How to Make Every Color in Infinite Craft

From red to black

Can you paint with all the colors in the wind? Here’s how to get every color in Infinite Craft.

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How to Create Every Color in Infinite Craft

There’s no shortage of shades when it comes to the color spectrum. And if you want to get splashy and jazzy, you’ll want to make some of those vibrant tones. Here’s how to make all the colors (within reason) in Infinite Craft.

How to Make Color in Infinite Craft

So, before we get into making our pinks, blues, and yellows, we’ll need to make color. And making color is as easy as combining rainbow with change in Infinite Craft. In doing this, we’ll also be creating human in a roundabout way, but doing it like this will ensure we have all the components we need for color.

Fire + WaterSteam
Steam + EarthMud
Mud + FireBrick
Steam + WaterCloud
Cloud + WaterRain
Rain + WaterRainbow
Water + WaterLake
Lake + WaterOcean
Ocean + EarthIsland
Island + IslandContinent
Continent + RainbowAmerica
Earth + WindDust
Dust + WindSandstorm
Dust + EarthPlanet
Planet + SandstormMars
Mars + EarthLife
Life + DustHuman
Human + AmericaPresident
President + HumanObama
Obama + RainbowHope
Hope + ObamaChange
Change + RainbowColor

Now that we have color in hand, we can start getting the rest of the rainbow in order.

How to Make Red in Infinite Craft

To make red in Infinite Craft, we need to combine blood with color. Here’s how to do just that.

Wind + FireSmoke
Smoke + WaterFog
Earth + WindDust
Dust + EarthPlanet
Planet + FogVenus
Venus + FogLove
Love + LoveHeart
Heart + WaterBlood
Blood + ColorRed

How to Make Yellow and Gold in Infinite Craft

Next, we’ll be moving to the shade associated with sunshine and marigolds. To do that, we’ll need to combine dandelion with racecar in Infinite Craft. Yeah, color doesn’t actually have any part of this one.

Fire + WaterSteam
Steam + FireEngine
Engine + WindWindmill
Windmill + WaterEnergy
Energy + EngineCar
Car + EngineRacecar
Earth + WaterPlant
Plant + WindDandelion
Dandelion + RacecarYellow
Yellow + YellowGold

How to Make Orange in Infinite Craft

To make the shade of our favorite citrus fruit or koi, we’ll need to combine red and yellow in Infinite Craft. If you don’t have red or yellow, refer to our two sections above.

Red + YellowOrange

How to Make Green in Infinite Craft

Green will have us deviate away from rainbow and color and instead have us making plants and emeralds. To make green in Infinite Craft, we’ll need to combine emerald and fire. Here’s how to get those elements.

Earth + WaterPlant
Earth + fireLava
Lava + WaterStone
Stone + LavaObsidian
Obsidian + EarthDiamond
Diamond + PlantEmerald
Emerald + FireGreen

How to Make Lime in Infinite Craft

To make lime in Infinite Craft, you just need to combine yellow and green.

Yellow + GreenLime

How to Make Blue in Infinite Craft

Once again, the fastest way to make blue is to drop the whole color schtick and instead combine smurf with lake.

Fire + WindSmoke
Smoke + WaterFog
Earth + WaterPlant
Plant + FogMushroom
Mushroom + MushroomGiant Mushroom
Giant Mushroom + FogSmurf
Smurf + LakeBlue

How to Make Cyan in Infinite Craft

Making Cyan in Infinite Craft is as easy as combining blue with wind.

Blue + WindCyan

How to Make Purple in Infinite Craft

We’re now getting into the shades of purples. To make purple, we’ll just need to combine red and blue in Infinite Craft.

Blue + RedPurple

How to Make Violet in Infinite Craft

Violet is just a lovelier shade of purple. To make violet in Infinite Craft, we just need to combine purple with purple.

Purple + PurpleViolet

How to Make Indigo in Infinite Craft

If you ask someone what color indigo is, there’s a good chance you’ll get either blue or purple as an answer. But Infinite Craft seems to think it’s a shade of purple, so that’s where we’ll allot it. To make indigo in Infinite Craft, you just need to combine purple with violet.

Purple + VioletIndigo

How to Make Pink in Infinite Craft

Making pink is one of the easier combinations in Infinite Craft, as it just requires you to combine lily with color.

Water + EarthPlant
Water + WaterLake
Lake + PlantLily
Lily + ColorPink

How to Make Magenta in Infinite Craft

Now we’re getting back into the shades of red. And what’s a better shade to bridge the gap than magenta? To make magenta, simply combine pink with red in Infinite Craft.

Pink + RedMagenta

How to Make Fuchsia in Infinite Craft

Our last pigmented shade will be fuchsia. To make fuchsia in Infinite Craft, combine magenta with magenta.

Magenta + MagentaFuchsia

How to Make White in Infinite Craft

Earth + WaterPlant
Plant + WindDandelion
Dandelion + PlantWeed
Earth + WindDust
Dust + WeedClean
Earth + EarthMountain
Mountain + WindAvalanche
Avalanche + AvalancheSnow
Snow + CleanWhite

How to Make Black in Infinite Craft

Now, we just need to get to the polar opposite of white, black. To do that, we’ll just need to combine obsidian with mirror to get black in Infinite Craft.

Water + WaterLake
Earth + FireLava
Lava + WaterStone
Lava + StoneObsidian
Obsidian + LakeMirror
Mirror + ObsidianBlack

And with that, we have fifteen different colors on our palette! You can further combine these colors for even more unique combinations. White and black can come together to make grey, and you can use grey on purple to make lavender. And so on and so forth! Infinite Craft really puts no limits on it.

You can further combine pink with Japan to get Sakura. Or combine pink with dragon to get a flamingo. Or combine black with the sun to get an eclipse. In fact, combining the colors with the planets will get you a whole host of interesting new combinations.

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Image of Daphne Fama
Daphne Fama
A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms