Teamfight Tactics’ Set 13: Into the Arcane brings several new mechanics, but nothing too complicated compared to the previous sets. Like all sets, they all have one big addition or focus. In Into the Arcane, everyone will get an Anomaly buff that is extremely important in most team compositions, as it provides a huge boost when used correctly.
Apart from the Anomaly buff, there are several new Augments and traits to learn, some of which are interestingly related to the Arcane season 2 series. Some might get overwhelmed with all these new mechanics, and this beginner’s guide will help lay the foundation for you in Teamfight Tactics’ Set 13.
Complete Guide to Teamfight Tactics’ Into the Arcane | Set 13
Complete List of Traits in Teamfight Tactics Set 13

Before we get into the finer details, here’s the list of traits you’ll be playing around with for Set 13:
Trait | Description |
Automata | Champions collect crystals through damage dealt and release powerful bursts of damage based on crystals. |
Black Rose | Summons a chained Sion that grows stronger based on the star level of Black Rose champions. |
Chem-Baron | Gains “Shimmer” stacks, providing contraband upgrades and increased maximum health. |
Conqueror | Grants attack damage and ability power stacks (Conquest) upon takedowns. |
Emissary | Grants unique effects based on the specific Emissary champion in play. |
Enforcer | Enforcers gain Shield and Damage Amp. The highest Health enemy units become WANTED! When a Wanted enemy dies, Enforcers gain 30% Attack Speed. |
Experiment | Champions on Laboratory hexes gain shared bonuses and max health boosts. |
Family | Reduces mana costs and grants extra rewards after combat progress. |
Firelight | Units dash periodically, gaining infinite range and healing based on damage taken recently. |
Rebel | Champions gain health and activate bonus effects when losing a percentage of their team’s health. |
Scrap | Components held by Scrap units temporarily turn into full items. |
I would categorize the first table as the “main” traits or class traits. Here are the rest of the traits or sub-traits for Set 13:
Trait | Description |
Ambusher | Abilities critically strike, with increased crit chance and crit damage. |
Artillerist | Launches rockets after several attacks, dealing AoE damage. |
Bruiser | Gives more health to your team; more for Bruiser units. |
Dominator | Shields at combat start and stacks ability power with spell casts. |
Form Swapper | Champions adapt their stats and abilities based on their frontline or backline positioning. |
Pit Fighter | Grants omnivamp, true damage, and healing when dropping below a health threshold. |
Quickstriker | Gains attack speed based on the target’s missing health and dashes after killing a target. |
Sentinel | Provides armor and magic resistance to the team, tripled for Sentinels. |
Sniper | Deals bonus damage based on the distance between the unit and the target. |
Sorcerer | Increases team ability power, with additional bonuses for Sorcerer units. |
Visionary | Whenever Visionaries gain Mana, they gain more Mana. |
Watcher | Watchers gain Durability, increased while above 50% Health. |
The traits are very flexible and pretty much standard in most Teamfight Tactics sets. You have the all-around classes like Rebel and Enforcer. However, there are several “greedy” traits in the set, which is rare because they only introduced one in the past. Conquerors provide players the ability to open War Chests that give units, items, and more. Apart from those rewards, Conquerors gain AD/AP as they open more chests, giving the trait a balance between greed and strength.
The main “greedy” trait is the Chem-Baron, which utilizes losing streaks to gain more Shimmer. Upon reaching high Shimmer thresholds, you’ll gain more and more powerful rewards. It is extremely difficult to pull off and this is why it is a “greedy” trait because it always wants you to push higher and higher until you just lose.
Teamfight Tactics’ Into the Arcane Set 13 Anomalies

