players put in significant game hours. This is especially true of players in RuneScape where the most common player goals can take thousands of hours to complete. So, it is good to know that Jagex is currently requesting player feedback.
Jagex Wants to Hear From RuneScape Players
From July 17, 2023, to July 23, 2023, Jagex is asking RuneScape players to partake in the Understanding RuneScape survey. This is a 25–30-minute-long survey that asks for information about yourself including; demographic information and preferred game genres, how you play RuneScape, and heavily focuses on what you would like to see in an alternate RuneScape game. Click here to take the survey.
Related: New Soul Dye Updates Due to RuneScape Players Feedback
The heavy focus on questions regarding an alternate RuneScape game definitely has the community wondering what Jagex is considering for the future. It can be difficult when a company wants to begin a new project when they have a game that requires frequent updates. The community tends to worry that the new game will take away from the game that they play. Sometimes rightfully so. At the moment, this is nothing more than a survey. All we can do is fill it out and see what comes from it in the future.
Published: Jul 17, 2023 8:33 PM UTC