DOTA 2 has just received a huge update, rehauling the game completely. New Frontiers does exactly what its name suggests, bringing new features and balance updates to basically every single element in this game, so get ready for some extensive changes. Most of them are better understood when actually playing the game, but numbers and other smaller explanations are always good information to have on hand, so here are the full patch notes for the Dota 2 7.33 Update. Have a good reading!
Dota 2 New Frontiers Update 7.33: Full Patch Notes Listed
General Updates
Map Changes
Map reworked. Expanded all 4 edges of the map. Added new paths and objectives
Added Twin Gates: 2 portals in the corners of the map. Any player can use a Twin Gate to teleport to the other one after channeling for 3 seconds
Removed Roshan pit from the river
Added 2 Roshan pits in the corners of the map. As the day turns to night and vice-versa, Roshan uses the Twin Gates to teleport to the other pit: he stays on the Radiant side during the day and at Dire during the night. While going to the new location Roshan has 200 bonus movement speed, phased movement and a 200 magic damage Debuff Immunity piercing knockback
Roshan’s current pit is highlighted on the minimap
Roshan no longer drops Aghanim’s Shard on the second death
Roshan now drops Cheese starting on the second death
On the third death onwards, Roshan now drops Aghanim’s Scepter when killed on the Radiant side and a Refresher Shard when killed on the Dire side
Roshan’s HP increase per minute increased from 115 to 130
Roshan’s Base Armor increased from 20 to 30
Added 2 Tormentor mini-bosses behind the Offlane areas. They spawn at 20:00
Tormentor has 1 Health, 20 Armor, 55% Magic Resistance and a 2500 Damage Barrier which regenerates at 100 HP/s. Bounty: 250 gold
Tormentors don’t attack or move, but they reflect 70% of damage received evenly among all heroes within 1200 radius. All reflected damage is dealt as Magical. Deals 200% damage to Illusions
Destroying a Tormentor grants an Aghanim’s Shard buff to one of the two lowest networth allied heroes that still do not have the Shard when it dies
If all heroes have an Aghanim’s Shard, then destroying a Tormentor gives 280 gold and 280 experience to each hero
Tormentors respawn in 10 minutes after their defeat, each time increasing their barrier regen by 100 HP/s and damage reflection by 20%
Added 2 new alternate exit paths on the base near the Offlane Tier 3 towers. These paths connect with the area where the Tormentor spawns. These entrances/exits can only be used by the team of the base they are in.
Power Runes no longer repeat until all different runes have spawned. The first rune of the next cycle is always different from the last rune of the previous cycle
Added a new Power Rune: Shield Rune. Grants a barrier equal to 50% of the user’s max HP. Lasts 75s
Added a new special Wisdom Rune. It appears in 2 new spots to the edges of the map on the Offlane near the T2 towers. They spawn at 7:00 and every 7 minutes after and they grant 280 experience for each 7 minutes elapsed to the hero that grabs it
Outposts no longer grant experience
Added 2 more Outposts to the edges of the map on the Safe lanes near T1 towers and Twin Gates
Outposts no longer provide vision or True Sight around them
Added 8 Watchers to the map. Inactive Watchers can be right-clicked by any hero and channeled for 1.5s in order to turn them on. When on, Watcher grants 800 radius vision over its area for 7 minutes after which it deactivates and becomes neutral again. A hero from the opposing team can channel an active Watcher for 1.5s to destroy it. Watchers respawn 2 minutes after being destroyed
Watchers are located in the center of each main jungle, next to each Roshan pit, in the center of each triangle near the Secret Shop and by each Tormentor
Added 2 Lotus Pools on the edges of the map near the river. Every 3 minutes each Lotus Pool spawns 1 Healing Lotus, up to a total of 6 available at a time. Lotus Pools can be channeled to grant 1 Healing Lotus per second. Healing Lotus is a stackable consumable that replenishes 125 HP and 125 Mana on use. Healing Lotus use cooldown: 5s
3 Healing Lotuses are combined into a Great Healing Lotus which restores 400 health and mana. 2 Great Healing Lotuses are combined into a Greater Healing Lotus which restores 900 health and mana
Both teams have a vision of both Lotus Pools’ content
Added 12 new neutral camps on the extended rim of the map. Most of them are bound to 4 new named areas: The Well, The Graveyard, The Statue, and The Mines. Any unit receives a special buff while staying there
The Well: 2 Hard and 1 Medium neutral camps. Located below the Radiant Safe lane under T2 tower. Units here are granted Well Wishes buff: +1.5 Mana Regen
The Mines: 2 Hard and 1 Medium neutral camps. Located above Dire Safe lane over T2 tower. Units here are granted Mighty Mines buff: +4 Health Regen
The Statue: 1 Ancient neutral camp. Located on the left from Radiant Offlane between T1 and T2 towers. Units here are granted the Stalwart Statue buff: +2 Armor
The Graveyard: 1 Ancient neutral camp. Located on the right from Dire Offlane between T1 and T2 towers. Units here are granted Graveyard Glyphs buff: +5 Attack Damage
The remaining 4 camps are Easy and Medium camps near new Outposts and Twin Gates. They don’t belong to any named areas
Universal Heroes
Added a new type of attribute heroes: Universal
Universal heroes don’t have a Primary Attribute, but get 0.6 damage per point of each attribute
Captain’s Draft now selects 7 random heroes from each attribute (total increased from 27 to 28)
Single Draft now offers 4 heroes, one per attribute
List of Universal heroes:
Dark Seer
Dark Willow
Lone Druid
Nyx Assassin
Sand King
Vengeful Spirit
Void Spirit
Winter Wyvern
Disables Reduction
Duration of the majority of disables is reduced (specifics can be found in corresponding hero and item categories)
Debuff Immunity
Spell Immunity reworked into Debuff Immunity
Debuff Immunity is different in three major ways: the spell application, debuff protection and damage reduction
Spell application: All spells can now be used on units with Debuff Immunity, even ones that don’t pierce Debuff Immunity. Corresponding visual effects will appear and the spell will apply all of it’s debuffs on target
Debuff protection: Negative effects that don’t pierce Debuff Immunity will not have an effect on the target for the duration of the immunity. However, if the Debuff Immunity expires before the debuff that doesn’t pierce it, then it will take effect for the remaining duration. Negative effects that pierce Debuff Immunity take effect immediately
Damage reduction: Debuff Immunity increases Magic Resistance and negates Pure and Reflected damage completely. These effects protect only against spells that don’t pierce the Debuff Immunity. Physical Damage is not reduced in any case. Here’s the list of Magic Resistance for all abilities that previously gave Spell Immunity:
Brewmaster’s Earth Brewling, Clockwerk (Talent), Dawnbreaker (Shard), Elder Titan (Scepter), Huskar (Life Break), Legion Commander (Talent), Lion (Shard), Marci (Talent), Pangolier (Rolling Thunder and Roll Up), all grant 50% Magic Resistance
Juggernaut (Blade Fury) and Lifestealer (Rage) grant 80% Magic Resistance
Grimstroke’s Dark Portrait illusion has 95% Magic Resistance
These mostly affect the Black King Bar, so let’s summarize with a couple of examples:
Avatar: Applies a basic dispel and provides Debuff Immunity. Grants 50% Magic Resistance and immunity to pure and reflected damage. For the duration, any negative effect on the user has no effect. Lasts 9/8/7/6 seconds
All spells that pierce Debuff Immunity will have effect and deal their damage while ignoring the Magic Resistance granted by BKB
If Avatar expires before the debuff then it will take effect for the remaining duration
Example 1: Your BKB is active. Jakiro casts Dual Breath (magical, doesn’t pierce immunity) on you. You won’t be slowed but you will still take damage. It will be reduced by your Magic Resistance, which is increased by BKB.
Example 2: Your BKB is active. Beastmaster casts Primal Roar (magical, pierces immunity) on you. You will be stunned and you will take damage. It will be reduced by your Magic Resistance, but additional Magic Resistance from BKB will be ignored.
Example 3: Your BKB is active. Silencer attacks you with Glaives of Wisdom (pure, doesn’t pierce Debuff Immunity). You won’t take any pure damage.
Example 4: Your BKB is active. Bane casts Fiend’s Grip (pure, pierces immunity) on you. You will be stunned and will take 100% of the pure damage.
Example 5: Your BKB is active but expires in 1s. Someone used Orchid Malevolence (doesn’t pierce immunity) on you. You won’t be silenced for that 1 second, but you will be silenced as soon as Avatar expires.
Example 6: Your BKB is active and you’re using TP. Vengeful Spirit casts Magic Missile (magical, doesn’t pierce immunity). You won’t be stunned or interrupted but will still take damage. It will be reduced by your Magic Resistance which is increased by BKB.
