Any seasoned FPS player knows that your crosshair is everything when it comes to staying competitive. Most FPS games allow players to modify their crosshairs in basic ways, like changing the size, color, and transparency. But games like CS:GO and Valorant take it a step further, allowing a much wider range of customization that often results in some wacky creations. If you’re tired of the generic dots and crosses that all the pros use, check out the funniest Valorant crosshairs we’ve seen in 2022.
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How to Change Your Valorant Crosshair

Changing your crosshair in Valorant is simple. After launching the game, click the Settings menu (gear icon) at the top-right of your screen. In settings, click the Crosshair tab. On the crosshair page, you’ll be able to customize your crosshair manually, but you can also import a pre-existing crosshair profile to change it instantly. To use any of the following crosshairs, import the crosshair code straight into Valorant.
Valorant Crosshair – The Smiley Face

Code: 0;P;c;4;t;2;o;1;d;1;z;3;a;0;0t;10;0l;2;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0
Simple, pure, and straight to the point. It’s a crudely-made smiley face, and that’s pretty much it.
Valorant Crosshair – The Sus Among Us

Code: 0;c;1;P;c;7;t;3;o;1;0t;10;0l;1;0v;0;0g;1;0o;4;0a;1;0f;0;1t;9;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Enemy team acting sus? Eliminate those imposters with the Among Us crosshair.
Valorant Crosshair – The Nerd Emoji

Code: 0;s;1;P;c;8;t;2;o;1;d;1;b;1;a;0.462;f;0;0t;10;0l;14;0v;0;0g;1;0o;5;0a;0.308;0f;0;1t;1;1l;6;1v;0;1g;1;1o;18;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0;S;d;0
Make your opponents look like total dweebs before you blast them in the face with this nerdy pair of glasses. Haha, what a dork!
Valorant Crosshair – The Poké Ball

Code: 0;P;c;7;o;1;d;1;0t;10;0l;5;0o;0;0a;1;0m;1;0f;0;1t;6;1l;1;1o;5;1a;0;1f;0
I mean, it sort of looks like a Poké Ball. It opens up pretty drastically when you walk around, so you can pretend you’re catching your enemies when it closes in on their heads.
Valorant Crosshair – The Anatomy Lesson

Code: 0;c;1;P;c;8;u;E279AFFF;o;0.113;d;1;b;1;z;1;m;1;0t;3;0l;3;0v;20;0g;1;0a;0.726;0e;0.1;1t;7;1l;3;1v;10;1g;1;1o;2;1a;0.71;1m;0;1e;0.1
This one just popped up on Reddit and we’re just gonna let you use your imagination here.
Valorant Crosshair – The Windmill

Code: 0;P;c;7;t;6;o;1;d;1;z;6;m;1;0t;10;0l;20;0o;20;0a;1;0m;1;1l;10;1o;40;1a;1;1m;0
A ridiculous classic. The windmill is large, invasive, and not at all reliable. It spreads apart drastically when you move around and shoot, and will definitely either make your teammates hate you or think you’re a beast.
Related: Improved Smurf Account Detection Coming to Valorant in 2023
For more information on Valorant, check out our other guides here at Prima Games.
Published: Dec 21, 2022 04:13 pm