Far Cry Primal Daysha Hand Locations

Find all 100 of the Daysha Handprints in Far Cry Primal!
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

While there are quite a few collectible items in Far Cry Primal, the Daysha Hands outnumber all the rest by quite a large amount. There are a total of 100 Daysha Hands in the game, with 22 found in the Lost Caves and the remaining 78 scattered throughout Oros. We’re here to provide the locations of all 100 Daysha Hands, but don’t forget to check out the locations of the Izila Masks, Wenja Bracelets and Spirit Totems so you don’t have to backtrack as you play through the game.

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Daysha Hand Locations

Northern Oros – If you head to the far northern portion of Oros there’s a body of water directly below an Udam camp near some cliffs. There’s a Daysha Hand on the west side of the water.

Cave of Bones – Head to the cave and make your way to the south to find a large boulder. A Daysha Hand rests behind the boulder.

Cave of Bones (2nd Handprint) – From the first Cave of Bones handprint head east to find a pond. There’s another Daysha Handprint in the middle of the water.

Mamaf Graveyard – When you reach the graveyard head southwest to find a grappling point on the north side of the plateau. At the top you’ll see a rock with a Daysha Hand.

Mamaf Graveyard (2nd Handprint) – There’s another grappling point on the cliffs to the east. Once you reach the top, head east and you encounter Mammoth tusks in a small opening in the rocks. Look behind the rock on the left to find another Daysha Hand.

Mamaf Graveyard (3rd Handprint) – Get on the main path that leads to the northern portion of Oros to find a grappling point on the southwest side of rock outcropping above the trees. Once you get to the top, jump across the rocks to collect the Daysha Handprint.

Cave of the Drowned – When you reach the cave head south along the snow-covered path until you find a grappling point. When you reach the top make your way to the west, then drop down to find a Daysha Hand on a rock, high on the cliffs.

Hagwi Drink Lost Cave – On the way to the cave there’s a grappling point that allows you to reach the northern ledge on top of the nearby cliff. From here you can follow a series of grappling points to reach a bridge where a Daysha Hand is located.

Big Darwa Fort – From the fort head north along the path until you hit a few grappling points. There’s a Daysha Hand at the top of the cliff above.

Big Darwa Fort (2nd Handprint) – Start at the fort and head northwest to find three grappling points on the southwest side of a nearby cliff. Use the grappling points to reach the level above, then move along the flat section here to find a Daysha Hand on the far side.

Big Darwa Fort (3rd Handprint) – In the same general area as the last handprint you’ll find another Daysha Hand above the river. You need to move around the cliff to reach it, or use the grappling pointsl along the water.

Big Darwa Fort (4th Handprint) – From the third handprint in the area, head east to find another rocky point protruding outward. Head up the path to reach the edge of the rocky point and find another Daysha Hand.

Charnga Cave – When you reach the cave head down the path to the first grappling point, then drop down to reach the Daysha Hand, located on a cliff.

Twarsha Den Outpost – From the outpost follow the path to the top of the nearby cave, then head out to the far side of the rocky point to find a Daysha Hand.

Gwarashnar Bonfire – When you reach the bonfire head east to find another Daysha Hand on the side of a nearby plateau, hiding in a bush.

Cold Swim Cave – Head to the cave then make your way to the west to find two large boulders near the hunter’s shelter. The Daysha Hand is located on the western-most boulder.

Mi-Mamsa Falls – The falls are located in the Udam homeland to the far north of Ull’s cave. There are two grappling points to the west that lead to a shelter, with the Daysha Hand resting at the top of teh falls to the southeast.

Hunting Valley – On the west side of the Hunting Valley there’s a Raider Camp located behind two bone trees. The Daysha Hand can be found right inside the camp.

Watchtower – This Daysha Hand is located in the middle of the Udam homeland, just north of the river. You can find the tower to the west of the main path. The Daysha Hand is located under the watchtower.

Ull’s Cave – Head to the cave, then make your way north to find a small island in a lake. Northeast of the island you’ll find a Daysha Hand at the bottom of the lake.

Bone Finder Camp – Head to the far southern region of the Udam homeland to find the Bone Finder Camp. South of the camp there’s a hill and at the top of the hill you’ll find the Daysha Hand in front of a boulder.

Peak of Oros Mission – During this mission you’ll be climbing cliffs. There’s a grappling point that will take you east into a grass-covered area. Head up the hill here to find a large rock with a Daysha Hand on top of it.

Tensay’s Cave – If you look just outside the cave where you find Tensay, there’s a Daysha Hand sitting on rock south of the waterfall.

Tensay’s Cave (2nd Handprint) – From the cave head south to find a Wenja ring by the water. Continue south through the wreath to find a Daysha Hand on the edge of a cliff.