Changed Gold bounty for lane creeps:
Melee Creep Gold bounty increase per upgrade decreased from 1 to 0
Super Melee Creep gold bounty increase per upgrade decreased from 1.5 to 0
Ranged Creep Gold bounty increase per upgrade decreased from 6 to 3
Super Ranged Creep Gold bounty increase per upgrade decreased from 6 to 3
Reworked Gold Assist formula
Old Formula: (30 + (VictimNetworth * 0.038) ) / NumHeroes
New Formula: 10 + ((50 + (VictimNetworth * 0.037) / NumHeroes)
All units now gain 15 movement speed during the night. Effect is doubled for heroes, but it can be broken for 5 seconds upon attacking or taking damage from player-controlled sources (similar to Tranquil Boots)
Base Hero HP decreased from 200 to 120
HP per point of Strength increased from 20 to 22
Intelligence now grants 0.1% base Magic Resistance per point
Damage Immunity is now calculated before any damage reductions or barriers (e.g: Aphotic Shield won’t be consumed if the hero is damage immune)
Magic barriers are now calculated after magic resistance reductions (Pipe of Insight, Ember Spirit’s Flame Guard, etc)
The HUD has been updated to display current barrier values above the health bar when one or more barriers are active
Added support for damage barriers to be shown on the health bar for the following items and abilities:
Pipe of Insight: Barrier
Pavise: Protect
Abaddon: Aphotic Shield
Ember Spirit: Flame Guard
Tinker: Defense Matrix
Void Spirit: Resonant Pulse
Added special health bars to display hero attacks needed to destroy for the following entities:
Observer Ward
Sentry Ward
Clinkz: Skeleton Archer
Clockwerk: Power Cog
Grimstroke: Phantom
Juggernaut: Healing Ward
Keeper of the Light: Ignis Fatuus
Lich: Ice Spire
Phoenix: Phoenix Sun
Pugna: Nether Ward
Shadow Shaman: Mass Serpent Ward
Undying: Tombstone
Weaver: The Swarm Bug
Zeus: Nimbus
The HUD now shows Attack Speed and Magic Resistance stats in the portrait area at all times
Multiple negative effects of the same type from different abilities now will show as separate debuffs in every instance (e.g: if you are Clockwerk and you stun with Hookshot and Battery Assault, 2 separate debuffs will show)
Health Cost is now shown in HUD similarly to Mana Cost
Mana Cost reduction effects now only apply to Mana Cost
Target Dummy no longer has Intelligence
Neutral Creep Updates
All neutral creeps now have 4 levels of certain abilities
Abilities are upgraded to level 2 at minute 15 and level 3 at minute 30
Chen’s Aghanim’s Shard increases the level of the following abilities by one, allowing them to reach level 4
Prospecting Aura Gold per minute increased from 20 to 20/25/30/40
Kobold Foreman
Speed Aura Move Speed increased from 12% to 12/15/18/24%
Kobold Soldier
Steal Weapon Duration increased from 3s to 3/3.5/4/5s
Vhoul Assassin
Envenomed Weapon Damage per second increased from 0 to 0/20/40/80
Envenomed Weapon Health Regen Reduction increased from 75% to 75/80/85/90%
Hill Troll Berserker
Break Cooldown decreased from 10s to 10/9/8/6s
Hill Troll Priest
Heal Cooldown decreased from 10s to 10/9/8/6s
Heal Cast Range increased from 350 to 350/375/400/450
Fell Spirit
Vex Projectile Speed increased from 500 to 500/600/700/800
Vex Cooldown decreased from 15s to 15/13/11/7s
Frost Attack Movement Slow increased from 25% to 25/28/31/37%. Attack Slow increased from 25 to 25/28/31/37
Harpy Scout
Take Off Movement Speed Penalty decreased from 50% to 50/40/30/10%
Harpy Stormcrafter
Chain Lightning Initial Damage increased from 140 to 140/180/220/260
Chain Lightning Jump Damage Loss decreased from 25% to 25/20/15/10%
Ogre Bruiser
Ogre Smash! Base Damage increased from 200 to 200/250/300/400
Ogre Smash! Radius increased from 200 to 200/210/220/230
Ogre Smash! Stun Duration decreased from 3s to 2.4s
Ogre Frostmage
Ice Armor Armor Bonus increased from 5 to 5/6/7/9
Ice Armor Move Slow increased from 25% to 25/28/31/37%
Ice Armor Attack Slow increased from 25 to 25/28/31/37
Alpha Wolf
Critical Strike Critical Damage increased from 200% to 200/225/250/300%
Giant Wolf
Intimidate Radius increased from 300 to 300/350/400/500
Mud Golem
Shard Split Shard Number increased from 2 to 2/2/3/3
Shard Split Shard Health increased from 250 to 250/280/310/370
Shard Split Shard Damage increased from 12 to 12/16/20/28
Hurl Boulder Stun Duration decreased from 0.6s to 0.5s
Shard Golem
Hurl Boulder Stun Duration decreased from 0.6s to 0.5s
Centaur Conqueror
War Stomp Damage increased from 25 to 25/50/75/150
War Stomp Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Centaur Courser
Cloak Aura Magic Resistance (Heroes) increased from 15% to 15/17/19/23%
Cloak Aura Magic Resistance (Creeps) increased from 30% to 30/34/38/46%
Dark Troll Summoner
Raise Dead Skeleton Health increased from 250 to 250/275/300/375
Raise Dead Skeleton Damage increased from 12 to 12/15/18/21
Now only casts Raise Dead when below 50% health
Hill Troll
Ensnare Cast Range increased from 550 to 550/625/700/825
Hellbear Smasher
Thunder Clap Cooldown decreased from 12s to 12/11/10/9s
Thunder Clap Damage increased from 150 to 150/200/250/350
Death Throe: Rush Attack Speed increased from 15 to 15/18/21/27
Satyr Tormenter
Unholy Aura Health Regen rescaled from 5 to 3/5/7/11
Satyr Mindstealer
Mana Burn Base mana burn increased from 20 to 20/25/30/35
Mana Burn Intelligence as mana burned multiplier increased from 200% to 200/250/300/400%
Satyr Banisher
Purge Cast Range increased from 350 to 350/400/450/550
Purge Mana Cost decreased from 120 to 120/115/110/100
Wildwing Ripper
Hurricane Cast Range increased from 400 to 400/500/600/750
Hurricane Cooldown decreased from 30s to 30/28/26/22s
Tornado Tornado Movement Speed increased from 125 to 125/140/155/185
Tornado Cooldown decreased from 40s to 40/36/32/26s
Warpine Raider
Seed Shot Bounces increased from 4 to 4/6/8/12
Ancient Black Dragon
Fireball Duration rescaled from 10s to 8/9/10/12s
Ancient Black Drake
Magic Amplification Aura increased from 5% to 5/6/7/9%
Ancient Ice Shaman
Icefire Bomb Cast Range increased from 700 to 700/725/750/800
Icefire Bomb Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 100/95/90/80
Ancient Frostbitten Golem
Time Warp Aura Cooldown Reduction increased from 10% to 10/11/12/14%
Ancient Granite Golem
Granite Aura Bonus HP Percentage increased from 15% to 15/16.5/18/21%
Ancient Rock Golem
Weakening Aura Armor Reduction increased from 2 to 2/3/4/5
Ancient Thunderhide
Slam Hero Duration increased from 2s to 2/2.25/2.5/3.0s
Ancient Rumblehide
War Drums Aura Accuracy increased from 40% to 40/43/46/51%
Item Updates
Blood Grenade
New Item
New basic Consumable item. Cost: 65
+50 Health
Active: Throw Grenade. Throws a grenade at the target area. Enemies in the area will take 50 damage on impact, be slowed by 15% and take 15 damage per second. Duration: 5s. Radius: 300. Cast Range: 900. Cooldown: 10s. Health Cost: 75
Active effects don’t stack
Max stock of 3 (120s restock time)
New Item
New basic Attributes item. Cost: 1000
+6 All Attributes
New Item
New basic Secret Shop item. Cost: 1200
+5 Health Regen
+2 Mana Regen
+7 Damage
New Item
Requires Void Stone (700), Ring of Protection (175), Fluffy Hat (250), Recipe (275). Total Cost 1400
+3 Armor
+2.5 Mana Regen
+175 Health
Active: Protect. When cast on an ally, grants them a barrier that absorbs 300 physical damage. Duration: 8s. Cooldown: 18s. Mana Cost: 75
New Item
Requires Diffusal Blade (2500), Demon Edge (2200), Recipe (800). Total Cost 5700
+20 Agility
+10 Intelligence
+45 Damage
Passive: Manabreak. Each attack burns 40 mana and deals 1.0 damage per mana burned
Active: Suppress. If targeting an enemy, slows it for 4 seconds. If targeting an ally, applies a basic dispel and increases their movement speed by 100%, making them unslowable for 4s. Cooldown: 15s. Mana Cost: 75
Active effect on both allies and enemies gradually fades away over the duration of the buff
New Item
Requires Echo Sabre (2500), Diadem (1000), Recipe (1000). Total cost: 4500
+20 Strength
+16 Intelligence
+10 Agility
+15 Attack Speed
+15 Damage
+2 Mana Regen
Active: Draw Forth. When targeting an enemy, fire an un-disjointable harpoon projectile at them, that pulls you and the target closer together. Ranged heroes pull the target up to 35% of the distance between them. Melee heroes always pull the target to their attack range. Enemy creeps are killed after the pull. Cast Range: 700. Cooldown: 19s
Passive: Echo Strike. Causes melee attacks to attack twice in quick succession. The double attacks apply a 100% movement slow for 1 second on each strike
New Item
Requires Diadem (1000), Point Booster (1200), Recipe (200). Total Cost 2400
+7 All Attributes
+200 Health
+200 Mana
Passive: Empower Spell. The next single target spell you cast on an enemy deals a separate 125 bonus damage to the target and slows them by 50% for 1.2 seconds. Cooldown: 6s
Passive effect doesn’t proc on spells that don’t give Magic Stick charges (such as Hand of Midas) and doesn’t stack from multiple sources
Passive is applied when the spell connects with its target
Enchanted Mango
Now has an initial and max stock of 4 and a restock time of 120s
Now has an initial and max stock of 4 and a restock time of 120s
Healing Salve
Now has an initial and max stock of 4 and a restock time of 120s
Now has an initial and max stock of 8 and a restock time of 120s
Tome of Knowledge
Item removed from the game
Dust of Appearance
Reveal reworked. Now creates an area that reveals and slows invisible units by 20% in a 1050 radius where the caster was standing. Revealed units take 25 damage. The area lasts 12 seconds. Debuff lingers on enemy heroes for 8 additional seconds after they leave the area of effect
Sentry Ward
Max stock decreased from 10 to 8
Restock time increased from 70s to 80s
Smoke of Deceit
Allies affected by smoke can’t use Smoke of Deceit themselves for 2s after application
Ring of Health
Cost decreased from 825 to 700
Health Regen bonus decreased from +6.5 to +5.25
Void Stone
Cost decreased from 825 to 700
Mana Regen bonus decreased from +2.25 to +1.75
Cost increased from 500 to 800
Magic Resistance bonus increased from +15% to +20%
Hood of Defiance
Item removed from the game
Eternal Shroud
Recipe changed. No longer requires Hood of Defiance. Now requires Cloak (800), Ogre Axe (1000), Ring of Health (700), Recipe (800). (Total Cost unchanged)
Now provides +30% Magic Resistance, +12 Strength, +7 Health Regen
No longer has an active ability
Now passively converts 25% of incoming Magic or Pure damage to mana
Magic Resistance and passive effect don’t stack from multiple Eternal Shrouds
Pipe of Insight
Recipe changed. Now requires Cloak (800), Ring of Health (700), Headdress (425), Recipe (1450). Total cost decreased from 3475 to 3375
Magic Resistance bonus decreased from +30% to +25%
Insight Aura Magic Resistance decreased from 15% to 10%
Barrier now stacks additively with other sources of magic barriers (does not stack with self)
Skull Basher
Bash Stun Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Abyssal Blade
Recipe cost increased from 1550 to 1675 (Total cost unchanged)
Overwhelm Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Bash Stun Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Aether Lens
Recipe cost increased from 650 to 775 (Total cost unchanged)
Blink Dagger
Taking damage from Roshan or enemy heroes now mutes the item for 3s instead of setting it for 3s cooldown
Arcane Blink
Arcane Blink no longer provides mana cost and cast time reductions, or debuff amplification
Arcane Blink Cooldown decreased from 15s to 7s
Arcane Blink Range increased from 1200 to 1400
Taking damage from Roshan or enemy heroes now mutes the item for 3s instead of setting it for 3s cooldown
Overwhelming Blink
Taking damage from Roshan or enemy heroes now mutes the item for 3s instead of setting it for 3s cooldown
Swift Blink
Taking damage from Roshan or enemy heroes now mutes the item for 3s instead of setting it for 3s cooldown
Battle Fury
Recipe changed. Now requires Broadsword (1000), Claymore (1350), Quelling Blade (100), Cornucopia (1200), Recipe (450). Total cost 4100 (unchanged)
Black King Bar
Avatar Reworked: applies a basic dispel. Provides Debuff Immunity for the duration: any negative effect on the user won’t affect them, Magic Resistance increased by 50% and they’re immune to pure and reflected damage. These only affect spells that don’t pierce Debuff Immunity
If Avatar expires before the debuff then it will take effect for the remaining duration
