Dungeons are part and parcel of every great adventure game, and Palworld is no exception. Here’s everything you need to know about Palworld’s dungeons, from how to find them to how to complete them.
All Dungeon Locations in Palworld
As you meander through Palworld, you’re bound to stumble across a cavern embedded in a mountain wall. These caves, called dungeons, appear periodically and offer a host of rewards. But if you don’t take advantage of them during their spawn, they’re bound to eventually vanish.
Palworld’s dungeons appear at set points across the map in the form of a cavern, where they’ll stay for 200 minutes. Once those 200 minutes elapse, the dungeon will vanish, and it may be a significant amount of time before that specific one respawns.
However, if you enter the dungeon with only a minute left on its timer, don’t worry. You’ll still have all the time in the world to explore its caverns. And Palworld’s dungeons are well worth exploring.
Dungeons will automatically unlock as you approach their cave entrances. Dungeons are typically of varying difficulty, so you’ll need to make sure you have strong pals and good equipment before entering. Dungeons are a great way to obtain rare drops, like blueprints for upgraded versions of weapons/armors, and Alpha Pals.
After delving through quite a few dungeons, I found only two different layouts for each dungeon. One, which has a central chamber that connects to four other chambers, and one with a castle-like corridor. Either way, the Pals within have all remained the same. Expect to encounter Maus, Daedreams, and Fuddlers. There are also a handful of Syndicate grunts, which are more fodder than foe, who will drop plenty of Pal Spheres in case you’re running low.
However, as you start exploring higher-level regions, like the icy mountains to the north and the magma-cut land to the west, you’ll find that the dungeons reach levels 40 – 45. In these dungeons, you’ll encounter the dark type Maraith and elemental fusions like Ice Reptyro.

The big change in each dungeon instead lies in its final boss, which seems to be random. While the boss might not be particularly rare most of the time, it does offer valuable resources like Paldium Crystal and Precious Entrails.
In higher level dungeons, you’ll encounter rarer bosses like Elphidran, who is an optional boss in the overworld.

Once you’re through with the dungeon, you’ll then encounter two treasure chests which can contain blueprints for clothing, Technical Manuals which can give you technology points, Rubies, and other rare goods. In later dungeons, you’ll find Diamonds, Accessories with at least +2, and schematics.

There are only two ways out of the dungeon. And that’s through the portal behind the boss or through the opening you entered through. Well, actually, there’s a third. You could die. But I’d recommend you not.

In lower-level dungeons, up to level 29, you can actually influence which Alpha Pal will be the final boss. In the hallway before the dungeon boss (stone walkway with water on each side), you can check and see what type of boss is in the dungeon ahead of time. If you don’t like what you see, leave the walkway room and go at least a room farther away. Then, return to the walkway, and you should see a different boss.
How to Find Dungeons in Palworld
Finding dungeons is easier said than done, as they seem to have ample spawn points and long cooldowns. Using height to your advantage can also help locate them, as they are large.

Starting Area Dungeons: Level 13, Hillside Cavern
- 266, 537
- 125, -429
- 56, -534
- 14, -533
- 14, -473
- 64, -481

Island Area Dungeons: Level 19, Ravine Grotto
- -298, -186
- -175, 191
- -221, 414
- -226, -466
- -165, -443
- -282, -462

Sand Dune Area Dungeons: Level 38, Cavern of the Dunes
- 218, 254
- 283, 329
- 357, 412
- 355, 409
- 335, 444
- 446, 496
- 557, 398

Mount Obsidian Area Dungeons: Level 40, Volcanic Cavern
- -610, -237
- -465, -311
- -452, -422
- -500, -521
- -786, -566
- -785, -346

Astral Mountain Area Dungeons: Level 45, Sacred Mountain Cavern
- -106, 221
- -19, 194
- -131, 313
Palword Dungeon Rewards
When you successfully defeat or capture the Dungeon Boss, you can expect to receive Ancient Civilization Parts, and access to two treasure chests. In the treasure chests you may come across rare items like Rubies, Blueprints, and High-Grade Technical Manuals that you can use to increase your Technology Points.
While exploring the cave system, it’s possible to discover sulfur deposits that are available for mining. Certain dungeons also contain Paldium Fragments, which resemble large bluish rocks and yield a higher quantity of Paldium than the smaller ones found at the beginning of the game.
Exploiting a Dungeon for resources is a smart strategy, as these locations remain accessible until the timer runs out. This extended access period allows players to engage in farming activities within the dungeon environment and gather resources for their gameplay.
How to Prepare for Palworld Dungeons
Before entering a dungeon, you’ll want to make sure you and your Pals are in a good condition to fight. And if you want to catch the Dungeon boss, you’ll want to also take some Palspheres with you.
Each Dungeon tells you the level of the boss before you enter it, so you can expect other enemies in the Dungeon to be around that same level. Prepare by taking Pals that can comfortably fight Pals in the specific level range for the Dungeon you’re attempting.
It’s advisable to team up with other players, especially if you’re a beginner. Completing dungeons in a party can make it easier to overcome challenges and obstacles.
Do Dungeons Respawn in Palworld?
Yes, Dungeons respawn in Palworld, but it may take a day or two of in-game time before the Dungeon respawns after its timer runs out. Repeating dungeons allows you to gather loot and XP over and over, and the Dungeon boss and rewards differ each time. Some dungeons have various paths and boss battles, so each playthrough is unique.
Dungeons can be a hardcore experience in Palworld, just like filling out your Paldeck. Check out our guide on all pals, pal variants, and drops here.
Published: Feb 9, 2024 3:40 PM UTC