Escape From Tarkov features a positively massive amount of loot, most of which are critical components to the various crafting mechanics and quests provided by Traders. One such item, the Military Flash Drive, proves challenging to acquire, but here’s how to increase your odds of scoring one!
How to Get a Military Flash Drive in Escape from Tarkov
Believe it or not, despite being a key component for numerous quests and crafting recipes, the Military Flash Drive is nothing more than generic loot. It’s not overly expensive, and once you’ve scored a few and put them to use, that’s it; you’re done with it.
To get a Military Flash Drive in Escape from Tarkov, you must loot it in-raid from the following containers:
- Buried Barrel Cache
- Common Fund Stash
- Dead Scav
- Drawer
- Ground Cache
- Jacket
- Technical Supply Crate
- Safe
I had the most luck finding one in a Buried Barrel Cache, Technical Supply Crate, and Safe. That’s not to say you can’t find one in a Jacket hanging inside a storage unit on Customs; it’s entirely possible. But don’t get your hopes up!
Why You Need a Military Flash Drive in Escape from Tarkov
You require a Military Flash Drive in Escape from Tarkov for numerous purposes, but primarily as part of a side quest, “Special Equipment,” which comes from Peacekeeper. You’re tasked with acquiring four of the drives in-raid, meaning you can’t buy them from the Flea Market.
Elsewhere, the Military Flash Drive is a key component for trading Jaeger for a Dogtag Case and part of the crafting recipe for an Intelligence Folder from the Intelligence Center Level 3. That said, if you want an Intelligence Center Level 3, then you’ll need five Military Flash Drives.
While you’re out scouring the land for flash drives, we recommend learning how to get and use the Conference Room Key in Escape from Tarkov!
Published: Mar 30, 2024 2:47 PM UTC