How to Beat Xyclucian 2 Poe2
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Path of Exile 2: Xyclucian, the Chimera Boss Guide

Earn your entry to the Trial of Chaos

Xyclucian, the Chimera, is a ferocious beast that awaits you in Act 3 of Path of Exile 2. Like Balbala in Act 2, you must defeat Xyclucian to gain entry to the Trial of Chaos. This dragon-like boss has three heads and a centipede-like tail, all of which have different abilities.

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One head spits fire, one ice, the third lightning, and its tail spews poison all over the battlefield. If you want to learn how to take Xyclucian down, you will find everything you need in this Path of Exile 2 guide.

Where to Find Xyclucian, the Chimera

Xyclucian the Chimera Location Poe2
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Xyclucian is lurking in the Chimeral Wetlands. You can access this area shortly after starting Act 3, during the Legacy of the Vaal quest. Xyclucian is one of the easier bosses to find thanks to its loud roaring that you can hear from a mile away.

Once you hear a large beast growling in the distance, follow the sound until you find yourself in a large arena with pillars around the perimeter. That is where you will take down Xyclucian.

How to Defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera

How to Beat Xyclucian Poe2
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Xyclucian, the Chimera, is a tricky boss to defeat thanks to its many elemental proficiencies. Not only are these attacks troublesome to avoid, but they make building your defenses harder since you can’t focus on boosting your resistance to ice, fire, or lightning, you have to do all three. That makes learning to dodge Xyclucian’s moves all the more important in this battle.

Xyclucian has several attacks that you can expect to see throughout the fight. Thankfully, you can avoid them if you know what to look out for.

Xyclucian Fire Poe2
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The most frequent attacks you will have to look out for are Xyclucian’s fire breath, ice breath, and lightning attacks. These attacks coat the battlefield with their respective elements, with ice being one of the worst. The frost all but covers the arena, slowing you down significantly if you get caught in it, making it very hard to escape the damage it inflicts.

When Xyclucian isn’t spewing fire, ice, or lightning breath at you, it is spewing poison from its tail. This move does incredible damage that can easily sap all of your HP and also covers a majority of the arena. Quickly dodge behind Xyclucian’s tail to avoid this move, or huddle close to the pillar if that’s where the beast is unleashing its attack.

Xyclucian Pillar Poe2
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In addition to those attacks, you will have to look out for Xyclucian pouncing on you or landing on the ground, dealing AoE damage.

The key to the Xyclucian fight is to destroy the rock pillars when he is standing on them. Destroying a pillar that Xyclucian is standing on sends him falling into a pit of rock that traps him for a significant amount of time, allowing you to get free hits in without worrying about him fighting back.

What Do You Get For Defeating Xyclucian, the Chimera?

Ultimatum Poe2
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Defeating Xyclucian, the Chimera gives you some incredibly important and valuable loot. Most of the loot you will receive is randomized and will often contain an Uncut Skill or Support Gem, along with valuable weapons and armor.

The most important thing you will receive, however, is the Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum. The Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum is your key to unlocking the Trials of Chaos.

The Trials of Chaos is the second challenge you can take to either Ascend for the first time or collect two more points for your Ascendancy Skill Tree.

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