Death Must Die November 21 Update: Full Patch Notes Listed

Death is going to visit a little less often with these buffs

If you’ve been struggling with Death Must Die, you’ll be happy to see the changes the developers have cooked up. Here is the November 21 Update, with the full patch notes listed.

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Death Must Die November 21 Update: Full Patch Notes, Listed

Death Must Die is an exceptionally difficult game, especially as you hit the later difficulties. But the developer is deeply in-tune with the player base, so we’ve already got some brand-new patch notes that should help balance things out. Let’s dive right in.

The point of the previous patch was to remove OP stuff (Gem High, Mayhem, Exp Gain) that was choking everything else from being usable. It did make the game on Difficulty 30 a lot harder. A lot of people don’t want that. So, with this patch, I’ve made Difficulty 30 to be consistently beatable with a wider range of builds. Hopefully, this makes the game more fun than just having to seek only one type of gear or skill.

For those who want a challenge, we will eventually add something that allows you to make the game much harder than what the current Difficulty Adjustment system offers. Unfortunately, this will have to come with a later patch.


@ Passive Experience Gain +50% value
@ Experience Gain Percent +20% value
@ Experience Gain Curve Buffed (~20% Less Experience required, varies from level to level)
@ Enemy projectiles should now render over everything

Difficulty Adjustments

[Difficulty made easier to support more builds:]
Enemy Health bonuses -73%
Enemy Movement bonuses -50%
Enemy Attack speed bonuses -20%
Enemy Attack damage bonuses -38%
Boss Life gain difficulty modifier 40% > 35% per level (120% > 105% max)


[Wisdom:] New skill added for Time. Increases experience gain.
@ [Gem High:] Duration +14%
@ [Flare:] Chance to proc 40% > 45%
@ [Breath of Fire:] Damage +20%
@ [Chain Lightning:] Added +2 bounces on each level
@ [Lightning Orbs:] Added +1 orb on each level
@ [Lightning Bolt:] Added +1 bolt on each level
@ [Haste:] Movement +14% more value

Changes prefixed with ‘@’ were inspired by community feedback.

Bug Fixes

Fixed controller navigation to Reroll/Banish/Alter.
Fixed infinite Reroll/Banish/Alter.

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Image of Daphne Fama
Daphne Fama
A Staff Writer at Prima Games since 2022, Daphne Fama spends an inordinate amount playing games of all stripes but has a soft spot for horror, FPS, and RPGs. When she’s not gaming, she’s an author and member of the Horror Writers Association with a debut novel coming out in 2025. In a previous life, she was an attorney but found she preferred fiction to contracts and forms