Blade Mail
Damage bonus decreased from +28 to +20
Armor bonus increased from +6 to +7
Orchid Malevolence
Recipe changed. Now requires Blitz Knuckles (1000), Staff of Wizardry (1000), Cornucopia (1200), Recipe (275). Total cost 3475 (unchanged)
Now provides +6 Health Regen and +12 Intelligence
Damage bonus decreased from +30 to +10
Mana Regen bonus decreased from +3 to +2.5
Recipe cost decreased from 925 to 825 (Total cost unchanged)
Now provides +6.25 Health Regen
Intelligence bonus increased from +20 to +32
Damage bonus decreased from +50 to +35
Soul Rend no longer causes attacks on its target to have 100% chance to crit (still provides True Strike)
Additional damage dealt to the target of Soul Rend increased from 30% to 60%
Total cost decreased from 1825 to 1700
Health Regen bonus decreased from +7 to +5.50
Crimson Guard
Recipe cost increased from 800 to 925 (Total cost unchanged)
Guard Blocked Damage rescaled from 75 to 70 + 60% of caster’s Strength
Guard Duration decreased from 12s to 8s
Recipe changed. Now requires Diadem (1000), Voodoo Mask (700), Recipe (1150). (Total cost rescaled from 2700/3950/5200/6450/7700 to 2850/4000/5150/6300/7450)
+7/9/11/13/15 Intelligence replaced with +7/9/11/13/15 All Attributes
Now also provides +11/12/13/14/15% Spell Lifesteal
Energy Burst now spell lifesteals 75% of damage done
Energy Burst now instantly kills non-Ancient creeps
Dragon Lance
Strength bonus decreased from +12 to +10
Ethereal Blade
Ether Blast will use 60% of the total sum of the target’s attributes as their primary attribute when targeting Universal Heroes.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
Recipe cost increased from 650 to 775 (Total cost unchanged)
Wind Waker
Cyclone Cooldown decreased from 18s to 13s
Movement Speed bonus decreased from +50 to +30
Mana Regen bonus decreased from +6 to +3
Eternal Chains Radius decreased from 400 to 375
Recipe cost decreased from 900 to 800 (Total cost decreased from 5600 to 5500)
Damage bonus increased from +24 to +25
Glimmer Cape
Recipe cost decreased from 450 to 350 (Total cost increased from 1950 to 2150)
Magic Resistance bonus increased from +20% to +25%
Glimmer now grants invisibility, +40 movement speed and 300 magic damage barrier. Duration: 5s. Mana Cost: 90. Cooldown: 12s
Heart of Tarrasque
Strength bonus decreased from +45 to +40
Helm of the Dominator
Recipe changed. Now requires Helm of Iron Will (975), Diadem (1000), Recipe (650). Stats unchanged, total cost increased from 2400 to 2625
Helm of the Overlord
Total cost increased from 6175 to 6400
Dominated Creep Attack Damage Bonus decreased from +80 to +70
Dominated Creep Armor Bonus decreased from +8 to +7
Dominated Creep Movement Speed decreased from 400 to 380
Holy Locket
Recipe Changed. Now requires Diadem (1000), Magic Wand (450), Headdress (425), Recipe (525) (total cost unchanged)
No longer provides Bonus Health
No longer provides Bonus Mana
Bonus Attributes increased from +3 to +10
Energy Charge now has a visual effect when used on allies
Linken’s Sphere
Recipe changed. Now requires Ultimate Orb (2050), Cornucopia (1200), Recipe (1350). (Total cost unchanged)
Health Regen bonus decreased from +7 to +6
Mana Regen bonus decreased from +5 to +4.25
Now also grants +10 Damage
Mage Slayer
Recipe cost decreased from 400 to 200
Total cost increased from 2400 to 2500
Movement Speed bonus increased from +8% to +10%
Sange and Yasha
Movement Speed bonus increased from +10% to +12%
Yasha and Kaya
Movement Speed bonus increased from +10% to +12%
Manta Style
Movement Speed bonus increased from +8% to +10%
Medallion of Courage
Valor Cooldown increased from 12s to 16s
Valor Duration decreased from 12s to 8s
Valor Self/Enemy Armor Reduction and Ally Armor Bonus increased from 5 to 6
Solar Crest
Recipe cost decreased from 900 to 700 (Total cost decreased from 2625 to 2425)
Shine Self/Enemy Armor Reduction and Ally Armor Bonus increased from 6 to 7
Shine Ally/Enemy Movement Speed Bonus/Slow increased from 10% to 18%
Shine Ally/Enemy Attack Speed Bonus/Slow increased from 50 to 70
Shine Duration decreased from 12s to 8s
Shine Cooldown increased from 12s to 16s
Meteor Hammer
Recipe cost increased from 250 to 550 (Total cost increased from 2350 to 2400)
Meteor Hammer impact now slows enemies hit by 20% for the full burn duration of 6s
Meteor Hammer Stun Duration decreased from 1.25s to 0.5s
Meteor Hammer Impact Damage to buildings increased from 75 to 95
Octarine Core
Recipe changed. Now requires Perseverance (1400), Soul Booster (3000), Recipe (200). Total cost 4600
Now provides +625 Health, +625 Mana, -25% Cooldown Reduction, +7.5 Health Regen, +3.25 Mana Regen
Total Cost decreased from 1650 to 1400
Phase Boots
Movement Speed bonus increased from +45 to +50
Power Treads
Now provides +45 Movement Speed to Ranged heroes and +55 to Melee heroes
Refresher Orb
Recipe changed. Now requires Cornucopia (1200), Cornucopia (1200), Recipe (2600). Total Cost 5000 (unchanged)
Health Regen bonus decreased from +13 to +12
Mana Regen bonus decreased from +7 to +6
Now also grants +20 Damage
Damage bonus decreased from +38 to +25
Scythe of Vyse
Total cost decreased from 5675 to 5550
Mana Regen bonus decreased from +9 to +8.5
Hex Duration decreased from 3.5s to 2.8s
Shiva’s Guard
Arctic Blast Wave Speed increased from 350 to 400
Urn of Shadows
If the owner dies with Urn having 0 charges, it now gains one
Spirit Vessel
If the owner dies with Vessel having 0 charges, it now gains one
Wraith Pact
Item removed from the game
Neutral Item Updates
Neutral Creeps no longer drop neutral items on death. Now they drop Neutral Tokens of different tiers (1 to 5)
You can click on your Neutral Token to choose one of 5 random neutral items of the token’s tier and the token will permanently turn into one of those
Each hero has their own selection of random items. Having multiple tokens of the same tier will always result in the same selection of items as the options are fixed per player, not per token
Neutral Tokens are fully shareable and may be sent to Neutral Stash
Neutral items claimed from Tokens are not shareable anymore and cannot be taken from Neutral Stash by allies. Items will be muted in their inventory similarly to regular items
Neutral Tokens can be equipped without the 6s backpack penalty but can also be used from backpack
You can no longer see your allies’ stashed neutral items, since you can’t do anything with them
Possessed Mask
Item cycled out
Faded Broach
Item re-added
Lance of Pursuit
Hound Slow Duration increased from 1s to 2s
Occult Bracelet
All Attributes bonus increased from +3 to +4
Now provides +10% Magic Resistance
Seeds of Serenity
Health bonus increased from +100 to +150
Verdurous Dale Health Regeneration increased from 8 to 10
Trusty Shovel
Summoned Kobold is now controllable by the player that dug it up
Spark of Courage
New Item
New Tier 1 Neutral item
Passive: Courage. Provides +10 damage when the owner is above 50% health, and 5 armor when they are below that threshold
Duelist Gloves
New Item
New Tier 1 Neutral item
Provides +10 Damage
Passive: Boldness. Grants +15 attack speed as long as there’s no enemy heroes within 900 units
Brigand’s Blade
Item cycled out
Dagger of Ristul
Item cycled out
Nether Shawl
Item removed from the game
Pupil’s Gift
Now provides half the value to All Attributes for Universal Heroes
Philosopher’s Stone
GPM bonus reduced from 80 to 75
Orb of Destruction
Item re-added and moved from Tier 3 to Tier 2
Impeding Corruption Armor Reduction decreased from 4 to 3
Impeding Corruption Movement Slow decreased from 25%/15% to 20%/10% (melee/ranged)
Specialist’s Array
Crackshot Cooldown decreased from 12s to 8s
Vampire Fangs
Item re-added
Lifesteal against creeps is now reduced by 50%
Gossamer Cape
New Item
New Tier 2 Neutral item
Provides +20 Movement Speed
Passive: Sixth Sense. Automatically dodge the next attack from a hero. Cooldown: 5s
Blast Rig
Item removed from the game
Ceremonial Robe
Mana bonus increased from 250 to 350
Enchanted Quiver
Now provides +50 Attack Range (ranged heroes only)
Dandelion Amulet
New Item
New Tier 3 Neutral item
+300 Mana, +25 Movement Speed
Passive: Magical Damage Block. Consumes a charge to block 300 magic damage from damage instances over 75 damage. Cooldown: 12s
Defiant Shell
New Item
New Tier 3 Neutral item
Provides +7 All Attributes and +5 Armor
Passive: Reciprocity When attacked, the hero counter-attacks a target within their attack range. Cooldown: 5s
Vindicator’s Axe
New Item
New Tier 3 Neutral item
Provides +25 Attack Speed
Passive: Vengeance. Provides +30 damage if equipped hero is Silenced and +12 armor if equipped hero is Stunned
Item removed from the game
Item removed from the game
Havoc Hammer
Damage bonus increased from 12 to 14
Strength bonus increased from 12 to 14
Mind Breaker
Moved from Tier 3 to Tier 4
Magic Attack Damage bonus increased from +25 to +45
Attack Speed bonus increased from +25 to +30
Silence Strike Silence Duration increased from 1.75s to 2s
Now provides +25 Movement Speed
No longer has an active. Passive Bottled Lightning now hits up to 2 targets
Martyr’s Plate
New Item
New Tier 4 Neutral item
+20% Magic Resistance
Active: Martyrdom. Redirects 20% of all damage dealt to allied heroes within 900 radius towards you for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 40s
Now provides +25 to all attributes for Universal Heroes
Fallen Sky
Fallen Sky Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Related: Sons of the Forest Update 04: Full Patch Notes Listed
Hero Updates
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 28-38 to 9-19
Strength gain decreased from 2.6 to 2.2
Agility gain decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.0 to 1.2
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 50-60 to 46-56)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.6 to +2.82
Aphotic Shield
Now considered a damage barrier. Stacks additively with other damage barriers
Borrowed Time
Cooldown increased from 60/50/40s to 70/60/50s
Level 20 Talent -8s Borrowed Time Cooldown replaced with 85 DPS Borrowed Time Immolation (400 Radius effect while Borrowed Time is active; damages both Abaddon and enemies)
Acid Spray
Cast Point improved from 0.2s to 0.1s
Cooldown decreased from 22s to 22/21/20/19s
Mana Cost decreased from 130 to 120
Duration decreased from 16s to 15s
Damage per second increased from 20/25/30/35 to 25/30/35/40
Unstable Concoction
Max Stun Duration decreased from 2.2/2.8/3.4/4s to 1.7/2.2/2.7/3.2s
Greevil’s Greed
Now an innate ability
Max Bonus Gold per kill rescaled from 15/18/21/24 to 18
Bounty Rune Multiplier rescaled from 1.8/2.2/2.6/3 to 2
Corrosive Weaponry
New basic passive ability
Attacks apply a stacking debuff on enemies that reduces movement speed by 3/4/5/6% and status resistance by 3/4/5/6% per stack. Applying a new stack refreshes the duration. Has no effect on buildings or Roshan. Max Stacks: 5/7/9/11. Debuff Duration: 3.5s
Chemical Rage
Bonus Health Regen increased from 50/75/100 to 50/80/110
Level 15 Talent Damage per Greevil’s Greed stack increased from +1.5 to +3
Ancient Apparition
Cold Feet
Stun Duration decreased from 2/2.5/3/3.5s to 1.6/2/2.4/2.8s
Ice Vortex
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed
Now deals 12/20/28/36 damage per second to enemy units in the area
Duration decreased from 16s to 6/9/12/15s
Cooldown increased from 7/6/5/4s to 10/8/6/4s
Ice Blast
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Enemies hit by Ice Blast explosion are stunned with the current level of Cold Feet for 60% of its duration. Doesn’t stun Debuff Immune enemies
Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19
Base Health Regen increased from 0.25 to 0.75
Mana Break
Mana Burned per hit decreased from 28/40/52/64 to 25/30/35/40
Max Mana Burned per hit increased from 1/1.8/2.6/3.4% to 1.6/2.4/3.2/4%
Now plays a slightly different sound when the target is below 50% mana
Cooldown increased from 12/10/8/6s to 13.5/11/8.5/6s
Level 20 Talent Blink Cast Range decreased from +250 to +200
Arc Warden
All Tempest Double’s abilities are replaced with ‘Tempest’ versions of Arc Warden’s abilities
The upheaval has attuned Arc Warden to the Ancients. When playing on Dire side, Arc Warden will have the Tempest abilities by default and his Tempest Double will have its normal abilities. This condition is temporary and will go away once Zet adapts to the new paradigm.
