The challenges for Fortnite Season 8 Week 10 are upon us. While some of them are just about shooting people there are a few which are a lot more specific. One of these involves the Treasure Map in Junk Junction. This is a two-stage quest that requires you to land in Junk Junction in the top-left of the map.
This is one of the Battle Pass Challenges and it will net you 5 Battle Stars for your troubles. While it is two stages, they aren’t very long, so you won’t have to worry about sinking in a lot of time for them.
What you want to do is land in the upper-middle section of Junk Junction. The Treasure Map Signpost is just to the left of the basketball court in the northern portion. It is nearly in the dead centre of the top part so you should be able to see it as you drop down.
If you keep an eye out for a blue shipping container you should notice it near a stack of pallets. If you go up to it and interact with it then you’ll have completed the first phase.
The second phase requires you to actually follow the map. Figuring out where exactly that is can be tricky, but we have some good news for you. It is marked on the map just below.
You need to do the second phase in a separate match, so don’t worry about just dropping straight to where you need to go once you have completed the first stage.
It is worth keeping your guard up because there will be lots of other people going for this challenge. Of course, once it is completed, you could always set up your own ambush. Just be polite and let them finish the challenge first.
Published: May 3, 2019 6:59 PM UTC