Shayu’s Cave – From the cave make your way to the north to find a large tree. South of the tree there’s a Daysha Hand next to a submerged canoe at the bottom of the river.

Roaring Falls Bonfire – From the bonfire head northwest to a stack of rocks. The Daysha Hand can be found on a nearby rock ledge.

Roaring Falls Bonfire (2nd Handprint) – Go to the bonfire and look at the base of the cliff to find a Daysha Hand next to the water.

Roaring Falls Bonfire (3rd Handprint) – Head to the bonfire then make your way to the east to find a stream of water that leads into a pond. A Daysha Hand is located at the bottom of the pond.

Marsa Cave – The cave is located south of the snowy lands of Oros. When you reach the cave head northeast to find a Daysha Hand on the side of a cliff. Use the upper grappling point to drop down onto the ledge so you can access the item.

Wogah’s Trapped Mission – Head back to the cave that you were in during the mission to find a rock arch above the cave that almost makes a bridge between the two cliffs. At the top of the arch is another Daysha Hand.

Gwarashnar Bonfire – When you reach the bonfire head west to find a lake. In the middle of the lake dive down to the bottom to find a Daysha Hand.

Takkar’s Village – Starting at your village, make your way south until you reach a waterfall. There’s a Daysha Hand on the rocks just below the falls.

Takkar’s Village (2nd Handprint) – From the first handprint in the area of the village, head due east to find another Daysha Hand at the base of the waterfall.

Takkar’s Village (3rd Handprint) – Head south from your village and you’ll come across a lake on the west side of the region. A Daysha Hand can be found next to a large rock on the southwest bank.

Stones of the Lost – Head south from the stones to find a pond with a crocodile waiting within. Kill the croc, then find a Daysha Hand at the bottom of the pond.

Stone Watch Bonfire – When you reach the bonfire, head west to find another pond with a Daysha Hand at the bottom.

Forgotten Crater – At the crater location dive into the water to find the Daysha Hand near a dolmen.

Pardaku Lookout – Locate the campsite close to the lookout and use the nearby grappling point to reach the western ledge. At the top you’ll find another Daysha Hand.

Mash Baya Rocks – When you reach the location head north to find a waterfall. At the top of the waterfall is another Daysha Hand, which can be reached from above the location or by climbing up the ledges.

Ring Wall Outpost – Head to the outpost, then make your way to the southwest to Kashatigri’s Home. North of the path you’ll find a hunter’s camp, with the Daysha Hand sitting on the nearby cliff.

Ring Wall Outpost (2nd Handprint) – Make your way to the outpost, then head south to find another small pool of water. The Daysha Hand is on the east side of the water, near a boulder.

Bloodfang Den – When you reach the location head south to find a tall tree just south of a few rocks. There’s a Daysha Hand on the back side of the tree.

Dangu Cave – East of the cave there’s a body of water with a Daysha Hand at the bottom of the lake, in front of the waterfall.

Great Scar Bear Den – While you’re on the mission that takes you on the Great Scar Bear Master Hunt, enter the den of the beast (or return there after the fact), and look in the water to the west of the den to find a Daysha Hand at the bottom, under the waterfall.

High Cliff Bonfire – Head to the bonfire location, then make your way to the east to find a waterfall. Head to the lead at the base of the waterfall and climb up to the ivy to discover a Daysha Hand just behind the waterfall.

Great Prashrawa – When you reach the location on the eastern side of Oros, head east to find a stone shelter and a couple of boars. There’s a Daysha Hand inside this shelter.

Great Prashrawa (2nd Handprint) – Head northwest of the location to find a small cave behind the waterfall. Move along the path to the southwest and into the waterway. There’s a Daysha Hand to the right just below the water line.

Fallen Tashla Outpost – Go to the outpost, then head northeast (due north of the Gathering Tree) to find a Daysha Hand on the bank of stream. It’s best to approach from the south instead of using the waterall to the west.

Fallen Tashla Outpost (2nd Handprint) – Head to the outpost, then start moving toward the Great Prashrawa to find a large rock just south of the water here. There’s a Daysha Hand on the ground to the west.

Night Watch Bonfire – Make your way to the bonfire, then head north to find a rock outcropping. From the north or south you can reach the Daysha Hand resting on the outcropping.

Payska River Outpost – When you reach the outpost, head west to find a plateau where you placed a Spirit Totem during the Village mission. There’s a pond just below with a Daysha Hand at the bottom.

Payska River Outpost (2nd Handprint) – There’s a large lake southwest of the outpost with a Daysha Hand at the bottom.

For more information on collectibles in Far Cry Primal or tips on how to tame animals and other strategies, head over to our walkthrough and guide!

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Image of Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson
Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.