Tempest version provides higher damage (15/30/45/60 -> 20/45/70/95) but lower movement speed penalty to the enemy (14/21/28/35% -> 6/10/14/18%)
Magnetic Field
Tempest version provides +150 attack range (ranged heroes only), adds 20/40/60/80 magic damage to attacks made by allies from the field and has an increased duration of 5/6/7/8s
Spark Wraith
Tempest version has a shorter activation delay (2s -> 1s), a faster moving Wraith (400 -> 725), longer Slow duration (0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7 -> 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2 ) but has a lower damage (100/180/260/340 -> 75/135/195/255)
Tempest Double
Cooldown decreased from 60/50/40s to 56/48/40s
Level 15 Talent +40 Magnetic Field Attack Speed also grants to +40 Magnetic Field Magic Damage (Tempest Version)
Level 20 Talent +40 Flux Damage replaced with -9s Magnetic Field Cooldown
Level 20 Talent +125 Spark Wraith Damage replaced with +35% Spark Wraith Damage
Level 25 Talent 40% Tempest Double Cooldown Reduction replaced with No Damage Penalty Distance for Tempest Double
Berserker’s Call
Duration decreased from 2/2.4/2.8/3.2s to 1.8/2.2/2.6/3.0s
Counter Helix
Damage rescaled from 60/100/140/180 to 80/110/140/170
No longer uses a pseudo-random proc chance. Now triggers after a set number of attacks taken. Attacks to trigger: 7/6/5/4
Aghanim’s Shard no longer increases proc chance. Now reduces the cooldown of Counter Helix to 0 seconds
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 33-39 to 4-10
Damage on level 1 decreased by 11 (from 56-62 to 45-51)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.5 to +4.5
No longer reduces Heal/Regen
Now deals 12/18/24/30 pure damage per second. First instance of damage happens on application
Attack Damage Reduction increased from 45/50/55/60% to 55/60/65/70%
Mana Cost increased from 40/50/60/70 to 120/135/150/165
Duration rescaled from 8/9/10/11s to 9s
Brain Sap
Now pierces Debuff Immunity
No longer deals damage
Duration decreased from 4/5/6/7s to 3.5/4.5/5.5/6.5s
Mana Cost decreased from 165 to 120/130/140/150
Fiend’s Grip
Duration decreased from 5/5.5/6.0s to 4.75/5.25/5.75s
Level 10 Talent Nightmare Damage Heals Bane replaced with -2s Brain Sap Cooldown
Level 15 Talent -3s Brain Sap Cooldown replaced with +13 Enfeeble Damage per second
Level 25 Talent Fiend’s Grip Duration decreased from +5s to +3s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 17-21 to 0-4
Strength gain decreased from 2.9 to 2.0
Agility gain decreased from 1.8 to 1.4
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.9 to 2.0
Damage on level 1 unchanged (39-43)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.0 to +3.24
Base Movement Speed increased from 310 to 330
Sticky Napalm
Application Damage decreased from 6/12/18/24 to 5/10/15/20
Damage per stack decreased from 6/12/18/24 to 5/10/15/20
Slow per stack decreased from 2/4/6/8% to 1.5/3/4.5/6%
Cooldown rescaled from 18/17/16/15s to 22/19/16/13s
Now slows affected enemies by 25%
Duration rescaled from 2/4/6/8s to 5s
Damage increased from 30/60/90/120 + 15 DPS to 25/50/75/100 + 10/20/30/40 DPS (Total damage increased from 60/120/180/240 to 75/150/225/300)
No longer provides bonus vision
No longer provides bonus movement speed
Damage per second increased from 20/35/50/60 to 25/50/75/100
Flaming Lasso
Total Damage increased from 70/165/225 to 100/200/300
Damage now ticks every 0.5s
Cast Range increased from 175 to 200
Duration decreased from 2.5/3/3.5s to 2.25/2.75/3.25s
Cooldown decreased from 120/115/110s to 90/75/60s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 31-35 to 12-16
Agility gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.4
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.2
Damage on level 1 decreased by 8 (from 54-58 to 46-50)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.9 to +3.3
Wild Axes
Mana Cost decreased from 65 to 50
Call of the Wild Hawk
Dive Bomb (Aghanim’s Shard) Root Duration decreased from 2.5s to 2s
Primal Roar
Stun Duration decreased from 3/3.5/4s to 2.75/3.25/3.75s
Mana Cost decreased from 150/175/200 to 100/125/150
Drums of Slom
Ability reworked
Now a passive ability. Attacks from Beastmaster or a nearby unit he controls cause him to bang his drum, dealing damage to nearby units and healing himself and units under his control for a portion of the damage dealt. Every attack decreases the interval between drum hits from a maximum of 3s down to a minimum of 0.4s between hits after 20 attacks. If no attacks are made, the intervals gradually increase every 1 second. Using Primal Roar automatically adds 10/15/20 drum stacks based on the level of Primal Roar. Drum Hit Damage: 90. Heal from Heroes: 25%. Heal from Creeps: 5%
Max Health Damage per second decreased from 2% to 1.8%
Pure damage from Aghanim’s Shard is now dealt as a separate instance of damage
Cooldown rescaled from 70s to 75/70/65s
Move Damage increased from 33/44/55% to 35/45/55%
Blood Mist
Now passively turns all your overheal from your own abilities into a damage barrier up to 50% of Bloodseeker’s Max Health in addition to its active effect. Barrier decays by 0.5% of Max Health per second
Damage no longer counts as HP Loss (it burns barrier if it’s available and can be decreased by sources that reduce damage)
Bounty Hunter
Shuriken Toss
No longer mini-stuns
Now applies a 100% movement slow for 0.35s
No longer disabled by silences. Instead disabled by break
Shadow Walk
Attack no longer slows the target
Attack now stuns the target for 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s
Aghanim’s Shard no longer grants charges. Now lowers Shadow Walk cooldown by 5s
Level 10 Talent +10% Shadow Walk Attack/Move Slow replaced with +0.65s Shuriken Toss Slow
Level 15 Talent 2s Silence on Hit With Shadow Walk replaced with -25% Damage Taken in Shadow Walk
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 29-36 to 14-21
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 52-59 to 48-55)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.7 to +4.38
Drunken Brawler
Void Stance is now part of the basic ability
Void Stance Status Resistance decreased from 20% to 5/10/15/20%
Void Stance Slow on attack decreased from 25% to 10/15/20/25%
Primal Split
Earth Brewling’s Spell Immunity replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Earth Brewling Damage decreased from 30/60/90 to 20/50/80
Earth Brewling’s Hurl Boulder Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Storm Brewling Damage decreased from 30/50/70 to 20/40/60
Storm Brewling’s Cyclone Hero Duration decreased from 6s to 5s (Non-Hero Duration from 20s to 16s)
Fire Brewling Damage rescaled from 80/120/160 to 70/120/170
Void Brewling is now part of the basic ability
Aghanim’s Shard now extends Primal Split duration by 12s and grants Brewlings the Primal Split Cancel ability
Void Brewling Astral Pulse ability replaced with Astral Pull. Can target allies and enemies. Pulls the target and the Void Brewling in the target direction. Enemies receive 50/100/150 damage upon arrival. Distance: 300/500/700. Cast Range: 150. Cooldown: 8s
Level 10 Talent +15 Damage replaced with +10 Brewlings Damage
Now provides Warpath stacks with each Quill Spray released
Taking excess damage over the Quill Spray threshold is maintained and multiple Quill Sprays can trigger from a single source of damage
Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 75
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 29-35 to 11-17
Strength gain decreased from 3.2 to 2.0
Base Agility decreased by 1
Agility gain decreased from 3.4 to 2.4
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.0 to 1.4
Damage on level 1 decreased by 5 (from 48-54 to 43-49)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.4 to +3.48
Insatiable Hunger
Base Attack Damage Bonus rescaled from +35/45/55/65 flat Damage to +30/40/50/60% Base Damage
Aghanim’s Shard Base Attack Damage Bonus Increase per second rescaled from +12 flat Damage to +4% Base Damage
Spin Web
Health Regen decreased from 5/7/9/11 to 2/5/8/11
Spawn Spiderlings
Damage decreased from 260/340/420 to 220/320/420
Level 15 Talent Spin Web Restore Time decreased from -10s to -7s
Level 20 Talent +25 Agility replaced with +35 Attack Speed
Centaur Warrunner
Hoof Stomp
Stun Duration decreased from 2/2.2/2.4/2.6s to 1.6/1.8/2/2.2s
Double Edge
Cast Point improved from 0.3s to 0.25s
Strength Return Damage rescaled from 20/26/32/38% to 16/24/32/40%
Level 25 Talent Hoof Stomp Stun Duration decreased from +1s to +0.8s
Chaos Knight
Chaos Bolt
Minimum Stun Duration decreased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2s to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s
Maximum Stun Duration decreased from 2.2/2.8/3.4/4s to 1.75/2.25/2.75/3.25s
Chaos Strike
Critical Lifesteal increased from 20/30/40/50% to 30/40/50/60%
Critical Lifesteal from creeps is now reduced by 50%
Level 10 Talent Chaos Strike Lifesteal increased from +22% to +25%
Level 20 Talent Min/Max Chaos Bolt Duration decreased from +0.75s to +0.6s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 27-37 to 14-21
Damage on level 1 increased from 46-56 to 49-56
Damage gain per level increased from +3.2 to +4.38
Holy Persuasion
Now grants Chen gold equal to creep’s bounty when dominating it
Aghanim’s Shard now also adds one level to upgradable abilities of persuaded creeps
Level 15 Talent Penitence Slow increased from +12% to +14%
Hero Reworked
Base Damage increased from 15-21 to 19-25
Base Strength increased from 16 to 17
Searing Arrows Ability removed
New basic ability
Clinkz and his Burning Skeleton Archers in 1200 AoE gain bonus attack speed and attack range. Attack speed bonus is 100/140/180/220 for Clinkz and 50% for the skeletons. Attack range bonus is +200 for Clinkz and the skeletons. Duration: 3.5s. Cooldown: 30/25/20/15s. Mana Cost: 75/80/85/90. Casting Strafe does not break Skeleton Walk invisibility
Tar Bomb
New basic ability
Unit targeted. Clinkz throws a projectile that deals 40/60/80/100 magic damage on impact, commanding Clinkz and all Burning Skeleton Archers in range to attack the target. The 275 radius area around the target is also covered in tar for 5 seconds. Any enemy that walks across the tar gets slowed by 16/19/22/25% and receives additional 15/25/35/45 physical damage from all attacks by Clinkz or his Burning Skeleton Archers. Effect persists for 2.5 seconds after leaving the area. Affects buildings. Cast Range: 1000. Cooldown: 7/6/5/4s. Mana Cost: 40/45/50/55
Death Pact
Now a basic ability
Now has 1/1/2/2 charges, and 40s charge restore time
Now creates a Burning Skeleton Archer in place of a killed creep (only one skeleton from this ability can exist at a time). Skeleton Hits to kill: 3. Skeleton Damage: 20%. Skeletons deal 25% less damage to buildings
Heal and Bonus Health is now 125/200/275/350
Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 60
Creep Max Level is now 4/5/6/6
Skeleton Walk
Now an ultimate ability
Duration increased from 25/30/35/40s to 35/40/45s
Bonus Movement Speed rescaled from 15/30/45/60% to 30/45/60%
Mana Cost increased from 80 to 80/105/130
Cooldown rescaled from 20/19/18/17s to 18s
Now summons 2/3/4 Burning Skeleton Archers (only one pack of skeletons from this ability can exist at a time)
Burning Barrage
Now granted by Aghanim’s Shard. Also douses enemies in Tar Bomb slow. Cooldown: 22s. Range: 850. Damage per arrow: 65%
Level 10 Talent +20 Searing Arrows Damage replaced with +20 Tar Bomb Bonus Damage
Level 15 Talent Death Pact Steal Creep Abilities replaced with +1 Death Pact Charge
Level 15 Talent +20% Death Pact Health replaced with +75 Attack Range
Level 20 Talent +3 Burning Barrage Arrows replaced with +40 Strafe Attack Speed
Level 20 Talent +125 Attack Range replaced with +200 Death Pact Health
Level 25 Talent +25% Burning Barrage Damage replaced with -7s Strafe Cooldown
Level 25 Talent Searing Arrows Multishot replaced with Tar Bomb Multishot (Any time Clinkz attacks an enemy covered in tar he will also attack a random enemy within his attack range)
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 24-26 to 12-14
Strength gain decreased from 3.5 to 2.8
Agility gain decreased from 2.3 to 1.8
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.5 to 1.3
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 50-52 to 46-58)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.5 to +3.54
Power Cogs
Now applies a magic barrier to all allied units in Power Cogs when cast. Magic Barrier: 50/100/150/200
Knockback Duration decreased from 1s to 0.8s
Knockback effect now interrupts most forced movement abilities. Exceptions are: Batrider’s Flaming Lasso, Centaur Warrunner’s Hitch a Ride, and Tusk’s Walrus Kick
Rocket Flare
Now also slows movement speed of hit enemies by 100% for 0.4s
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5/1.75/2s to 1.2/1.4/1.6s
Level 20 Talent Power Cogs Leash Units Inside replaced with +75 Rocket Flare Damage
Level 25 Talent Spell Immunity inside Power Cogs replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Crystal Maiden
Base Damage increased by 2
Damage Tick Interval decreased from 0.25s to 0.2s
Freezing Field
Cooldown decreased from 100s to 100/95/90s
Level 20 Talent Attack Speed increased from +200 to +225
Dark Seer
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 33-39 to 13-19
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 54-60 to 50-56)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.7 to +4.26
Base Health Regen increased from 0.25 to 1
