The Best Weapons in Far Cry 4 – Elephant Gun, Flamethrower, M-79

Kill Pagan Min’s soldiers and rhinos with the Ripper, Predator and Recurve Bow!
This article is over 10 years old and may contain outdated information

There are so many cool weapons in Far Cry 4 that you’ll have trouble figuring out which handgun, assault rifle and launcher to bring on your journey through Kyrat. Naturally this depends on the situation and mission at hand. There should be a different loadout for a big game hunt versus storming a radio tower, for example. 

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Of course, not all weapons are created equal. Each one contains ratings spread across the following five categories: Accuracy, Damage, Range, Fire Rate and Handling. Take them all into account, but for this article, we specifically focused on Damage for maximum stopping power. It’s a 10-point scale where one is the weakest, so we chose weapons with seven and higher. 

On that note, here are the coolest death dealing weapons in Far Cry 4. Unleash hell with confidence. 

.44 Magnum (Damage: 7)

Make your day with this American-built hand cannon. You can only put six rounds into it, but it’ll do serious damage to almost anyone up close. 

D50 (Damage: 9) 

If the Magnum doesn’t fill you with happiness, upgrade to this slow-firing handgun that rips through armor and flesh like nobody’s business. Not only is it more powerful than the Magnum, it fires eight bullets instead of six. 

Cannon (Damage: 8) 

You can’t go wrong with anything named Cannon. This gun comes with six bullets that give you six chances to put holes in people. Attach an extended barrel and optics and you have a near perfect companion. 

M133 (Damage: 8) 

You go with the M133 because you need to destroy bad guys up close. Excellent for close quarters combat despite having a pitifully slow fire rate, but capable of laying out most of the game’s baddies with a single blast. 

D2 (Damage: 9)

The best thing about the D2 is the fact that it fits neatly into your sidearm slot.  The bad news? You only have two rounds to work with, but at 9 damage, you stand an excellent chance killing whatever gets in your way. 

1887 (Damage: 8)

We don’t recall anything important from the year 1887, but we do know this is a quality shotgun that’s decent from range thanks to its extended barrel.  That said, this isn’t the best weapon to use when you need to get up close and personal. 

SPAS-12 (Damage: 8)

Unlike most shotguns in Far Cry 4, you’re able to unload rounds in quick fashion. Mash the trigger button and watch the barrel vomit explosive death upon your foes. 

87 (Damage: 10) 

Take the 1887, saw off the barrel and you have this monster. Ideally, you want to equip this beast while behind the wheel of a truck or ATV, especially if there’s an angry rhino ahead.

Bull (Damage: 10)

This is a tricked out version of the M133, complete with an extended barrel and reflex sights. Point it at things and people you want to make dead. 

.700 Nitro (Damage: 9)

A semi-automatic boom stick with ammo that rips through the largest animals in the game, including elephants and rhinos. 

Tip: Unlock the Elephant Riding skill to make the pachyderms your friends. 

A52 (Damage: 8) 

An assault rifle with crazy recoil, so we strongly advise firing in short bursts. You have 30 rounds to spare per clip and there are quite a few customization options, including a red dot sight, extended MAG and optical sight. 

Elephant Gun (Damage: 10) 

As its name implies, this weapon puts elephants down for good. Considering they are the biggest animals in Far Cry 4, you’ll have little trouble slaughtering other forms of wildlife. Using it on a snake, however, is overkill. 

MKG (Damage: 7)

If you want as many bullets as possible, light machine guns are the way to go, and the MKG definitely does a fine job whittling away a person’s health bar. You have 80 rounds at your disposal and plenty of attachments. 

MG42 (Damage: 7) 

While it does the same amount of damage as the MKG, the MG42 lets you fire 100 consecutive rounds without reloading. It’s older, think World War 2, but they don’t call it the buzzsaw for nothing. This thing quickly cuts through soldiers. 

Buzzsaw (Damage: 9) 

Throw that MG42 into the trash and pick up the upraded version, complete with a mag size of 400! Yes, 400. Nothing will surive that.

Ripper (Damage: 9) 

The cooler a weapon’s name, the more effective it is. The Ripper comes with 200 rounds to mess with, so you can keep your finger firmly pressed on the trigger. This is one heck of a gun to bring into battle, thanks to its reduced recoil and superb accuracy. 

