Octopath Traveler Alfyn Concoct Recipes

If you’re looking for Apothecary concoct recipes in Octopath Traveler, you’ve come to the right place.

In Octopath Traveler, you can get the Apothecary, Alfyn, to join your party, and his ability to concoct items can be extremely useful albeit tricky to understand. Here’s our guide on Alfyn’s Concoct ability.

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Alfyn Concoct Guide for Octopath Traveler

Alfyn’s Concoction ability allows him to concoct various items that can be used to support your party, or against enemies. To have Alfyn concoct ingredients, select Concoct during Alfyn’s turn in battle and a mixing menu will open up that will allow you to use ingredients to create either hazardous or medicinal items.

Octopath Traveler’s tool tips will let you know whether a component is hazardous or medicinal, but general speaking, Soothing and Purifying components are medicinal while Injurious and Ruinous components are hazardous, with the Purifying and Ruinous attributes indicating a stronger or more potent effect than their Soothing and Injurious counterparts.

Seed and Dust indicate who will be targeted by the concoction. Seed is a Single Target component while Dust will have a Target All effect.

To complete the concoct recipe, you simply just need to choose the ingredient you want to use. Different ingredients can add different effects to the concoction. Finding out all of the Alfyn concoct recipes in Octopath Traveler can be a daunting task, but fear not, in this article we’ll cover all of the Apothecary concoct recipes for Alfyn in Octopath Traveler.

Some ingredients are harder to find than others, but at least you’ll know exactly how to make everything with these concoct recipes.

Octopath Traveler Alfyn Concoct Recipes

There are two types of recipes in the game. Support recipes can be used on allies in your party, while Enfeebling recipes will inflict damage or status ailments to enemies.

Some recipes are single target, meaning they only impact one party member or enemies, while others hit all targets, meaning a single concoction will hit all enemies or allies depending on the recipe.

If any new recipes are found, we’ll add them to the table below. In the meantime, be sure to check out our Octopath Traveler game hub for more strategies and advice.

Support Concoctions

ConcoctionTarget(s)EffectItem 1Item 2
Boosting BalmSingle TargetRestores 1 BPSoothing SeedEssence of Pomegranate
Boosting Balm+Single TargetRestores 4 BPPurifying SeedEssence of Pomegranate
Boosting MistAll TargetsRestores 1 BPSoothing DustEssence of Pomegranate
Boosting Mist+All TargetsRestores 3 BPPurifying DustEssence of Pomegranate
Curative BalmSingle TargetRestores HP, Cures PoisonSoothing SeedNoxroot
Curative Balm+Single TargetRestores HP, Cures PoisonPurifying SeedNoxroot
Curative MistAll TargetsRestores HP, Cures PoisonSoothing DustNoxroot
Curative Mist+All TargetsRestores HP, Cures PoisonPurifying DustNoxroot
Curious BalmSingle TargetRestores HP, Prevents all Status AilmentsSoothing SeedCurious Bloom
Curious Balm+Single TargetRestores HP, Prevents all Status AilmentsPurifying SeedCurious Bloom
Curious MistAll TargetsRestores HP, Prevents all Status AilmentsSoothing DustCurious Bloom
Curious Mist+All TargetsRestores HP, Prevents all Status AilmentsPurifying DustCurious Bloom
Healing BalmSingle TargetRestores HPSoothing SeedEssence of Grape
Healing Balm+Single TargetRestores HPPurifying SeedEssence of Grape
Healing MistAll TargetsRestores HPSoothing DustEssence of Grape
Healing Mist+All TargetsRestores HPPurifying DustEssence of Grape
Inspiriting BalmSingle TargetRestores SPSoothing SeedEssence of Plum
Inspiriting Balm+Single TargetRestores SPPurifying SeedEssence of Plum
Inspiriting MistAll TargetsRestores SPSoothing DustEssence of Plum
Inspiriting Mist+All TargetsRestores SPPurifying DustEssence of Plum
Lucid BalmSingle TargetRestores HP, Cures ConfusionSoothing SeedAddlewort
Lucid Balm+Single TargetRestores HP, Cures ConfusionPurifying SeedAddlewort
Lucid MistAll TargetsRestores HP, Cures ConfusionSoothing DustAddlewort
Lucid Mist+All TargetsRestores HP, Cures ConfusionPurifying DustAddlewort
Rousing BalmSingle TargetRestores HP, Cures SleepSoothing SeedSleepweed
Rousing Balm+Single TargetRestores HP, Removes SleepPurifying SeedSleepweed
Rousing MistAll TargetsRestores HP, Removes SleepSoothing DustSleepweed
Rousing Mist+All TargetsRestores HP, Removes SleepPurifying DustSleepweed
Vivifying BalmSingle TargetRestores HP, Revives the IncapacitatedSoothing SeedOlive Bloom
Vivifying Balm+Single TargetRestores HP, Revives the IncapacitatedPurifying SeedOlive Bloom
Vivifying MistAll TargetsRestores HP, Revives the IncapacitatedSoothing DustOlive Bloom
Vivifying Mist+All TargetsRestores HP, Revives the IncapacitatedPurifying DustOlive Bloom