Ion Shell
Tick Interval increased from 0.15s to 0.2s
Normal Punch
Max Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.5s
Dark Willow
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 27-35 to 9-17
Agility gain decreased from 1.6 to 1.3
Intelligence gain decreased from 3.5 to 2.6
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 48-56 to 44-52)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.5 to +3.54
Shadow Realm
Max Damage increased from 90/180/270/360 to 120/200/280/360
Allied units can now target Dark Willow when in Shadow Realm
Cursed Crown
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3s to 1.2/1.6/2/2.4s
Level 10 Talent Cursed Crown Stun Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s
Level 25 Talent Bedlam Pierces Spell Immunity replaced with +2 Bedlam Attack Targets
Smash Stun Duration decreased from 0.8/1/1.2/1.4s to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2s
Spell Immunity with Aghanim’s Shard replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Solar Guardian
Landing Stun Duration decreased from 1.5/1.75/2s to 1.4/1.6/1.8s
Level 10 Talent Celestial Hammer Slow increased from +12% to +14%
Level 25 Talent +1100 Celestial Hammer Cast Range replaced with +80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed
Level 25 Talent 2 Starbreaker Charges replaced with -6s Starbreaker Cooldown
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 22-28 to 10-16
Strength gain decreased from 2.3 to 2.0
Agility gain decreased from 1.7 to 1.4
Intelligence gain decreased from 3.7 to 2.5
Damage on level 1 unchanged (47-53)
Damage gain per level decreased from +3.7 to +3.54
Good Juju Ability removed
Poison Touch
Aghanim’s Shard Hex Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Shadow Wave
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter
Allows casting Shadow Wave on enemies to release an Inverse Shadow Wave. The inverse wave bounces amongst enemies, dealing damage to them and healing any nearby allied units for 150% of healing and damage values of Shadow Wave. Dazzle also performs an auto attack on every enemy hit by the inverse Shadow Wave
Bad Juju
Ability reworked
Whenever a unit is affected by Dazzle’s spells they temporarily gain/lose 1/2/3 armor for 8/10/12 seconds. Can be activated to decrease the remaining cooldown of all other abilities by 4/5/6 seconds and items by 3/4/5 seconds. Casting Bad Juju costs 75/100/125 health. Each cast increases health cost by 50% for 30/25/20 seconds. Bad Juju cannot kill Dazzle but still can be cast without the sufficient HP. Cooldown: 3s
Dazzle also gets Bad Juju’s armor buff for casting Bad Juju
Level 10 Talent +60 Damage replaced with +30 Attack Speed
Death Prophet
Spirit Siphon
Aghanim’s Shard Fear Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Level 20 Talent Spirit Siphon Move Speed Slow increased from 20% to 25%
Level 25 Talent Spirit Siphon Replenish Time improved from -20s to -22s
Thunder Strike
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade reworked
When cast on ground, Thunder Strike now lies dormant (not striking) for up to 5 seconds. If an enemy comes within range during that time, Thunder Strike attaches to it. If no enemy comes within range, it strikes the ground. Aghanim’s Shard also increases the number of strikes by 2 and cast range to 1600
Min Damage decreased from 50 to 25
Max Damage decreased from 150/200/250/300 to 125/175/225/275
Kinetic Field
Cooldown increased from 19/16/13/10s to 20/17/14/11s
Level 10 Talent +30 Thunder Strike Damage replaced with +100 Thunder Strike Radius
Level 15 Talent Static Storm Duration decreased from +2s to +1.5s (+8 pulses to +6)
Level 20 Talent +3 Thunder Strike Hits replaced with +0.4s Thunder Strike Slow Duration
Infernal Blade
Stun Duration decreased from 0.6s to 0.5s
Aghanim’s Shard Base Stun Duration decreased from 1.2s to 1s
Aghanim’s Shard Bonus Stun Duration decreased from 1.8s to 1.45s
Aghanim’s Scepter Radius decreased from 325 to 300
Level 10 Talent Scorched Earth Damage decreased from +20 to +15
Dragon Knight
Strength gain increased from 3.4 to 3.6
Breathe Fire
While in Elder Dragon Form, applies Corrosive Breath or Frost Breath effect corresponding to the current form
Dragon Tail
Stun Duration decreased from 2.25/2.5/2.75/3s to 1.8/2/2.2/2.4s
Level 15 Talent Dragon Tail Stun Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s
Level 20 Talent Elder Dragon Form Attack Range decreased from +175 to +150
Drow Ranger
Frost Arrows
Hypothermia effect is now granted by Aghanim’s Scepter instead of Aghanim’s Shard
Hypothermia Bonus Damage per stack increased from 5 to 15. Max Stacks increased from 7 to 9. Regen Reduction per stack increased from 8 to 10
New ability granted by Aghanim’s Shard
Drow Ranger creates a hill of ice beneath her, pushing enemies away from it. Any unit that stands on the hill gains 175 bonus attack range and high ground advantage – they cannot miss and gain flying vision. The front of the hill obscures vision and cannot be moved through. Duration: 8s. Mana Cost: 75. Cooldown: 25s
Earth Spirit
Stone Remnant
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed
Now gains 1 extra Stone Remnant charge every 5th hero level (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30), from 7 up to 13 max
Boulder Smash
Now deals 1.25x the damage against creeps
Rolling Boulder
Stun Duration decreased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1s to 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9s
Rock Bonus Stun Duration decreased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1s to 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9s
Geomagnetic Grip
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard. Can now target allies
Enchant Remnant
Remnant Duration decreased from 3s to 2.4s
Level 10 Talent +3s Magnetize Duration replaced with +8% Spell Amplification
Level 15 Talent +20 Magnetize Damage Per Second changed to +25% Magnetize Damage & Duration
Level 20 Talent +3s Geomagnetic Grip Silence replaced with -2s Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown
Level 20 Talent Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies replaced with +125 Boulder Smash Damage
Level 25 Talent Rolling Boulder Stun Duration decreased from +0.6s to +0.5s
Level 25 Talent +25% Spell Amplification replaced with Magnetize Undispellable
Stun Duration decreased from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75s to 0.8/1/1.2/1.4s
Stun Duration rescaled from 0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5s to 0.9/1.0/1.1/1.2s
Damage rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 70/100/130/160
Level 20 Talent Fissure Range decreased from +320 to +300
Level 20 Talent Echo Damage increased from +40 to +50
Level 25 Talent Enchant Totem Cooldown reduction increased from 1.5s to 2s
Elder Titan
Base Health Regen increased from 0.25 to 0.75
Echo Stomp
Sleep Duration decreased from 2/3/4/5s to 2/2.8/3.6/4.4s
Stomp Damage rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 70/100/130/160
Spell Immunity with Aghanim’s Scepter replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Ember Spirit
Base Armor increased by 1
Flame Guard
Now stacks additively with other sources of Magic Barriers
Magic Absorb decreased from 85/190/295/400 to 65/145/225/305
Aghanim’s Shard now also increases the maximum number of enchanted units from 1 to 2
Level 10 Talent Magic Resistance decreased from +10% to +8%
Level 20 Talent Enchant Affects Ancients replaced with +30% Enchanted Creep Health/Damage
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 24-30 to 7-13
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 43-49 to 39-45)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.6 to +4.26
Base Mana Regen increased from 0 to 0.5
Stun Duration decreased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1s to 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9s
Aghanim’s Shard Stun Duration decreased from +0.35s to +0.3s
Faceless Void
Time Lock
Duration decreased from 0.65s to 0.5s
Duration decreased from 4.0/4.5/5.0s to 3.75/4.25/4.75s
Now freezes ability and item cooldowns of anyone trapped in Chronosphere
Now prolongs duration of Time Dilation for units trapped in Chronosphere
Ink Swell
Max Stun Duration decreased from 1.1/1.9/2.7/3.5s to 1/1.6/2.2/2.8s
Movement Speed Bonus increased from 12/14/16/18% to 20%
Cooldown decreased from 30/26/22/18s to 27/24/21/18s
Dark Portrait
Illusion is now a Strong Illusion
Spell Immunity replaced with Debuff Immunity with 95% Magic Resistance
Level 10 Talent Phantom’s Embrace DPS increased from +50 to +65
Level 25 Talent Stroke of Fate Damage increased from +50% to +60%
Homing Missile
Stun Duration decreased from 1.8/2.2/2.6/3s to 1.55/1.9/2.25/2.6s
Cooldown increased from 26/21/16/11s to 30/24/18/12s
Aghanim’s Shard Area of Effect decreased from 725 to 700
Flak Cannon
Duration increased from 10s to 12s
Max Attacks increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7
Level 15 Talent Homing Missile Stun Duration decreased from +0.4s to +0.3s
Level 20 Talent Rocket Barrage damage decreased from +16 to +14
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4s to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0s
Lesser Bushwack Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Inner Fire
Aghanim’s Shard no longer allows to cast Inner Fire while disabled
Life Break
Spell Immunity while leaping replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Level 20 Talent Berserker’s Blood Regen decreased from +30% to +25%
Cold Snap
Freeze Duration decreased from 0.4s to 0.3s
Chaos Meteor
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed. Effect moved to level 20 talent
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard. Multiplies Burn Damage by 1.5x and makes it pull enemy units into its center at 100 units per second
Level 10 Talent +20% E.M.P. Mana Burnt replaced with +50 Ice Wall DPS
Level 20 Talent +80% Chaos Meteor Damage replaced with +2 Chaos Meteors
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 13-19 to 7-13
Strength gain decreased from 3.0 to 2.7
Damage on level 1 decreased by 6 (from 45-51 to 39-45)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.7 to +3.6
With Aghanim’s Scepter the ability can now be activated to explode the spirits, after which they begin spawning again. Cooldown is decreased by 50%. Cannot be activated if the ability is on cooldown
Ice Path
Max Stun Duration decreased from 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5s to 1.25/1.5/1.75/2s
Liquid Fire
Burn Damage increased from 15/20/25/30 to 15/25/35/45
Now has a 25% damage penalty vs. buildings
Mana Cost increased from 220/330/440 to 230/340/450
Damage per second decreased from 110/155/200 to 100/150/200
Liquid Frost
No longer applies a mini-stun
Level 20 Talent Ice Path Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s
Base Damage increased by 1
Blade Fury
Spell Immunity replaced with Debuff Immunity with 80% Magic Resistance
Cooldown decreased from 130s to 120s
Duration increased from 0.8s to 1s
Level 20 Talent Blade Dance Lifesteal increased from +40% to +50%
Keeper of the Light
Blinding Light
Now a basic ability that does not require Spirit Form
Damage increased from 100/140/180 to 100/140/180/220
Radius decreased from 600 to 500
Cast Range rescaled from 600 to 500/550/600/650
Mana Cost decreased from 150 to 120/130/140/150
Cooldown rescaled from 18s to 22/20/18/16s
Solar Bind
Now requires Spirit Form
Slow per 100 units increased from 4/5.5/7/8.5% to 10%
Duration decreased from 7s to 6s
Magic Resistance Reduction increased from 20/25/30/35% to 35%
Cooldown decreased from 23/20/17/14s to 14s
Mana Cost increased from 60/80/100/120 to 120
Cast Range increased from 700/750/800/850 to 850
Sleep Duration decreased from 1.3s to 1.0s
No longer disabled by silences. Instead disabled by break
Stun Duration decreased from 1.4s to 1.2s
Torrent Storm
Now area targeted with a 900 cast range and 1100 radius
Tidal Wave
Duration decreased from 1.25s to 1s
Legion Commander
Overwhelming Odds
Now an area of effect ability centered around the hero
No longer increases movement speed. Instead provides flat 65/90/115/140 attack speed bonus that doesn’t require the ability to hit any enemies
Radius increased from 330/340/350/360 to 600
Can now be cast during the Duel
Aghanim’s Shard Duration decreased from 15s to 8s
Press The Attack
No longer increases attack speed. Instead provides 10/14/18/22% movement speed bonus
Duration decreased from 4/4.75/5.5s to 3.75/4.5/5.25s
Aghanim’s Scepter Duration decreased from 6/7/8s to 5.5/6.5/7.5s
Level 10 Talent +100 Overwhelming Odds Radius replaced with -2s Overwhelming Odds Cooldown
Level 15 Talent Overwhelming Odds Hero Damage decreased from +100 to +75
Level 25 Talent Spell Immunity from Press the Attack replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Split Earth
Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.7s
Level 15 Talent +25 Movement Speed replaced with +10% Movement Speed during Pulse Nova
Level 20 Talent +20 Strength replaced with +20% damage Reduction during Pulse Nova
Frost Blast
Movement Slow decreased from 30% to 25%
Sinister Gaze
Now when cast on a non-Ancient creep, it lasts 2x longer and deals 250 damage per second
Duration decreased from 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5s to 1.1/1.4/1.7/2s
Level 15 Talent Sinister Gaze Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s
