Similar to what was established in the second Endwalker Raid Tier, all Savage Raids are now available only a whole week after Normal difficulty is released in Final Fantasy XIV. This gives people more time to prepare for their upcoming raid routine, which tends to be particularly harsh whenever a new high-end duty comes out.
Following the 6.4 patch release, Savage Raid loot has also received some much-needed changes, being particularly easier to gear up a character with fewer fights than before. But before reaching all of that, you still need to unlock those harder challenges first. Here’s where you need to go to get access to the Savage mode.
Where to Unlock Pandaemonium: Anabaseios (Savage) in FFXIV
Savage mode is not automatically unlocked after completing the Pandaemonium questlines. After completing all of them beforehand (ending in “Guided by the Past”), return to Nemiji at Labyrinthos (X: 8.4,Y: 27.4), who should have a quest icon above her head despite not having a quest itself. The Aporia teleport is right next to her.

Interact with her and select “Recount the threat to the aetherial sea”. A few more dialogue lines and you’re done! All four Anabaseios Savage Raids are now available and you can enter them anytime you like. Be it alone in Party Finder or with a Static, it’s all up to you, so good luck!
How to Enter Pandaemonium: Anabaseios (Savage)
Open the Duty Finder and head to High-end duty. The four current Anabaseios raids will be the first ones you’ll see. Matching through DF is not recommended, so you’ll be better off using the Party Finder. You can enter the raids anytime you want as long as you meet the 630 minimum item level.
The fastest way to do so is by crafting or buying some Diadochos gear at the Market Board. This won’t be any cheap for you, especially in the early Savage weeks when everyone is desperate to get their new gear.

Related: FFXIV: How to Get the Axolotl Mount
If you have your crafters leveled and geared, it might be better to buy the materials and craft your own set as I did. I ended up spending way less than I would by simply getting them all from the board at those aggravated prices.
For a slower, free (as in “no Gil involved”) method, you can use Normal mode Anabaseios gear as they’re all ilvl 640. You can’t get more than a couple of gear parts per week though, and their stats are not always ideal for all Jobs, so it’s far from perfect.
Tomestones of Comedy Gear are some of the best in the game at ilvl 650 (660 when augmented), but you can rarely get more than one piece per week. You’ll need to complete Savage to upgrade them anyway, but their regular parts are great by themselves too.
Published: May 30, 2023 10:48 am