Having big silly-looking robots as mounts is an FFXIV special, and the trend wouldn’t be different with the release of the 6.4 patch, The Dark Throne. With tons of new content for players to delve into, collecting those is another everyday activity that ends up happening naturally while we’re at it. The Traveling Supporter is another one we can add to the game’s ever-increasing collectibles list.
Different enough from the Loporrits mount, this unstoppable machine can be yours if you prove yourself to be resilient enough to fight through various hordes of players for days just to get a slightly different ride. Totally worth it!
How to Unlock the Traveling Supporter Mount
The Traveling Supporter is obtained as a reward for reaching Level 25 in the Crystalline Conflict (PvP) Series Malmstones. The Series 4 has various interesting rewards, and the final unique one is this awesome mount if you manage to grind through it all. You probably won’t see anyone with it for a while, either.

Since every major patch brings new PvP rewards, you can only obtain the Supporter during Patch 6.4, which is expected to last around four months. The grind can definitely take a long time. You also get some other interesting freebies along the way, such as exclusive emotes and minions.
Related: FFXIV: How to Catch a Wild Boar in Island Sanctuary
How to Get Series Levels Faster in FFXIV
Reaching level 25 is no easy feat, and regardless of your chosen path, you’ll be farming PvP matches for days before you can ride this giant robot thing.
The regular Crystalline Conflict is the fastest PvP mode available, so it’s the go-to choice when trying to maximize your EXP gains. Victories get you more points, too, so it’s time to awaken that PvP monster hibernating inside you.
Daily Roulette: Frontline also has an extra EXP bonus as of the 6.4 patch, so there is no need to throw yourself at 5v5 matches for hours. Just get your daily match done, and the experience will slowly but surely catch up for the bigger rewards. CCs will probably still be needed, but not as much as before.
Published: May 23, 2023 9:19 PM UTC