Spell Immunity replaced with Debuff Immunity with 80% Magic Resistance
Base Armor increased by 1
Light Strike Array
Stun Duration decreased from 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5s to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2s
Cast Range increased from 625 to 700
Flame Cloak
Now grants max Fiery Soul stacks on activation
Earth Spike
Damage increased from 95/150/205/260 to 100/160/220/280
Stun Duration decreased from 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6s to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2s
Projectile Speed increased from 1800 to 2800
Mana Cost rescaled from 85/110/135/160 to 90/110/130/150
Cast Range increased from 550 to 600
Duration decreased from 2.5/3/3.5/4s to 2/2.4/2.8/3.2s
Mana Drain
Spell Immunity with Aghanim’s Shard replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Lone Druid
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 18-22 to 4-8
Strength gain decreased from 2.5 to 2.0
Agility gain decreased from 2.8 to 2.0
Intelligence gain increased from 1.4 to 2.0
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 38-42 to 34-38)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.5 to +3.6
Savage Roar
Duration decreased from 1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6s to 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0s
Aghanim’s Shard Ally Bonus Attack Speed decreased from 60 to 40
Aghanim’s Shard Ally Bonus Movement Speed decreased from 20% to 15%
Lucent Beam
Stun Duration decreased from 0.8s to 0.6s
Lunar Blessing
Attack Damage Bonus (Allies) decreased from 6/14/20/28 to 3/9/15/21
Luna now receives 200% of the Attack Damage Bonus
Level 10 Talent Lucent Beam Ministun decreased from +0.4s to +0.3s
Level 25 Talent Lunar Blessing Damage decreased from +35 to +20
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 24-29 to 8-13
Strength gain decreased from 3.4 to 3.0
Agility gain decreased from 1.7 to 1.4
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.7 to 1.2
Damage on level 1 decreased by 3 (from 50-55 to 47-52)
Damage gain per level decreased from +3.4 to +3.36
Summon Wolves
Mana Cost decreased from 125/130/135/140 to 115/120/125/130
Mana Cost rescaled from 35/40/45/50 to 40
Now also fears enemy controlled units (non-heroes) for 1/1.5/2/2.5s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 32-40 to 17-25
Strength gain decreased from 3.5 to 3.0
Agility gain decreased from 2.5 to 1.9
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.1 to 1.6
Damage on level 1 decreased by 5 (from 57-65 to 52-60)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.5 to +3.9
Mana Cost decreased from 45/60/75/90 to 45/55/65/75
Mana Cost decreased from 80/90/100/110 to 70/80/90/110
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade removed
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Increases range by 400 and wave speed by 300. Causes Shockwave to return towards the caster’s original cast location after reaching max length, hitting enemies a second time for 50% of the damage
Reverse Polarity
Stun Duration decreased from 2.75/3.25/3.75s to 2.5/3.0/3.5s
Horn Toss
Now granted by Aghanim’s Scepter
Now stuns for 0.75s instead of slowing
Damage increased from 200 to 275
Level 15 Talent +16 Strength per hero hit with Reverse Polarity replaced with +5 all stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity
Level 25 Talent Reverse Polarity Stun Duration decreased from +1s to +0.8s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 33-37 to 15-21
Strength gain decreased from 3.6 to 3.0
Agility gain decreased from 2.4 to 2.0
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.5
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4-2 (from 56-60 to 52-58)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.6 to +3.9
Impact Damage increased from 70/120/170/220 to 70/140/210/280
Landing Radius increased from 275 to 300
Stun Duration decreased from 0.9/1.3/1.7/2.1s to 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7s
Minimum Jump Distance decreased from 450 to 150
Aghanim’s Shard no longer allows setting the ability on autocast. Now allows Marci to jump off enemies and provides her with movement speed bonus
Aghanim’s Scepter pulses now also silence for 1.5 seconds
Level 10 Talent Dispose Damage increased from +60 to +70
Level 10 Talent Rebound Cast/Jump Range decreased from +125 to +100
Level 20 Talent Rebound Stun Duration decreased from +0.7s to +0.5s
Level 25 Talent Spell Immunity from Sidekick replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Level 25 Talent 1.5s Unleash Pulse Silence replaced with +350 Dispose Throw Distance
Spear of Mars
Stun Duration decreased from 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6s to 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2s
Level 20 Talent Spear of Mars Stun Duration decreased from +0.8s to +0.6s
Base Strength decreased from 17 to 0
Strength gain decreased from 1.5 to 0
Intelligence gain increased from 3.4 to 3.7
Mystic Snake
Mana Cost decreased from 140 to 80/100/120/140
Scepter Stone Base Duration decreased from 1.3s to 1.0s
Mana Shield
Ability reworked
Now a passive ability. Medusa starts with one level of Mana Shield, and the ability can be upgraded up to level 5. Creates a shield that absorbs 98% incoming damage in exchange for mana. Increases base mana. Bonus Mana: 200/225/250/275/300. Damage per point of Mana: 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2
Now if a hero has Mana Shield ability, their mana bar will be visible to enemies
Now also absorbs HP Loss type damage
Stone Gaze
Stone Form duration decreased from 3s to 2.4s
Level 10 Talent +0.5 Mana Shield Damage per Mana replaced with +5% Stone Gaze Bonus Physical Damage
Level 25 Talent +75 Intelligence replaced with +1.3 Mana Shield Damage per Mana
Can now be put on autocast. If the ability is in autocast state, when cast on target, all other Meepos also cast Poof to the target automatically, if able. When cast on the ground, all Meepos except the selected one Poof to the location closest to the nearest Meepo. Toggling autocast on one Meepo changes it on all Meepos
Divided We Stand
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed
Now granted by Aghanim’s Shard
Duration decreased from 4s to 3s
Max HP Restore decreased from 50% to 35%
New ability granted by Aghanim’s Scepter
Primary Meepo mounts all other Meepos in a 600 radius around him on top of his shoulders. While in this form, he gains 50% of the other Meepo stats and can Fling them at enemies, dealing 225 damage and slowing them by 60% for 3s. While active, Earthbind generates additional nets and Poof deals bonus damage based on the amount of Meepos riding on top. Casting Dig cancels MegaMeepo. Has no Mana Cost. Cooldown: 60s. Duration: 20s. Fling Cooldown: 0.5s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 24-30 to 6-10
Base Strength increased from 18 to 20
Strength gain decreased from 2.2 to 1.7
Agility gain decreased from 3.1 to 2.5
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.2
Damage on level 1 decreased by 3-5 (from 48-54 to 45-49)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.1 to +3.24
Mana Cost decreased from 80/95/110/125 to 80/90/100/110
Sacred Arrow
Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 90
Aghanim’s Shard now does not break Moonlight Shadow invisibility
With Aghanim’s Shard the ability can now be put on auto-cast to make it ground- and vector targeted, allowing you to choose the distance and the resulting blast direction of the jump
Monkey King
Boundless Strike
Stun Duration decreased from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s to 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4s
Jingu Mastery
Bonus Lifesteal rescaled from 25/40/55/70% to 20/40/60/80%
Bonus Damage increased from 40/70/100/130 to 40/80/120/160
Level 20 Talent +2 Jingu Mastery Charges replaced with 0 Cooldown Primal Spring
Level 25 Talent 0 Cooldown Primal Spring replaced with -1 Jingu Mastery Required Hits
Base Strength increased by 1
Attribute Shift (Agility Gain)
No longer grants bonus Agility
Aghanim’s Shard bonus Agility moved to Adaptive Strike
Attribute Shift (Strength Gain)
No longer grants bonus Strength
Aghanim’s Shard bonus Strength moved to Adaptive Strike
Adaptive Strike (Agility)
Now grants bonus Agility (same values as Attribute Shift before)
Adaptive Strike (Strength)
Now grants bonus Strength (same values as Attribute Shift before)
Stun Max decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3s to 1.2/1.6/2/2.4s
Aghanim’s Scepter effect now steals an additional 20% of all stats when targeting Universal Heroes.
Level 20 Talent Adaptive Strike Stun Duration decreased from +1s to +0.8s
Added to Captains Mode
Dead Shot
Ricochet Fear Duration decreased from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s to 0.8/0.95/1.1/1.25s
The Calling
Silence Duration decreased from 2/2.5/3/3.5s to 1.5/2/2.5/3s
Duration decreased from 10s to 7/8/9/10s
Pierce the Veil
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Grants 30% Spell Lifesteal for the duration of Pierce the Veil. Muerta permanently gains 2% Spell Amplification every time she kills an enemy hero during Pierce the Veil or any enemy hero dies within 925 units
Parting Shot
New ability granted by Aghanim’s Scepter
Muerta shoots an allied or enemy hero in their soul, separating it from the physical body for 4 seconds. The soul is pushed 150 units on separation and is untargetable, muted, disarmed, and invulnerable. The body is stunned for the duration and has 50% damage reduction. After this effect the soul is forcefully returned to the body which applies a strong dispel removing negative debuffs and stuns. The soul survives until the end of the effect even if the body dies. Does not deal damage to allies and Muerta can’t target herself. Damage: 300. Mana Cost: 250. Cooldown: 45s
Level 10 Talent Dead Shot Damage decreased from +100 to +80
Naga Siren
Base Health Regen decreased from 1.5 to 1.25
Can now target sleeping/invulnerable units even without Aghanim’s Scepter (not Debuff Immune targets)
Rip Tide
Damage decreased from 40/45/50/55 to 34/41/48/55
Reel In
Channeling is now interrupted if the target dispels Ensnare or dies
Level 20 Talent +500 Song of the Siren Radius replaced with -20s Song of the Siren Cooldown
Level 25 Talent -7 Rip Tide Armor replaced with -1 Attack to Trigger Rip Tide
Related: What Every New CS:GO Player Needs to Know About the Unwritten Competitive Matchmaking Rules
Nature’s Prophet
Cooldown increased from 11/10/9/8s to 12/11/10/9s
Mana Cost increased from 50 to 50/60/70/80
Cooldown increased from 62/48/34/20s to 65/55/45/35s
After teleporting, Nature’s Prophet now gains 3/6/9/12 stacks of bonus attack damage (6 damage per stack). Every attack turns a stack of attack damage into a stack granting 1 armor. Duration: 15s
Nature’s Call
Treant Duration decreased from 60s to 50s
Treant Damage decreased from 15-18/21-25/28-32/35-39 to 11-15/19-23/27-31/35-39
Wrath of Nature
No longer provides bonus damage per unit killed
Level 15 Talent +25 Attack Speed replaced with +4 Teleportation Max Stacks
Ghost Shroud
Movement Slow rescaled from 12/16/20/24% to 10/15/20/25%
Death Seeker
Ability reworked
Necrophos turns into a fast-moving large Death Pulse flying towards the target’s position at cast time. Once he reaches said position, the Death Pulse spreads to nearby enemies and allies. Cast Range: 750. Can be blocked by Linken’s Sphere.
Level 15 Talent Death Pulse Heal decreased from +32 to +30
Level 15 Talent Ghost Shroud Slow decreased from +24% to +20%
Level 20 Talent Heartstopper Regen Reduction decreased from +32% to +30%
Night Stalker
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade reworked
Makes Void an area targeted spell, applying its effect on all enemies in 450 radius even if they’re invisible or in fog of war. Also creates a void zone in the chosen area for 5s. While he is in the void zone, Night Stalker’s abilities (along with Void) are empowered to their nighttime version
Nyx Assassin
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 27-31 to 15-19
Agility gain decreased from 2.5 to 2.1
Intelligence gain increased from 2.1 to 2.5
Damage on level 1 increased by 3 (from 45-49 to 48-52)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.5 to +4.26
Mana Burn Ability removed
Now deals damage on start of being impaled, instead of on landing
Stun Duration decreased from 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6s to 1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0s
Mind Flare
New basic ability
Deals damage to the target equal to 2/3/4/5x of its Intelligence + 30% of damage dealt by Nyx to the target in the past 15 seconds. Cast Range: 800. Mana Cost: 100. Cooldown: 13/10/7/4s
Spiked Carapace
Stun Duration decreased from 0.5/1/1.5/2s to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6s
Now removes 50% of the target’s max mana on hit
Now increases Mind Flare cast range by 400
Level 10 Talent Impale Stun Duration decreased from +0.25s to +0.2s
Level 15 Talent +0.5x Mana Burn Intelligence Multiplier replaced with +0.75x Mind Flare Intelligence Multiplier
Level 20 Talent Spiked Carapace Stun Duration decreased from +0.6s to +0.45s
Level 25 Talent 300 Mana Burn Radius replaced with 300 Mind Flare Radius
Ogre Magi
Primary Attribute changed to Strength
Strength gain increased from 3.3 to 4.2
Base Intelligence decreased from 15 to 0
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.5 to 0
Always has 0 Intelligence. Always.
