The Iniquitous Baptist is a World Boss introduced in Genshin Impact during the 3.6 update, being the promoted version of the Abyss Lectors who can wield various elements at once in battle, making it quite an interesting challenge when compared to other regular World Bosses. As expected, you’ll need to bring various elements into the fray to slay this envoy from the depths, but your first challenge is to track it down. Here’s how to find the Iniquitous Baptist World Boss in Genshin Impact.
How to Find the Iniquitous Baptist in Genshin Impact
The World Boss is located in the Girded of the Sands area north of Sumeru’s desert. The boss’ location will be revealed as soon as you unlock the area’s map for the first time, and reaching it is not that difficult at all.
Keep following the main road in the area after you unlock the Statue of the Seven and eventually, you’ll find a new Waypoint. Continue to walk straight until you see a small cave with vines and strange green orbs sprouting from them. Enter this cave and head straight until you find yourself in the Baptist’s arena. After assembling a multi-element team, step into the arena and challenge it.

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How to Defeat the Iniquitous Baptist
The Baptist’s main gimmick is that it uses three elements out of four in battle: Electro, Cryo, Pyro and Hydro. As soon as the battle starts, they will summon three orbs, each one with a different element. Break the orbs to stun them and deal a huge load of damage at once (You also unlock an achievement for doing that!).
If you fail to break all orbs at once, it will later use this attack again with the remaining orbs. Breaking them here will also stun it.
After breaking his orbs, the boss cycles between shields of its three elements, so use appropriate characters to break them effectively. Geo and Anemo can break the shields all by themselves, but bring various elements just to be sure. If you’re using a Cryo DPS, bring at least one Pyro character to get through its Cryo barrier, for example.
The shield dissipates itself after a while if you don’t break it. It’s not a huge problem in the overworld, but becomes a problem when fighting it inside the Spiral Abyss as you cannot damage the boss at all while it’s shielded. To make its demise swift and clean, just make sure to bring at least two different elements into the battle to make quick work of it.
Published: Apr 12, 2023 08:29 am