Genshin Impact 4.2 Livestream Featured

Genshin Impact 4.2 Release Date, Banners, Events and More

Better late than never

Although it was delayed for some time, the Genshin Impact 4.2 livestream has finally aired, announcing all of the new features to be added to the game in a week. Here you’ll find all of the announced banners, characters, events, and much more.

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Genshin Impact 4.2 Release Date and Banners

Scheduled for November 7, the Genshin Impact 4.2 version will feature Furina, the 5-star Hydro Sword Archon character as the first Featured character during the first banner. Her debut comes with Baizhu’s return, the 5-star Dendro Catalyst from Liyue during the update’s first half. They’re accompanied by Charlotte, the 4-star Catalyst Cryo character who’ll also have a higher drop rate in this event.

  • Genshin Impact 4.2 Livestream Banners 1
  • Genshin Impact 4.2 Livestream Banners 2

For the second half, we have the 5-star Electro Spear Cyno and 5-star Hydro Sword Ayato returning to the banners. All banners will also bring back their exclusive Signature Weapons, so that’s a golden chance to get those.

New Content and Features

Fontaine’s story had its ups and downs, but everything comes full circle in its final climax during the Masquerade of the Guilty Archon Quest, which should answer all questions about the Primordial Sea Water and other mysteries. Furina’s own story quest Animula Choragi Chapter: Act I will also be available as soon as you complete the main Archon Quests.

These will all take you to the Lakelight and Foggy Forest, Terrestrial Sea, and Fathomless Tower areas in Fontaine, another exploration map available for the Traveler to solve puzzles and meet new enemies. A new enemy will be the Hydro Tulpa, a new World Boss found in these secluded areas.

Another new encounter is the All-Devouring Narwhal, who may or may not have something to do with Childe and will act as the game’s new Weekly Boss. Get ready to fight this big whale once every week.

All 4.2 Version Events

The main event this time around is Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures, featuring a free Freminet copy as the main reward. In the usual event fashion, we’ll have various activities such as swimming missions, battle arenas, and a new exclusive mini-game to complete before we can claim that free character.

If you missed that definitely-not-Pokemon Fungi event, I have some good news for you! Lil’ Fungi’s Fun-Tastic Fiesta is here bringing even more updates to our usual Fungi battle event. But if you prefer a more friendly event, Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log will be a cozy photography event. Players can exchange photography samples with friends to get rewards faster.

The battle event Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water and our usual Ley Line Overflow are also back at the end of the update as extra sources of resources, so use them to get extra resources for building your possible new characters.

Other Updates

Other small updates will include the Quick Challenge system for Weekly Bosses. If you’re not up-to-date with the main story yet, you can just choose to challenge them on the spot without worrying about rushing content. You can finally build your characters properly!

Nilou, Baizhu, and Dori are some of the new cards introduced to TCG mode, as well as more possible deck lists. Many small optimizations have been done, as well as the new deck-sharing feature. Just get the right code and you can have a complete deck in a minute!

Other smaller updates include a revised Stellar Reunion (the “welcome-back” event) to include more exploration goals, as well as changing how character’s Story Quests work. You no longer accept them immediately after unlocking, and can now choose whether to have that quest for now or later.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Livestream Codes

A livestream isn’t complete without the free Primogem codes. Redeem those now as they’ll expire soon!

  • VA97KJNF24UV
  • 9T96KJNE2LVM

Genshin Impact 4.2 Masquerade of the Guilty arrives on November 7, so get your savings for Furina ready by then!

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Image of Patrick Souza
Patrick Souza
Patrick has been working for Prima since 2022 and joined as a Staff Writer in 2023. He's been interested in gaming journalism si