Base Mana increased from 75 to 120
Base Damage decreased from 54-60 to 44-50
Dumb Luck
New innate ability
Max Intelligence is 0. Ogre Magi receives 6 points of maximum mana and 0.03 mana regeneration per point of Strength. Each 20 points of Strength also increase Multicast Cast Chance by 1% (only affects multipliers over 0% so the 4x Cast Chance won’t trigger on level 1 etc.)
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Unrefined Fireblast
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Degen Aura Ability removed
Hammer of Purity
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard.
Allows the Omniknight to be healed for 30% of damage dealt by Hammer of Purity. Every 6 seconds, Omniknight’s next attack automatically fires a Hammer of Purity at the target
Guardian Angel
Aghanim’s Scepter additional duration decreased from +3s to +1s
Fate’s Edict
Now only disarms enemies
Now only provides Magic Resistance to allies
Cooldown increased from 17/14/11/8s to 20/17/14/11s
False Promise
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade moved to Aghanim’s Scepter. Grants 0.15s fade time invisibility to the target as well as 0.25s improved BAT and +25% Spell Amplification
Rain of Destiny
Now granted by Aghanim’s Shard
Damage/Heal per second decreased from 60 to 40
Outworld Destroyer
Astral Imprisonment
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade removed
Essence Flux
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter.
Damage that brings Outworld Destroyer below 20% health triggers a strong dispel. Additionally, Outworld Destroyer consumes all of his mana to provide a damage barrier equal to 50% of his maximum mana. Lasts 15s. Cooldown: 60s. Cannot be refreshed. Effect is disabled by Break.
Sanity’s Eclipse
Now deals damage to all units. Treats the units without a mana pool as if they had 0 mana
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 33-39 to 18-24
Agility gain decreased from 3.2 to 2.5
Damage on level 1 decreased by 3 (from 51-57 to 48-54)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.2 to +4.14
Base Armor increased by 1
Shield Crash
Damage decreased from 75/150/225/300 to 70/140/210/280
Mana Cost decreased from 75/85/95/105 to 70/80/90/100
Rolling Thunder
Stun Duration decreased from 1/1.25/1.5s to 0.8/1/1.2s
Cooldown increased from 80/75/70s to 90/85/80s
Spell Immunity replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Roll Up
Spell Immunity replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance
Level 10 Talent Swashbuckle Slash Range decreased from +400 to +350
Level 20 Talent Swashbuckle Damage decreased from +30 to +25
Level 25 Talent Rolling Thunder Cooldown reduction decreased from 20s to 18s
Phantom Lancer
Base Attack Range increased from 150 to 225
Spirit Lance
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade moved to Aghanim’s Scepter
Spirit Lance now bounces twice on enemies, prioritizing Heroes (can bounce back to the original target). Also increases slow amount by 10% and Spirit Lance illusion damage by 40%
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Allows Juxtapose to be activated to create 1 illusion at Phantom Lancer’s location, giving him instant invisibility. Move Speed Bonus: 15%. Duration: 8s. Cooldown: 15s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 26-36 to 14-24
Strength gain decreased from 3.6 to 3.3
Damage on level 1 decreased by 5 (from 49-59 to 44-54)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.6 to +3.96
Stun Duration decreased from 2/2.5/3s to 1.6/2/2.4s
Level 20 Talent Supernova Stun Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s
Primal Beast
Cast Point decreased from 0.15s to 0s
Stun Duration decreased from 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s to 0.8/1/1.2/1.4s
Max Channel Time increased from 2s to 2.2s
Time to Max Charge increased from 1.5s to 1.7s
Min Charge Distance decreased from 300 to 100
No longer reduced by damage block
Now pierces debuff immunity
Hit Damage decreased from 150/210/270 to 100/150/200
Stun Duration decreased from 0.25s to 0.2s
Cooldown increased from 32/28/24s to 36/32/28s
Rock Throw
Stun Duration decreased from 1.75s to 1.4s
No longer reduced by damage block
Level 25 Talent Pulverize Pierces Spell Immunity replaced with Cannot Be Rooted Or Slowed During Trample
Intelligence gain increased from 3.5 to 3.8
Aghanim’s Shard now also passively adds 20 bonus magic damage to Puck’s attacks
Illusory Orb
Mana Cost decreased from 110/120/130/140 to 100/110/120/130
Waning Rift
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade removed
Dream Coil
Break Stun Duration decreased from 1.8/2.4/3s to 1.4/1.9/2.4s
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter
All enemies affected by Dream Coil are attacked by Puck every 0.6s. Attacks originate from the Dream Coil center and do not require Puck to be nearby
Meat Hook
Projectile Speed increased from 1450 to 1600
Now can be heard in Fog of War
Aghanim’s Scepter Bonus Damage decreased from 95 to 90
Aghanim’s Scepter Regen Reduction decreased from 25% to 20%
Cast Range increased from 160 to 200
Duration decreased from 3s to 2.75s
Duration on creeps decreased from 6s to 5.5s
Level 20 Talent Dismember Duration decreased from +0.8 to +0.75
When targeting allies or self no longer increases Magic Damage taken. Instead, provides 5/10/15/20% incoming heal amplification
Life Drain
Healing for allies is no longer based on the damage dealt by Life Drain
Queen of Pain
Shadow Strike
Aghanim’s Scepter Scream of Pain emitted from Shadow Strike expiring now also damages the target
Static Link
Cooldown rescaled from 40/35/30/25s to 50/40/30/20s
Level 25 Talent Second Plasma Field now does 70% of the damage of the initial wave
Sleeping Dart Ability removed
Smoke Screen
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Enemies in the smoke screen have their armor reduced by 7 and cannot be targeted by their allies
Cloak and Dagger
Now gives an experience bonus for kills and assists. Kill bonus: 150/250/350, Assist bonus: 100
Level 10 Talent +0.4s Blink Strike Slow replaced with +8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed
Level 15 Talent +8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed replaced with +50% Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase
Lift Duration decreased from 1.2/1.5/1.8/2s to 0.95/1.2/1.45/1.7s
Stun Duration decreased from 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8s to 0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5s
Level 15 Talent Telekinesis Lift Duration decreased from +0.6s to +0.4s
Sand King
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 23-33 to 9-17
Damage on level 1 decreased by 2 (from 45-55 to 45-53)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.7 to +3.78
Stun Duration decreased from 1.6/1.8/2/2.2s to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8s
Now always applies the current level of Caustic Finale to enemy heroes even without Aghanim’s Scepter
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade removed
Sand Storm
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter
Every 0.2s creates two 65 radius Burrowstrike spines at random locations. Each one stuns enemies and deals damage equal to the current level of Burrowstrike
Level 10 Talent Burrowstrike Stun Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s
Shadow Demon
Cooldown decreased from 30/26/22/18s to 30/25/20/15s
Demonic Purge
Purge Damage increased from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600
Cleanse Aghanim’s Scepter Max Charges decreased from 3 to 2
Demonic Cleanse
Cleanse Heal increased from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600
Level 15 Talent +200 Demonic Purge Damage replaced with -1s Shadow Poison Cooldown
Level 20 Talent -1.25s Shadow Poison Cooldown replaced with +200 Demonic Purge/Cleanse Damage/Heal
Shadow Fiend
No longer slows turn rate on hit
Stacks Lost on Death decreased from 40% to 30%
Aghanim’s Shard Fear Duration decreased from 0.5s to 0.4s
Presence of the Dark Lord
Every enemy hero killed near Shadow Fiend further improves the armor reduction by 2 for 20s. Duration is refreshed with each hero kill
Requiem of Souls
Fear Duration per soul hit decreased from 0.9s to 0.7s
Fear Duration Max decreased from 2.7s to 2.15s
Level 20 Talent Requiem of Souls Fear Duration per line decreased from +0.3s to +0.25s
Shadow Shaman
Ether Shock
Targets increased from 1/3/5/7 to 3/5/7/9
Duration rescaled from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5s to 1.3/1.8/2.3/2.8s
Mana Cost rescaled from 70/110/150/190 to 50/100/150/200
Cooldown decreased from 13s to 12s
Mana Cost decreased from 140/150/160/170 to 125/140/155/170
Duration decreased from 2.75/3.5/4.25/5 to 2.4/3.0/3.6/4.2
Mass Serpent Ward
Aghanim’s Scepter no longer increases Serpent Wards’ attack range
Level 10 Talent Hex Cooldown reduction decreased from 3s to 2s
Level 10 Talent Shackles Total Damage increased from +155 to +170
Level 25 Talent Ether Shock Damage increased from +380 to +400
Skywrath Mage
Arcane Bolt
Now leaves behind a debuff for 5 seconds that increases Skywrath Mage’s Spell Lifesteal against the target by 20/30/40/50%
Mystic Flare
Duration decreased from 2.2s to 2.0s
Level 10 Talent Health increased from +175 to +200
Level 20 Talent Ancient Seal Increased Magic Damage decreased from +12% to +10%
Level 25 Talent Mystic Flare Damage decreased from +450 to +400
Slithereen Crush
Stun Duration decreased from 1s to 0.8s
Damage increased from 70/140/210/280 to 75/150/225/300
Bash of the Deep
Bash Duration decreased from 1.3s to 1.1s
Level 20 Talent Corrosive Haze Armor decreased from -4 to -3
Dark Pact
Damage decreased from 90/160/230/300 to 75/150/225/300
Depth Shroud
Cast Range decreased from 800 to 600
Level 20 Talent Shadow Dance Attack Speed increased from +75 to +80
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 26-32 to 8-14
Strength gain decreased from 3.5 to 3.2
Agility gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.2
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.2 to 2.1
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 46-52 to 42-48)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.5 to +3.9
Firesnap Cookie
Impact Stun Duration decreased from 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6s to 1.0/1.4/1.8/2.2s
Spit Out
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1.2s
Aghanim’s Scepter Stun Duration decreased from 1/1.25/1.5s to 0.8/1/1.2s
Concussive Grenade
Damage increased from 25 to 200
Level 15 Talent Shrapnel Slow increased from +14% to +15%
Level 20 Talent Shrapnel DPS increased from +24 to +25
Level 20 Talent Headshot Knockback Distance decreased from +28 to +25
No longer ignores evasion, the attack must now land for Desolate to deal damage
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade reworked.
Allows to activate Dispersion to increase damage reflected by it by 100% for 5s. Only increases the outgoing damage, doesn’t mitigate the incoming damage. Mana Cost: 50. Cooldown: 25s
Level 15 Talent Spectral Dagger Damage decreased from +100 to +80
Level 25 Talent Haunt Illusion Damage decreased from +32% to +30%
Spirit Breaker
Charge of Darkness
Stun Duration decreased from 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4s to 1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1s
Greater Bash
Stun Duration decreased from 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8s to 0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5s
Planar Pocket
Self Magic Resistance increased from 25% to 75%
Level 20 Talent Greater Bash Chance increased from +10% to +13%
Level 25 Talent +800 Health replaced with Bulldoze 500 Damage Barrier
Storm Spirit
Static Remnant
Radius increased from 260 to 300
Electric Vortex
Duration decreased from 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6s to 1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1s
Damage rescaled from 30/50/70/90 to 25/50/75/100
Level 20 Talent Electric Vortex Duration decreased from +0.4s to +0.3s
Storm Hammer
Damage decreased from 95/170/245/320 to 80/160/240/320
Duration decreased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2s to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s
Great Cleave
Cleave Damage increased from 25/50/75/100% to 40/60/80/100%
Now provides 2/4/6/8 Strength Bonus
Cooldown increased from 32/28/24/20s to 35/30/25/20s
Duration increased from 9s to 10s
Level 25 Talent Storm Hammer Stun Duration decreased from +1.25s to +1s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 21-23 to 12-14
Damage on level 1 unchanged (46-48)
Damage gain per level increased from +3 to +4.08
Reactive Tazer
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade moved to Aghanim’s Shard (effect is unchanged)
Blast Off!