Driller (Damage: 9) 

As the name implies, the Driller comes with penetrating bullets that puncture the toughest armor.

SVD (Damage: 7) 

A semi-automatic sniper rifle with five bullets per clip. Not the most powerful gun by any means, but it will let you pull off headshots with ease. 

M-700 (Damage: 7)

Slow rate of fire, but this sniper rifle has crazy range and accuracy.

Z93 (Damage: 9) 

We dig the Z93 because of the bolt action. There’s something cool about cocking it back after each fired round. 

SA-50 (Damage: 9) 

Your standard .50 caliber sniper rifle that can pierce walls. Tag the enemy and send him to the afterlife. 

Predator (Damage: 8) 

We love the tiger stripes design, but you don’t choose the Predator because of its appearance. You go for the suppressed gunshots and slick optics. 

AMR (Damage: 10)

Slap an extended magazine, explosive rounds and optics to this baby and you have the best sniper rifle in Far Cry 4. We don’t know why you’d do such a thing, but you can kill an elephant with a single headshot.  

RPG-7 (Damage: 10) 

Your typical rocket launcher that has appeared in we don’t know how many video games. Enemies carry them, and you get one round per trigger squeeze. 

M-79 (Damage: 10)

You should carry the M-79 at some point in the game as a sidearm, largely because Ajay can use it while driving or flying. A single shot weapon, yes, but one round will blow up a standard size vehicle and send soldiers flying. 

GL-94 (Damage: 10) 

Takes way too long to load, but with four rounds available, you’ll create plenty of destruction. 

GL-A87 (Damage: 10) 

Automatic grenade launcher with an eight round capacity. Nothing more needs to be said. 

Lk-1018 (Damage: 10) 

The Lk-108 is a somewhat unwieldy beast, but has one major advantage over the competition: you can guide its rounds, and even switch to cluster missiles with the L-CAM upgrade. 

Hunter Bow (Damage: 7)

Perhaps the crudest weapon in the game. You can score lots of kills with the Hunter Bow, especially with explosive and fire arrows, but there are better options available. 

Recurve Bow (Damage: 8) 

Stop messing around with that silly wooden bow Ajay receives at the beginning of Far Cry 4 and upgrade to this modern weapon that can fit a red dot sight for increased accuracy. Remember, you receive more skin for clean animal kills. 

Impaler (Damage: 10) 

This single-shot weapon leaves targets in a world of hurt. Unfortunately it does not work underwater. 

Flamethrower (Damage: 10) 

The perfect weapon when you need to create fire, and lots of it. Engulf Ajay’s foes in flames and watch the corpses burn, or set plants ablaze.  Total destruction. 

Khukri Knife (Damage: 7) 

Sometimes you need to kill up close and personal, and this blade does critical damage to everyone it touches. Look for it in the arena and consider its two upgrades knives, the Japanase tanto and Butcher. 

C4 (Damage: 10) 

Stick this explosive to a surface, wait for someone to be in range and then press the button to transform him or her into mush.  Not as easy to use on animals because of the creatures’ unpredictable nature. 

Mine (Damage: 10) 

Set it and forget it! Place a mine in a doorway to cover Ajay’s back while he searches for loot, and strategically drop them in a rhino’s path. You’ll thank us later. 

Grenade (Damage: 8) 

You can forget about routinely chucking grenades and watching anarchy unfold. Enemies will often see the grenade and run out of the way, and the unimpressive blast radius left us wanting a much bigger boom. Sneak up behind your adversaries and roll one of these under a truck, then sneak back into hiding and watch the fireworks. 

Molotov (Damage: 8)

These serve a dual purpose. First, a Molotov is great for lighting vehicles and bad guys on fire, and thankfully Ajay has a rocket for a throwing arm. Second, use a Molotov to burn down difficult to reach Propaganda Posters; we hoard them for exactly this purpose. 

Throwing Knife (Damage: 8)

We use the throwing knife whenever there’s a stealth mission and we can’t get close enough for the melee attack. Plus it looks so cool when you hit a guy in the throat from 20 feet away. Of course, you’ll still have to do this out of sight, and there’s a good chance you’ll also need to hide the body to avoid detection.

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