There are so many hidden items in Octopath Traveler 2, which requires you to explore every nook and cranny and speak to every single person. It’s easy to miss one, which can be frustrating if it’s an item that you need to complete a quest. To that end, here’s how to obtain the Tin Toy in Octopath Traveler 2.
How to Obtain the Tin Toy in Octopath Traveler 2
If you’ve spoken to eccentric genius Akar outside of New Delsta, you know that he has an entire laundry list of things he needs you to find in order to unlock the skills of the Inventor class. Many of these items feel a little random.
But there’s a method to Akar’s madness, so let’s find one of the more elusive items: the tin toy.
To get this item, you’ll need to progress through Partitio’s story. !!SPOILERS!! Upon hitting Wellgrove, Partitio will note that the town seems down on its luck. The economy here is suffering, and something needs to be done. To that end, Partitio is tasked by Alrond to fix it.
Partitio might not be scientifically inclined, but he certainly has a knack for business. And to that end, he constructs Solista’s first department store. And it’s this department store where we’ll find the Tin Toy.

Head inside, then go upstairs. In the middle of the second floor is a rotunda, and it’s here that you’ll find the Merchant. But only at night.
Once night falls, inspect him and you’ll find that he is in possession of the coveted Tin Toy. To get it, you can Entreat with Agnea or mug with Osvald. I chose to mug him. There’s something truly ridiculous about beating someone up for a toy.
With the Tin Toy in hand, all you need is the Mythical Horn. And guess what? We have a guide on how to find that, too. Check it out here: How to Find the Mythical Horn in Octopath Traveler 2.
Published: Mar 24, 2023 2:44 PM UTC