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed
No longer silences enemies
Now stuns enemies for 0.8/1/1.2/1.4s
Proximity Mines
Magic Resistance Reduction debuff now stacks independently
Minefield Sign
Cast Time increased from 1s to 2s
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter
Increases effect radius to 1000 and duration to 4 minutes. When an enemy hero gets within 200 units of the sign, the entire 1000 radius area becomes a minefield for 10 seconds. Enemy units will take 300 damage for every 200 units moved. Minefield area is visible to enemies once activated. The sign is destroyed after the minefield expires. Only one sign can exist at a time
Templar Assassin
Base Attack Range increased from 160 to 200
Mana Cost rescaled from 85/90/95/100 to 90
Psionic Trap
Now Trap ability can be set to autocast mode. In this mode, the ability springs the trap that is closest to the cursor, rather than the one closest to Templar Assassin
Now traps can always be denied. Psi Blades deal damage behind the trap that is denied
Now slows attack speed by 15/20/25/30
Demon Zeal
Attack/Movement speed increased from +50 to +65
Terror Wave
Fear Duration decreased from 2.5s to 2s
Level 15 Talent +15% Reflection Slow replaced with +10% Reflection Slow/Damage
Level 25 Talent Sunder Cooldown reduction decreased from 34s to 30s
Anchor Smash
Mana Cost rescaled from 40/50/60/70 to 45/50/55/60
Attack Bonus Damage increased from 40/85/130/175 to 45/90/135/180
Duration decreased from 2.4/2.6/2.8s to 2/2.2/2.4s
Mana Cost decreased from 150/225/325 to 125/225/325
Level 25 Talent Ravage Stun Duration decreased from +1s to +0.8s
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 27-31 to 10-14
Strength gain decreased from 3.5 to 2.9
Agility gain decreased from 1.6 to 1.0
Damage on level 1 decreased by 4 (from 52-56 to 48-52)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.5 to +3.96
Reactive Armor
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter
Can be activated to gain max stacks and 200 HP barrier. This barrier gains 100HP/s and increases by 75 HP per second for each enemy hero within 600 radius of Timbersaw up to a maximum of 800. Doesn’t count illusions. After 8 seconds, Timbersaw loses the barrier and deals damage to every hero within 600 radius equal to 200 + the remaining barrier HP
Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade removed
Whirling Death
Whirling Death Makes Universal Heroes lose 5% of each attribute
Level 20 Talent +16 Strength replaced with +20% Magic Resistance
Level 25 Talent +12% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction replaced with Second Chakram
Base Agility increased by 4
Agility gain increased from 1.2 to 1.4
Cooldown increased from 20/18/16/14s to 22/20/18/16s
Heat-Seeking Missile
Cast Range decreased from 2500 to 2000
Damage increased from 115/190/265/340 to 120/200/280/360
Tree Grab
Cooldown increased from 19/16/13/10s to 22/19/16/13s
Cooldown increased from 17/15/13/11s to 20/17/14/11s
Bonus Armor increased from 10/15/20 to 10/17/24
Bonus Damage increased from 50/100/150 to 50/110/170
No longer provides bonus damage to Tree Grab (Level 20 Talent still does)
Treant Protector
Level 15 Talent Leech Seed Movement Slow increased from +15% to +18%
Level 20 Talent Leech Seed Damage/Heal increased from +40 to +45
Level 25 Talent Overgrowth Undispellable replaced with -40s Overgrowth Cooldown
Troll Warlord
Battle Trance
Now caster can use items during the effect
Stun Duration decreased from 0.8/1/1.2/1.4s to 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2s
Snowball Speed decreased from 625/650/675/700 to 575/600/625/650
Mana Cost increased from 110/120/130/140 to 110/125/140/155
Atrophy Aura
Duration rescaled from 30/45/60/75s to 35/45/55/65s
Fiend’s Gate
Cooldown decreased from 120/110/100s to 110/100/90s
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Allows up to 1 allied hero to bunker inside of the Tombstone. Ally can bunker by pressing RMB on the Tombstone while in 350 radius. Bunkered units cannot leave the Tombstone for 3 seconds after entering. Unit that left the Tombstone cannot re-enter it for 3 seconds. If Undying decides to enter the Tombstone while another ally is inside, the ally is forcefully evicted. Undying also receives the Grab Ally ability, which bunkers a hero to the nearest Tombstone within 400 range (this ability is also present on the Tombstone itself)
Flesh Golem
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed
Cooldown increased from 125s to 140s
Level 25 Talent Reincarnation replaced with +60% Flesh Golem Strength Bonus
Vengeful Spirit
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 26-32 to 12-18
Strength gain decreased from 2.6 to 2.0
Agility gain decreased from 3.2 to 2.0
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.5 to 1.2
Damage on level 1 unchanged (46-52)
Damage gain per level decreased from +3.2 to +3.12
Magic Missile
Stun Duration decreased from 1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7s to 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4s
Vengeance Aura
Base Damage Bonus decreased from 11/18/25/32% to 10/16/22/28%
Level 25 Talent Magic Missile pierces Spell Immunity replaced with +40% Nether Swap Damage Reduction
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 22-25 to 9-12
Strength gain decreased from 2.1 to 2.0
Agility gain decreased from 2.8 to 2.0
Intelligence gain decreased from 1.8 to 1.4
Damage on level 1 unchanged (46-49)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.8 to +3.24
Poison Nova
Now a passive ability granted by Aghanim’s Scepter
Creates a ring of poison upon death of Venomancer or an enemy hero infected with Venomous Gale. Also triggers if Venomous Gale is dispelled from an enemy hero. Enemies hit by the Poison Nova take non-lethal damage over time and have their magic resistance reduced. Radius: 900. Duration: 10s. Max HP as Damage: 3%. Magic Resistance Reduction: 30%. Travel Speed: 550. Cooldown: 10s
Noxious Plague
New ultimate ability
Infects an enemy with a deadly plague that does an initial burst of damage and additional damage over time based on the unit’s maximum health. Enemies in a radius around the target are slowed, with values decreasing the farther you are from the affected enemy. When the target dies or the debuff expires/is absorbed, all nearby enemies are infected with a noncommunicable version of the plague. Duration: 5s. Initial Damage: 200/300/400. Max HP as Damage: 5/6/7%. Debuff Radius: 800. Max Slow: 50%. Projectile Speed: 1200. Cooldown: 120/100/80s. Mana Cost: 200/300/400
Latent Toxicity
Dispel Stun Duration decreased from 2s to 1.6s
Level 20 Talent +5s Poison Nova Duration replaced with +1.5% Noxious Plague Max HP as Damage
Level 25 Talent Poison Nova reduces 100 Attack Speed replaced with Noxious Plague Aura reduces 200 Attack Speed
Viper Strike
Cast Range increased from 500 to 700/800/900
Now is a Universal Hero
Base damage decreased from 23-33 to 7-17
Strength gain decreased from 2.8 to 2.4
Agility gain decreased from 1.3 to 1.0
Intelligence gain decreased from 2.9 to 2.4
Damage on level 1 decreased by 5 (from 45-55 to 40-50)
Damage gain per level increased from +2.9 to +3.48
Grave Chill
Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 90
Soul Assumption
Mana Cost decreased from 135 to 125
Stone Form
Stun Duration decreased from 1/1.25/1.5s to 0.8/1/1.2s
Void Spirit
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 30-34 to 15-19
Damage on level 1 unchanged (54-58)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.1 to +4.74
Aether Remnant
Pull Duration decreased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2s to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s
Resonant Pulse
Now stacks additively with other sources of physical barriers
Shadow Word
Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade removed
Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Shard
Creates an imp for every 2 seconds of channeling. These imps last for 15 seconds and have 17-18 attack damage, 300 health, 1 armor and Eldritch Explosion passive ability: when killed or expired, imps explode, dealing 60% of their max health as damage to enemies within 400 radius. Imps continuously seek out the closest visible and attackable target but can be controlled
Chaotic Offering
Stun Duration decreased from 1s to 0.8s
Level 15 Talent -4s Shadow Word Cooldown replaced with +18 Shadow Word Damage/Heal
Level 20 Talent +25 Shadow Word Damage/Heal replaced with +450 Shadow Word AoE
Base Armor increased by 1
Aghanim’s Shard mark duration increased from 6s to 12s
Geminate Attack
Cooldown decreased from 9/7/5/3s to 7/5.5/4/2.5s
No longer disabled by silences. Instead disabled by break
Level 25 Talent 2 Shukuchi Charges replaced with -2.5s Shukuchi Cooldown
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Armor increased by 1
Base Damage decreased from 26-38 to 11-17
Strength gain decreased from 2.6 to 2.4
Intelligence gain decreased from 3.6 to 2.4
Damage on level 1 decreased by 2-8 (from 44-56 to 42-48)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.6 to +3.72
Improved projectile consistency
Now always shackles the closest target behind the unit shackled
Fail Stun Duration decreased from 0.75s to 0.6s
Latch Stun Duration decreased from 2/2.6/3.2/3.8s to 1.6/2.1/2.6/3.1s
Damage increased from 150/250/350/450 to 170/270/370/470
Aghanim’s Scepter no longer blinds enemies (used to apply 40% miss chance)
Aghanim’s Scepter now also reduces physical damage taken by Windranger by 50%
Level 20 Talent Shackleshot Latch Stun Duration decreased from +0.8s to +0.65s
Winter Wyvern
Now is a Universal Hero
Base Damage decreased from 14-21 to 0-5
Strength gain decreased from 2.5 to 2.2
Agility gain decreased from 1.7 to 1.5
Intelligence gain decreased from 3.6 to 2.8
Damage on level 1 decreased by 2-4 (from 40-47 to 38-43)
Damage gain per level increased from +3.6 to +3.9
Arctic Burn
Health Burn rescaled from 6/7/8/9% to 4/6/8/10%
Splinter Blast
Splinters Projectile Speed increased from 800 to 1000
Winter’s Curse
Curse Duration decreased from 4.5/5/5.5s to 4.25/4.75/5.25s
Level 25 Talent Winter’s Curse Curse Duration decreased from +1.5s to +1.25s
Witch Doctor
Paralyzing Cask
Base Damage increased from 40 to 50
Stun Duration decreased from 1s to 0.8s
Wraith King
Wraithfire Blast
Stun Duration decreased from 1.1/1.4/1.7/2s to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6s
Vampiric Spirit
Lifesteal increased from 9/16/23/30% to 20/30/40/50% (half vs. creeps)
Skeletons now deal 35% less damage to buildings
Mortal Strike
Critical Damage increased from 150/190/230/270% to 150/200/250/300%
Cooldown rescaled from 200/130/60s to 180/140/100s
Can now be cast by Wraith King on himself to die and resurrect if he has the necessary resources
Now always spawns 1/2/3 skeletons to attack each nearby hero when Reincarnation triggers (Aghanim’s Shard still adds 3 skeletons resulting in 4/5/6 in total)
Aghanim’s Scepter now also reduces cooldown by 40 seconds and respawn time of every hero dying under its effect by 10%
Level 15 Talent Wraithfire Blast Stun Duration decreased from +0.7s to +0.5s
Static Field Ability removed
Arc Lightning
Base Damage decreased from 90/120/150/180 to 85/110/135/160
Now also deals 3/4/5/6% of current enemy health as damage
Lightning Bolt
Ministun Duration decreased from 0.3s to 0.25s
Heavenly Jump
Now always moves Zeus forward
No longer increases enemy cast time
Lightning Hands
New passive ability granted by Aghanim’s Shard
Increases Zeus’ attack range by 100. Zeus’ attacks create Arc Lightnings that deal 50% of its damage (illusions deal 20%)
Level 20 Talent Lightning Bolt Ministun decreased from +0.4s to +0.3s
Level 20 Talent +100 Thundergod’s Wrath Damage replaced with +4% Arc Lightning Current Health as Damage
Level 25 Talent +100 Arc Lightning Damage replaced with +150 Thundergod’s Wrath Damage
Related: Our Lord and Savior Emperor Gaben Drops a 40k Banhammer in Dota 2 Against Cheaters
Hope you all have read up until here. Good luck in those matches!
Published: Apr 25, 2023 3:24 AM UTC