Fire Emblem: Three Houses Advanced Classes Guide — Requirements and Abilities

Our Fire Emblem Three Houses Advanced Classes guide will dish the goss on the skill levels you need the abilities you'll get.
This article is over 5 years old and may contain outdated information

You’ve watched your students grow up a little now. They’re about ready to take off the training wheels, and get really stuck into specializing in a very specific brand of murderous combat. This isn’t Intermediate hour; it’s time for our Fire Emblem Three Houses Advanced Classes guide. You’re going to have to know what the requirements are for the Advanced Certifications, and what abilities they’ll get you once your kids have leveled up. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. 

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Fire Emblem Three Houses Advanced Classes Guide — Requirements and Abilities

Check out our full list of Advanced Classes that are available to you in Fire Emblem. You’re going to have to be Level 20 if you want to spec into one of these classes, and for some of them like the Dark Bishop, you’re going to require a Dark Seal and the right Intermediate certification. 


  • Requirements: Sword at B or higher, Bow at C or higher
  • Abilities: Swordfaire — +5 ATK when using a sword, Locktouch — lets you open doors and chests without keys, Stealth — makes you harder to target
  • Mastery: Lethality — you can instantly kill an enemy when doing damage, though this chance scales off your DEX, Assassinate — an attack that can one-hit KO an enemy.
  • Skill Bonuses: Sword +3, Bow +2


  • Requirements: Faith at A or higher
  • Abilities: White Magic Uses x 2 — you can use white magic twice as frequently, White Magic Heal +10 — you get +10 more HP when using white magic to heal, Terrain Resistance — cancels out terrain damage
  • Mastery: Renewal — you’ll recover up to 20% of max HP at the beginning of each turn
  • Skill Bonuses: Reason +2, Faith +3

Dark Bishop

  • Requirements: Reason at A or higher, Dark Mage Intermediate certification
  • Abilities: Miasma Delta — lets you cast Miasma Delta, but if you already know the skill then you can cast it twice as frequently, Fiendish Blow — if you start combat, you get +6 MAG, Heartseeker — foes next to you have -20 AVO
  • Mastery: Lifetaker — you’ll get up to 50% of the damage you dealt to enemies back as HP
  • Skill Bonuses: Reason +3, Faith +2

Fortress Knight

  • Requirements: Axe at B or higher, Heavy Armor at B or higher
  • Abilities: Axefaire — +5 ATK when using an axe, Weight -5 — reduces equipment weight by 5
  • Mastery: Pavise — chance to reduce sword, lance, axe, or brawl damage received by half, though this chance scaled off your DEX
  • Skill Bonuses: Lance +2, Axe +3, Heavy Armor +3


  • Requirements: Brawl at A or higher, character must be male
  • Abilities: Fistfaire — +5 ATK when brawling, Unarmed Combat — lets you fight without a weapon
  • Mastery: Tomebreaker – you get +20 HIT/AVO when brawling magic users, Fierce Iron Fist — you can hit three times when you attack
  • Skill Bonuses: Fist +3


  • Requirements: Sword at B or higher, Axe at C or higher, character has to be male
  • Abilities: Swordfaire — +5 ATK when using a sword, Vantage — if an enemy starts combat, you’ll still attack first if you have sub-50% HP
  • Mastery: Defiant Strength — gives +8 STR when your HP is below 25%
  • Skill Bonuses: Sword +3, Axe +2


  • Requirements: Bow at A or higher
  • Abilities: Bowfaire — +5 ATK when using a bow, Bowrange +1 — increases your bow’s range by 1
  • Mastery: Hunter’s Volley — this attack strikes twice
  • Skill Bonuses: Bow +3


  • Requirements: Sword at A or higher
  • Abilities: Swordfaire — +5 ATK when using a sword, Sword Crit +10 — gives you +109 CRIT when using a sword 
  • Mastery: Astra — you’ll strike 5 times at 30% MT
  • Skill Bonuses: Sword +3


  • Requirements: Lance at B or higher, Riding at B or higher
  • Abilities: Canto — lets you move after completing actions on your turn if you have movement left, Lancefaire — +5 ATK when using a lance, Terrain Resistance — nullifies terrain damage
  • Mastery: Aegis — you can reduce bow or magic damage by 50%, though this chance scales off your DEX. 
  • Skill Bonuses: Sword +2, Lance +3, Riding +3


  • Requirements: Reason at A or higher
  • Abilities: Black Tomefaire — +5 ATK when using black magic, Black Magic Uses x 2 — lets you use black mage twice as frequently
  • Mastery: Bowbreaker — +20 HIT/.AVO when fighting bow users
  • Skill Bonuses: Reason +3, Faith +2


  • Requirements: Axe at A or higher
  • Abilities: Axefaire — +5 ATK when using an axe, Axe Crit +10 — you get +10 CRIT when using an axe
  • Mastery: Wrath — if an enemy starts combat while you’re under 50% HP, you get +50 CRIT
  • Skill Bonuses: Axe +3

Wyvern Rider

  • Requirements: Axe at B or higher, Flying at C or higher
  • Abilities: Canto — lets you move after completing actions on your turn if you have movement left, Axefaire — +5 ATK when using an axe
  • Mastery: Seal Defense — an enemy that you damage in combat has -6 DEF for 1 turn
  • Skill Bonuses: Lance +2, Axe +3, Flying +3

Now that you know what the different Advanced classes do, you should go out there and try some! Fire Emblem Three Houses makes it easy to reclass into anything that you want so long as you have the necessary seals and skills leveled up, so don’t be afraid to try something on for size before fully committing to your squad’s roster. The Dark Bishop is a pretty powerful pick up, so check out our Fire Emblem Three Houses Intermediate classes guide.

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Image of Ginny Woo
Ginny Woo
Ginny hails from just south of Mordor, and when she's not debating others about the One Ring then she's probably glued to an MMO or a JRPG. With Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny 2, and World of Warcraft on her plate, she's always got something to chat about and a sneaky guide up her sleeve. If writing's not on the cards, then she's probably drinking way too much coffee.