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Best Common Skills To Unlock First in The First Berserker Khazan

You can never have enough spirit charges!

The First Berserker Khazan has a dedicated skill tree for each weapon class, but there’s also a common one that provides bonuses and abilities regardless of your weapon choice. Each skill point is valuable and early on, you’re going to need all the help you can get.

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Here are my picks for the skills you want to unlock first in the common tree of The First Berserker: Khazan.

Best Early Skills To Unlock in the First Berserker Khazan

SkillIn-Game IconDescription
Enduring SpiritEnduring SpiritGain spirit upon taking damage.
Opportunistic SpiritOppurtunistic SpiritGain spirit upon performing a brink dodge. You can add two more points to this to further increase the spirit gain.
Berserk SpiritBerserk SpiritIncrease the amount of spirit gained when attacking.
Brutal Attack: ExecutionBrutal Attack ExecutionActivate Brutal Attack: Execution if an enemy can be eliminated with a brutal attack.

Gain 1 spirit charge when defeating an enemy with Brutal Attack: Execution.
Brutal Attack: ReapBrutal Attack ReapRecover health when using a brutal attack from head on.
Javelin ChargeJavelin ChargeCharge the javelin to deliver a more powerful attack.

Consume 1 additional spirit charge when charging.

Enduring Spirit

This is a really useful passive skill to unlock early on because, like it or not, you’re going to get hit a lot. Enemies are fast and have long combos, and even though they won’t outright kill you with a few hits, you will be taking some damage. If that means you can get something useful out of it, why not get some spirit charge to spend instead? Getting hit won’t give you a full point, but every hit counts towards the full charge.

Opportunistic Spirit

The Brink Dodge might not be as useful as the Brink Guard, but it’s a vital part of your defensive toolkit to get out of the way of an incoming attack. Since you’ll be doing this quite a bit, the Opportunistic Spirit skill rewards you by slowly filling up spirit charges upon each successful Brink Dodge.

Berserk Spirit

Finally, Berserk Spirit increases the amount of spirit you earn with each attack. This applies to every form of output damage, so it’s pretty essential if you aim to use different active weapon skills. If you’re using a spear or dual-weild, this is especially useful because of the faster attacks and longer combos.

Brutal Attack: Execution

This skill further enhances the Brutal Attack by adding a proper execution animation. This particular form is only available if your blow will actually finish off the enemy, which is usually the case with Brutal Attacks anyway. So not only are you getting a more powerful finisher, but you also earn a spirit charge upon execution.

Brutal Attack: Reap

This is one of my favorite skills because it lets you gain a bit of health for performing a brutal attack head-on. So, after you’ve put an enemy into an exhausted state, especially after successful Brink Guards, you can get some of your health back by performing a Brutal Attack from the front. This is important because you can’t just get behind them for a brutal attack and fish for health that way.

Javelin Charge

Finally, if you want to further increase the damage output of your Javelin, the Javelin Charge allows you to buff the attack by holding the throw button for a bit. This is a great way to snipe stronger enemies and avoid direct combat. Keep in mind that charging the Javelin consumes an additional Spirit Charge, but it is well worth it when you can take out most of a heavy enemy’s health bar with a single throw.

All these skills are fairly useful, and will make your opening hours easier. If you don’t like any skill, you can hit the “Unlearn” button and get your skill point back. The First Berserker Khazan is very flexible in this guard, letting you adjust your build on the fly. You can also respec your stats by using a readily available item.

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Image of Ali Hashmi
Ali Hashmi
Ali has been writing about video games for the past six years and is always on the lookout for the next indie game to obsess over and recommend to everyone in sight. When he isn't spending an unhealthy amount of time in Slay the Spire, he's probably trying out yet another retro-shooter or playing Dark Souls for the 50th time.