Now that you know more about the traits in the set, you’ll have to play around with the Anomaly event that is fixed at stages 4-6. This is a game-changer as there are several builds that rely on one or two strong units, and the Anomaly effect is there to give a powerful buff to a single unit. Gold Dravens with high Conquest stacks and silver four-cost units like Ambessa or Heimerdinger, Kog’Maws, and Akalis are just a few examples of popular units needing the Anomaly buff.
The Anomaly buff is meant to either power up low-cost units to help the team reach the endgame without transitioning or adjusting comps or get a fast carry by getting a silver four-cost unit at stages 4-6 with an Anomaly buff. Most players play around the Anomaly and build a unit knowing they’ll have a specific buff to get – Ambessa getting bruiser items like Titan’s Resolve, Sterak’s, and Bloodthirster and getting an Anomaly like Damage Amp to boost her damage while she is semi-indestructible already.
Here’s the list of Anomalies available:
Anomaly Name | Effect |
Arcana Overwhelming | Gain Ability Power equal to 25% of Magic Resist and an additional 50 Magic Resist. |
Attack Expert | Increases this champion’s Attack Damage by 60% from all sources. |
Avalanche of Armor | Gain Attack Damage equal to 25% of Armor and an additional 50 Armor. |
Avarice Incarnate | Gain 5 gold and increase damage by 15%, plus 1% for every 2 gold held (up to 40%). |
Berserker Rage | Gain 20 Ability Power & 20% Attack Damage, tripling when below 50% Health. |
Bully | Gain 18% Damage Amp, doubled against units with a lower star level. |
Bulwark | Gain 30 Armor & 30 Magic Resist, tripled when above 50% Health. |
Calling Card | Gain an emblem matching a non-unique trait of this champion. |
Center of the Universe | Gain six orbiting stars dealing magic damage, increasing with Attack Speed. |
Comeback Story | Gain 5% Damage Amp for every 10 player health lost in this game. |
| |
Cosmic Rhythm | Stops gaining Mana; ability automatically casts every 4 seconds. |
Cull the Weak | Gain defensive stats; the champion cannot move or be stunned and pulls targets into range. |
Deep Roots | Gain defensive stats; champion cannot move or be stunned and pulls targets into range. |
Defense Expert | Gains 40% more Armor and Magic Resist from all sources. |
Diving In | On the first cast, leap to enemies, stun them, and gain Attack Speed and Omnivamp. |
Dragonsoul | First attack against a new target deals max Health true damage. |
Dramatic Entrance | Leaps off the battlefield, returning with increased Health and stunning enemies. |
Dual Wielding | Grants two completed items fitting this champion’s role. |
Eagle Eye | Gains +1 Range and additional Attack Damage when stationary. |
Energy Absorption | Gain Ability Power and absorb a portion of allies’ Ability Power upon their death. |
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Essence of Navori | Max Mana reduces with each cast, up to a limit. |
Fireball | Periodically throw fireballs dealing true damage and burning enemies. |
Force of Friendship | Gain damage amplification based on the star levels of champions on your board. |
Fortified | Gain max Health that increases over time, up to a limit. |
Freestyling | Gain damage amplification based on the number of activated traits. |
Giant-Sized | Gain significant Health and increase in size. |
Headhunter | Gain Attack Speed and increase it permanently with each kill. |
Heavy Hitter | Attacks deal bonus physical damage based on max Health. |
Hunger for Power | Consumes the nearest ally to gain their stats. |
Hypervelocity | Gain Attack Speed, stacking further with each ability cast. |
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Into the Unknown | Temporarily disappears, returning with bonus Ability Power and Attack Damage. |
Invisibility | Turns invisible periodically, guaranteeing a critical hit on the next attack. |
Kill Streak | Gain 30 Mana after every kill. |
Knockout | Increases Attack Damage and grants a powerful, true-damage critical hit after casting. |
Laser Eyes | Continuously deals magic damage in a line while burning enemies. |
Last Chance | Gain up to 100% Critical Strike Chance based on the target’s missing Health and prioritize weak enemies. |
Legacy of Shurima | After 10 seconds of combat, gain bonus Health and Attack Speed. |
Mage Armor | Gain Armor and Magic Resist equal to 40% of Ability Power. |
Magic Expert | Increases Ability Power gain by 40% from all sources. |
Magic Training | Grants Ability Power to the team based on Mana spent. |
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Mini Mees | Summons smaller units that deal partial Attack Damage and reduce Armor. |
Miniaturize | Transforms into an item, sharing their stats with the equipped champion. |
Nothing Wasted | Gain the full Mana of an ally upon their death. |
One Thousand Cuts | Attacks deal stacking true damage for repeated hits on the same target. |
Power Absorption | Gains Attack Damage whenever an ally dies. |
Protective Shielding | Periodically shields self and allies based on Health percentage. |
Repulsor | Knocks back nearby enemies after casting. |
Scuttle Familiar | Summons a crab upon death with boosted defensive stats. |
Share Your Energy | Shares percentages of all stats with adjacent allies at combat start. |
Slime Time | Deals periodic area magic damage, healing for a percentage of the damage dealt. |
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Slow Cooker | Revives upon the first death, gaining high stats but losing Health over time. |
Stoneskin | Temporarily gains massive defensive stats that decay over time. |
Strength Training | Increases team Attack Damage based on this champion’s attacks. |
The Finisher | Executes enemies under a Health threshold. |
Thornskin | Reflects damage blocked back to enemies as magic damage. |
Titanic Strikes | Attacks deal bonus splash damage to adjacent enemies. |
Touch of Frost | Slows enemies with ability casts and stuns nearby enemies when they die. |
Ultimate Hero | Upgrades a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars. |
Unstoppable Force | Charges and stuns the next target upon takedown, healing in the process. |
Wolf Familiars | Summons two wolves that deal a percentage of this champion’s Attack Damage. |
It can be a bit overwhelming, so I suggest playing more games until you get a handle on some of them.
How to Win More in Teamfight Tactics’ Set 13 | Into the Arcane

To win more in Teamfight Tactics’ Set 13, you’ll have to learn to swap between team compositions and see what works in the early, middle, and late games. It is best not to hyper-fixate on a singular trait unless you have some emblems to push you to higher trait bonuses.
It is always best to combine your traits with various sub-traits to activate team buffs. For example, mixing Conqueror and Rebel is easy because their sub-traits combine well together. You can get Irelia for Rebel-Sentinel and Rell for Conqueror-Sentinel-Visionary. This activates Sentinel, which is a team-wide buff, perfect for any team composition that has access to any unit with Sentinels.
Now, for this example in particular, it is a decent early game because of that mix, but you’ll have to learn to branch out and swap when needed. When you reach the midgame, you’ll gain units like Illaoi, who is also a Rebel Sentinel, so if you keep your Conqueror line with Rell, you’ll have three Sentinels in total.
Swain and Zoe are both Conquerors/Rebels with a Sorcerer sub-trait, so they fit well together. The same goes for Akali and Ambessa, who are Quickstrikers. Ambessa also gives you a useful Emissary buff for the whole team. With all these units you have to add, you’ll have to let go of some, like Irelia or Rell.
It also depends on how many Conqueror War Chests you have managed to pile up so you’ll know how strong your Conquerors can be and if it is worth it to just swap them out and combine Rebel with another trait like Firefly or Black Rose.
Following a straight guide on units or team compositions you have to follow is going to be hard because you will not be blessed every game to get those units, level those units up properly, and even get the right items and augments. You need to learn how to switch it up and see what works well. The more you can mix those traits, the faster you’ll learn and win more games.
Published: Nov 25, 2024 10:29 pm