Candlehop Dragon Age
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Dragon Age The Veilguard: Where to Find All Candlehops in Dock Town

Those tricksters can't hide from you.

There are tons of collectibles to get your hands on in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, but one of the trickiest collectible missions of them all is the Candlehop quest in Dock Town. There are eight Candlehops to track down in total. Eight might not sound like much, but they are all quite well hidden, and finding them all is certainly a challenge.

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The reward for collecting all of the Candlehops isn’t just satisfaction, either. The Candlehops unlock the way to an entire treasure trove of goodies, one of which is a Timelost Hoard. If you’re eager to get your hands on those rewards but can’t find all the Candlehops, we’ve got them all here.

Dragon Age The Veilguard: All Candlehop Locations in Dock Town

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, there are eight Candlehops to find in Dock Town. For the most part, they can be found in any order. However, there are two exceptions to this – the first and the last Candlehops. Those two must be found in the Safehouse. All others can be picked up whenever you come across them.

Candlehop #1 – The Safehouse

The First Safehouse Candlehop Dragon Age
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The first Candlehop can be found in the Safehouse in Dock Town. The Safehouse is the location you land in when you spawn into the area, so you can’t miss it. The Candlehop is to the right of the door leading out of the Safehouse.

Before the Candlehop itself appears, you will find a book here. Reading it will officially begin the Candlehop treasure hunt. The Candlehop itself will be sitting here the next time you reach this location. You won’t be able to find any Candlehops until you’ve read the book and triggered the quest, so make sure you pick it up instead of running past it!

Candlehop #2 – Parthenius Main Docks

Boat Candlehop Dragon Age
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One Candlehop is hiding inside a boat in the Parthenius Main Docks. To get there, fast-travel to the Wharf Crossing and head south. Take the first right and go right again to find yourself at the Docks. On the very right side of the Dock are a few wooden platforms leading to a large boat, where you will find the Candlehop waiting inside.

Candlehop #3 – Aula’s Lookout

Catacombs Candlehop Dragon Age

There is another Candlehop hiding on the platforms above the Catacombs in Dock Town. This area isn’t accessible all the time, however, so don’t bother setting off to find it from the get-go. There is a golden ladder that will only fall during the Out of Tune side quest. During the Out of Tune quest, climb the ladder and look to your right to find the Candlehop.

Candlehop #4 – Temple Courtyard

Field Candlehop Dragon Age
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The Temple Courtyard is one of the earliest Candlehops you can find. To get there, fast travel to Urthemiel Venue and head east. Once you reach the end of the road, head through the doors on the left to find yourself in the Courtyard. The Candlehop will be sitting beside a small table in the yard.

Candlehop #5 – The Warrens

The Warrens Candlehop Dragon Age
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The Warrens Candlehop can be accessed from Andraste’s Watch. From the Fen’Harel Altar there, head east and hitch a ride on the Zipline. Move through the door to reach the balcony and drop down to the right. Head right again to find a small staircase in the corner with the Candlehop at the top.

Candlehop #6 – The Black Emporium

Shop Candlehop Dragon Age
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The Black Emporium is a shop that you won’t unlock until you’ve significantly progressed through the Dock Town quests and Neve’s personal quests. Once you unlock it, you will find the Candlehop to the right of the till. The Black Emporium is filled with high-quality armor, accessories, and materials, so don’t forget to check it out before you leave!

Candlehop #7 – Thread Storehouse

Cave Candlehop Dragon Age
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The Thread Storehouse is another location that will be blocked until you reach a certain quest. To unlock the way to the Thread Market, you will have to follow Neve through her personal missions in Dock Town. Once you access the Thread Market for the first time, complete your quest there and return once it’s over.

The Candlehop will be behind a metal grate in the Storehouse. Use the Dagger to melt the ice on the mechanism above the grate before opening it with the nearby lever.

Candlehop #8 – The Safehouse

The Last Safehouse Candlehop Dragon Age
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The last Candlehop can also be found at the Safehouse, near the spot where you found the book that started the quest. Fast travel back to the Safehouse and turn right out of the second main area to find the Candlehop waiting outside a locked door. Collect the Candlehop to unlock the door and complete the quest.

What Do You Get for Collecting the Candlehops in Dock Town?

Candlehop Reward Dragon Age
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Collecting the last Candlehop opens the gate to a treasure trove of goodies in the Dock Town Safehouse. Up the stairs, you will find a Timelost Hoard Chest containing an Archon’s Gaze, a Golden Lion collectible, and a Royal Elfroot.

Behind the chest is the Candlehop Maker Codex Entry and the One Moment of Victory Momento, which grants you +50 Caretaker Power.

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