Enfeebling Concoctions

ConcoctionTarget(s)EffectItem 1Item 2
Bizarre IncenseAll TargetsDark Attack x3, Nullifies All Enemy Status BuffsRuinous DustCurious Bloom
Bizarre PowderSingle TargetAttack with Light, Lightning and WindRuinous SeedCurious Bloom
Blustery BloomSingle TargetWind Attack x2, May Lower Target EvasionInjurious SeedOlive Bloom
Blustery IncenseAll TargetsWind Attack, May Lower Target EvasionInjurious DustOlive Bloom
Blustery PlumeAll TargetsWind Attack, May Lower Physical DefenseInjurious DustEssence of Grape
Blustery PowderSingle TargetWind Attack x2, May Lower Physical DefenseInjurious SeedEssence of Grape
Chilling PlumeAll TargetsIce Attack, May Sleep TargetInjurious DustSleepweed
Chilling PowderSingle TargetIce Attack x2, May Sleep TargetInjurious SeedSleepweed
Curious IncenseAll TargetsIce Attack, Delays Action During Next TurnInjurious DustCurious Bloom
Curious PowderSingle TargetFire Attack x3Injurious SeedCurious Bloom
Fiery PlumeAll TargetsFire Attack, May Poison TargetInjurious DustNoxroot
Fiery PowderSingle TargetFire Attack x2, May Poison TargetInjurious SeedNoxroot
Flaming CloudAll TargetsFire Attack x2, May Poison TargetRuinous DustNoxroot
Flaming PowderSingle TargetFire Attack x3, May Poison TargetRuinous SeedNoxroot
Freezing CloudAll TargetsIce Attack x2, May Sleep TargetRuinous DustSleepweed
Freezing PowderSingle TargetIce Attack x3, May Sleep TargetRuinous SeedSleepweed
Glimmering PlumeAll TargetsLight Attack, May Confuses TargetInjurious DustAddlewort
Glimmering PowderSingle TargetLight Attack x2, May Confuses TargetInjurious SeedAddlewort
Gusting BloomSingle TargetWind Attack x3, May Lower Target EvasionRuinous SeedOlive Bloom
Gusting CloudAll TargetsWind Attack x2, May Lower Physical DefenseRuinous DustEssence of Grape
Gusting IncenseAll TargetsWind Attack x2, May Lower Target EvasionRuinous DustOlive Bloom
Gusting PowderSingle TargetWind Attack x3, May Lower Physical DefenseRuinous SeedEssence of Grape
Luminous CloudAll TargetsLight Attack x2, May Confuses TargetRuinous DustAddlewort
Luminous PowderSingle TargetLight Attack x3, May Confuses TargetRuinous SeedAddlewort
Midnight CloudAll TargetsDark Attack x2, May Slow TargetRuinous DustEssence of Pomegranate
Midnight PowderSingle TargetDark Attack x3, May Slow TargetRuinous SeedEssence of Pomegranate
Shadow PlumeAll TargetsDark Attack, May Slow TargetInjurious DustEssence of Pomegranate
Shadow PowderSingle TargetDark Attack x2, May Slow TargetInjurious SeedEssence of Pomegranate
Shocking CloudAll TargetsLightning Attack x2, May Lower Elemental DefsenseRuinous DustEssence of Plum
Shocking PowderSingle TargetLightning Attack x3, May Lower Elemental DefsenseRuinous SeedEssence of Plum
Tingling PlumeAll TargetsLightning Attack, May Lower Elemental DefsenseInjurious DustEssence of Plum
Tingling PowderSingle TargetLightning Attack x2, May Lower Elemental DefsenseInjurious SeedEssence of Plum

That’s it for our Alfyn Concoct guide. Special thanks to Mazjak on Reddit for some of the missing recipes.

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